Words of Wisdom

Published: 04-02-2021
Updated: 16-03-2024

Here you will find my words of wisdom. These are ideas my mind stumbled upon. They came to me on moments where I was deep in thought. I might’ve just woken up, or be sitting on my couch listening to music, or perhaps staring out the window of a moving train. But whatever I was doing, the moment I had such a thought, I wrote it down. Some are not too special, some are dull even, some are rather blunt, and some are just simple logic. But a select few stand out for me. I won’t share them all, but I will share those I find worthy. Some might not have made it into the numbered chapters, and some expand on what was said there. Either they are well condensed into as few a words possible, or they are thoroughly explained. I will sift through my notes and add more as I go along. There is no preferred order to them. Be it fate or random chance, it’s just what catches my eye that gets added. It will take me some time before it’s a respectable body of work. Please check back periodically.

EDIT; As with the previous chapter, I will leave this as is. 

Science is supposed to stand for the investigation of the unexplained, not the explanation of the uninvestigated.

Taboos hinder the growth of a society into maturity. 

A mistake is a judgement for a situation where something could be learned. 

Opinions do not matter when the highest stakes are about taste. 

A life without consequences is a death sentence for the soul. 

Collective human intelligence is very rare. Collective human stupidity is not. 

A tendency towards ignorance comes naturally. Wilful ignorance is taught. 

Money is like manure; if it’s spread out the land prospers, but if it piles up it just stinks while plants on the surrounding land struggle to bare fruit. 

What brings two people together is simple. What keeps them together or breaks them apart can be complicated. 

If you cannot have an honest conversation with yourself, you are bound to be dishonest to others. 

A frightened mind easily corrupts. 

Arguing is primitive urges posing as intelligent inefficient discussion. 

You can help someone to see a path towards honesty, but you can’t walk it for them. 

For the not so smart, lying is a form of intelligence. A luxury. For the smart, honesty is a form of intelligence, a luxury. This is why lying comes more natural to the smart. 

Love is about quality. Fear is about quantity.

The thrill-seeking character of modern day news renders us impartial to the suffering of others. 

It’s pointless to look for things to be offended by. If someone wants to offend you, they’ll find you. And when they do, you don’t have to be offended. 

The more abstract, the more divine. 

If you cannot consider forgiving someone who has wronged you, you may take away their motivation to better themselves. 

Something that is normal, or even popular, may disguise itself as morally sound. When it does, it is in fact often something immoral. 

Only racists occupy their time frequently with things concerning race. 

It’s rare to have a rule everybody agrees with. Maybe such isn’t as much a rule as it is an agreement. You could also state that most rules are agreements not everyone agrees with. 

Honesty towards yourself is a form of intelligence. 

Empathy will be the vessel on which we can sail towards a brighter future.

The downfall of society will be blamed on those who warned for the downfall and who prepared themselves for it.

We recognise our own addictions when we see children participate in them.

The biggest lie you can tell yourself is that you’re always honest to yourself. 

A person cannot be more honest than when they question their own honesty. 

To be completely honest is to be completely fearless, which is to be a true deity. 

Curiosity towards honesty is in essence scientific curiosity. 

Fear is the fuel of greed. 

Secrets are like a loan from honesty. The gain is power, the debt is vulnerability. All debts are collected, sooner or later. Like with most loans, the costs outweigh the gain.

Seeking enlightenment can help you open your eyes, but too much light will make you go blind. 

If you want love to be unconditional, than that is a condition. You can’t manifest unconditional love. Unconditional love simply is or isn’t. The moment you start wondering whether a certain love is unconditional or not, you’re already on thin ice. Just love who and what you love, and don’t think about it. 

True human intelligence is the capacity to form and formulate your own moral values and your discipline to live by them. 

In one conversation, you cannot change a person. You can only change how they see you and perhaps with that give them an incentive to start and change themselves. Only they can change who they are. 

The human brain has an astounding ability to copy the behaviours of others. 

If you wish to be truly respected you should be or become someone respectable. 

Life is the search of finding out who you are while changing into who you’re becoming because of that search. 

Someone who exercises control over others is at constant risk of losing control over themselves. 

Shared responsibility creates the illusion there is no individual responsibility. The bigger the group, the stronger the illusion. 

Both opposites exist to counter the other. It is their nature. 

A symbol should never become more important than its meaning. When it does, you know there is an untold truth and a hidden agenda. 

Those who live in denial dislike hearing the truth, especially about themselves. 

Some problems we face have no other solution but time. This is just because we humans are limited. Maybe in the future our species will have evolved to not need time to heal and get over things. Ironically, time will tell. 

Humanity is just another chapter to the history of Earth. Our planet has seen many chapters, and will see many more. 

A society that is being monitored on everything they do in their life will produce people who are dishonest and untrustworthy, because you cannot learn what honesty is if you’re not given the chance to be honest out of your own will. Forced honesty isn’t honesty at all. 

Those who want to know how strong they are compare their strength to that of others today. Those who want to know how wise they are compare their wisdom to themselves of yesterday. 

The mistakes you’ve made say something about the kind of person you were in the past. How you handled those mistakes says something about the direction you were taking in your spiritual maturation. How you think back on that right now says something about the person you are right now. How you wished you’d handled those mistakes says something about who you want to become.

One of our greatest challenges in life is to not become the people who hurt us. 

If you let go of your principles to fight for those principles, you’ll end up becoming what you were fighting and will fight those who were actually on your side. 

Political correctness is a form of intolerance masquerading as tolerance.

Those who think they can fool God are fooling only themselves. 

Being unhappy can be very addictive. Being happy cannot. If it was, we’d all be happy. 

You can’t bully people into maturity. Bullying is immature, and if you use immature means for social change you’ll end up with an immature product as your society. 

If your only tool is a hammer you’ll approach every problem like it’s a nail. 

If you have to lie to make a point, you may not have a valid point to make. 

Every person is unique which paradoxically makes us all the same in that regard.

When stressed, a human mind resides between either a focus on the problem or a focus on a solution. 

It often takes much less time to destroy something than it took to make, be it a material, biological, or social structure.

If you sell out your integrity you had none to sell. All you sold was the veil that had everyone fooled.

When it comes to the troubles caused by humanity; if we cannot see ourselves as part of the problem, we will not be part of the solution.

Great minds may think alike, but so do stupid minds.

Something you don’t want to defend is easy to slate.

Some of us are meant to meet. No two people are meant to be. If we were, we wouldn’t have to put any effort into our relationships. We would just go on the ride planned out for us. It would make life not worth living if people were simply meant for each other. We can be meant to meet, but it’s us that have to put in the work to make something stand the test of time.

The union between guilt and forgiveness is like that of mutual respect: if one is amiss the union is not there. Someone who does not want to feel guilty will never truly be forgiven. One who keeps grudges cannot forgive. It is possible that someone who keeps grudges is compelled to do so because they themselves were denied forgiveness for something they felt guilty about.

In order to return to your true self from a pretentious lifestyle there is only one way to proceed: sincerity. Only if you convey your every words and actions to truth will you be able to rediscover yourself, even if that is a dishonest person by nature.

The evil whose existence you deny will recruit you and make you its servant.

You will turn into those that hurt you if you don’t want to forgive them, especially if you savour hate towards them. Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting, and neither does it mean you have to force yourself to try and forgive them. The best way to distance yourself from becoming them and for these emotional wounds to heal is by finding inner peace about what they did to you. Find that, and you’ll find the hate subside, for forgiveness and inner peace are the same thing.

People who think they can force other people to be free do not understand what freedom is.

Statistics about groups or masses say nothing definite about the individual. The result of statistics can easily be misused while still be factually correct. Statistically, all humans have on average one breast and one testicle. Factually true, yet a completely ridiculous thing to state.

A good educational system requires funding. That is a mandate for its quality. But if an educational system is well funded, it does not mean it is operating well by default, the same way you cannot assert your car is in good working condition because it gets enough fuel. What about the engine? The axis? Tires? Even a car in pristine condition without fuel will go no further than a fuelled up car wreck.

People with limited financial means aspire to be creators of intellectual things. They have little hope to become wealthy. People with vast financial means aspire to expand their wealth and power. They have little hope to become creative. 

The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

The difference between something that you want to do and something that you must do can be enormous.

Fear is about a focus on a problem. Love is about a focus on a solution.

The memorisation of facts isn’t the end goal in gaining knowledge and wisdom, but it is a needed step to gain perspective. 

People who don’t value human life are people who’s lives have little value. 

Dehumanising others dehumanises yourself too.

Since it is hard for us humans to learn from other people’s mistakes it is imperative we nourish and expand the imagination of ourselves and our children, for imaginative people are potentially the wisest individuals. Only people with a strong vivid imagination can imagine a mistake and learn from it, without ever having made the mistake. People without imagination are dull, boring buffoons void of charisma and character, who are perpetually unhappy deep within.

Your flaws and faults you can’t face within yourself you’ll see in others.

That which we have in common binds us. That which we have in difference makes live interesting.

A truly good government will encourage and help its citizens to become self-sustainable.

By making art we celebrate creation and by enjoying art we pay homage to it.

In the eyes of God it doesn’t matter whether you’re religious or not. What matters is what’s in your heart and if you looked for truth to the best of your abilities. What that truth was depended on your perspective.

Elites lack the power to control themselves so they seek to have power over others.

We are slaves to money. 

“Build back better”? Nobody should care much for the definition of “better” from a people who intend to destroy humanity in order to build it back.

Any corrupt system will attempt to desensitise its citizens from being able to hear truth.

In a real democracy the politicians come up with ideas and the people decide. In a fake democracy this is at best the other way around.

Only if we can muster the courage to face the truth will we have the strength to oppose the lie.

We can collectively identify innocence but as individuals we struggle to identify guilt.

Every spirit within humanity is in a different phase of understanding their full potential.

To unlearn is to learn.

The truth can never truly be destroyed. It can only be obscured, until it is rediscovered.

To lie is to describe the will of evil. To believe the lie and to act upon it are to carry out that will. 

The ego is the evil counterfeit of the soul, but it truly is fools gold. It looks like something worthy, but it’s not. It’s evil’s attempt to copy something priceless by making it worthless.

Democracy is a governing method where people are free to state opinions on a system they have no true knowledge about, and neither do their votes have the power to change that system in a way that would affect the people who actually control the system.

Good: the will that compels to make spiritual connections
Evil: the will that compels to sever spiritual connections

If you can’t fail, you can’t succeed.

Culture is a way for unhealed societal pain to be passed down to the next generation. When this pain doesn’t heal it accumulates.

In a perfect economy debt does not exist and is, at least to a large extent, forbidden. 

All the faults in human society we see right now are a reflection of the people in power, brought forward by their influence on humanity.

One of the problems most of our educational systems suffer from is that we expect a group of unique pupils to learn the same thing at the same time, based solely on their age.

If you are completely unable to commit fraud or be untruthful, you cannot show you are trustworthy, nor develop behaviour towards bettering yourself and becoming a more trustworthy person.

People who don’t believe in themselves will value pretension, which in a way is an effort to have other people believe in them so they can experience a surrogate version of self-confidence. But the experience is only temporary and self-defeating. Believing in themselves by faking it makes them believe even less in themselves than before. They will need to fake it harder and more often, while also turning a blind eye to their own behaviour, slowly dismantling their ability to self-reflect. In these conditions the ego thrives. The individual becomes a shadow of the person they actually are. These people come across as quite confident on the outside but are deeply insecure on the inside.

Checking people everywhere with everything they do inhibits them from learning to take responsibility for themselves.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. A strength is something you’re good at. A weakness is when you use your strength on something that needs another approach. If you’re good at wielding a hammer you need to use that when confronted with nails, not when confronted with pottery.

The new normal; Not new, and definitely not normal. 

Is knowledge the evil forgery of wisdom? I’ve struggled with this throughout my writings and I think I finally understand. It is through knowledge that wisdom is revealed, the same way that injustice reveals justice. The justice was always there, but to understand justice fully you first need to experience injustice. The same applies to wisdom. It existed always but it reveals itself to us by experiencing knowledge. The good always existed, but the bad revealed it. But still knowledge is an odd ball here, as it isn’t inherently evil. Perhaps its relation to wisdom is like that of destruction and creation, and love and fear. Sometimes destruction is a very good thing. Creation can be a bad thing. It depends what you do with your creation or what you destroy. The same may apply to knowledge and wisdom. Why did you want to know and what will you use this knowledge for?

The fight for freedom IS the freedom.

Destiny doesn’t manifest through the shoes you wear but by the steps you take.

During our lives we witness a slice of eternity.

Soulless; something that is subject to very little quantum variation.

The experiencer doesn’t measure.

A winning hand can only be played so many times.

Joy of good spreads joy. Joy of evil spreads suffering.

The obsoletion of the elites for the survival and flourishment of humanity cannot be overstated.

The sharper the words of truth, the deeper they’ll cut through the flesh of satan’s lies. 

A sharper axe does twice the work.

If social media feeds the ego may we then conclude that it destroys the soul?

When we’re unbalanced we want to beat up a weaker version of ourselves, and project that weaker version of ourselves onto someone else, who will receive our anger which is actually an expression of our own frustration of our inability to see an inner conflict through from within.

Every higher view brings a greater fall.

Evil is the context we need to enjoy good to the fullest.

Satan needs to reveal the truth for people to truly believe the lie.

There are no heroes, only heroic actions.

There are no cowards in strength; there are only heroes in honour.

To choose not to want your reality to exist is to choose to not want to exist in that reality.

The elite wish to bask in the glow of their own ego, but the ego is not a thing but the absence of something.

You can only be forgiven for the sins you are willing to admit to, and you can only recognise which of your actions were sinful if you understand their harm.

Keep your vibration high means; to keep doing things that connect you to yourself and that sprout variation. Variation both in this world as well as across the multiverse.

Your consciousness resides in the journey towards the universes with which you most strongly connect.

Accepting consequence means you can then solve a problem to progress good.

Evil holds itself hostage. It is a power vacuum. 

Laws come with punishments. Punishments use fear as a mechanism. Therefore laws cannot come from heaven.

This matrix we inhabit sits just over the uncanny valley of what looks like the spiritual world. But certain deviations in this valley of spiritual mimicry put it right back into the uncanny valley.

Every interaction between humans that understand each other’s messages on any level (verbal or physical) is a performance. Take that interaction out of the equation and you end up with something that embodies more purely a form of communication.

Playing is an attempt to have an experience without its consequences.

We learn when we make a mistake. But what is a mistake but a deviation from a system. When we make mistakes we deviate from perfection and counter the system, and if we learn from our mistakes we outgrow the system. A better world is one where you’re allowed to make mistakes.

The punishment for a lie is to live with the truth. Keeping the truth contained will eventually consume your soul from the inside out.

The part of yourself that cannot be corrupted is the part of yourself that will always remain out of reach of anyone but yourself. It is unvanquishable by outside forces.

There is no on or off light, no pregnant or unpregant woman. Everything is a process. A cascade of transitions on the smallest levels and scales, following each other up.

Nothingness sustains itself on somethingness.

Science is about material truth.

Music is a spiritual creation. The instruments are technological inventions.

Imagine being a blind animal, being petted by a kind hand. That’s us. That’s humanity, spiritually. We know nothing of the hand that feeds.

The path to know thyself is through suffering, turning discomfort into comfort through a change in perspective.

Too little light in this matrix will keep you blind, but too much light blinds you all the same. That is a strange contradiction. It suggests we need to get just enlightened enough in order to really see.

Knowledge is about knowing what you can do and how to do it. Wisdom is understanding why you should or shouldn’t do those things.

Suffering makes us wise. 

Even if evil succeeds, they fail. This is the paradox of evil in summery.

Blaming others for the wrong in the world, doesn’t excuse you of the obligation to take responsibility for your own actions.

Xenophobia is an inherent trait of humans. We humans have a natural tendency to be xenophobic. If nourished it will sprout into more than a tendency. It grows big like a branch of ones’ personality, eventually capable of baring fruit. Fruits like racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, etc. It starts together with a victim complex. When that victim complex is fully developed, the hate can flow unchecked. This victim complex rationalises any illogical reasoning and inhumane conclusions drawn upon the hated group.

Love yourself and you become someone lovable.

Ownership is a virtual concept created by humans. There is actually no such thing as ownership. Things just are. You are only the owner of yourself.

Everybody is achieving top achievements at the boundaries of their capacity almost daily. Be kind. You never know what demons someone is struggling with.

The rich aren’t more greedy. The same greed we all have got fed more in their case.

In order to be able to connect the dots one must first know about the dots.

An individual or group cannot truly take credit for the accomplishments of their forefathers, nor can they apologise for their wrongdoings. They may do so symbolically, but to me that is still a bit silly.

‘Normal’ does not really exist the way most people think about it. When something is normal for one it could be abnormal for another. Normal is not what a majority considers the standard. Normal is that which one individual is used to.

Knowledge and experience are related; Experience is one of the highest forms of knowledge a person can have.

Politeness is subjective. The sender and receiver may disagree whether a message or gesture is polite or not because it is a matter of opinion. Sincerity is objective. Either a message or gesture is sincere or it is not. What is sincere may not always be polite, but since politeness is about taste, sincerity is much more important. You cannot tell with certainty if a polite message or gesture is also sincere, though. Only the sender knows. Past experience with the sender will determine whether the receiver believes the sincerity behind the message of the sender.

Whenever someone is offended it reveals something they’re insecure about.

Because of the comforts and ease of everyday life we want to be smart, without going through the trouble of becoming it.

The fear mongering that those in power have always used is in essence based on the fear of one day needing to share with people who you disagree with.

When you’re afraid of the dark, be the light.

People who are not very self-aware will see it as an insult when you point this out to them.

I want to share a short story with you. A few years ago early in the morning I sat in a long distance bus. It was early spring, so the birds and bees were coming out of their hiding, but the mornings were still a bit chilly. As such, the heat radiator in the vehicle was on, and as I had taken a seat near the window a pleasant stream of warm air rose upwards from the convector near my feet. I was peering through the window out into the distance when movement inside the bus in the corner of my view caught my attention. In the window pane in front of me I saw a ladybug trying to traverse what must seem to it like an invisible force field, which we know as the glass of the window. Meticulously it walked and walked on the pane, just to attempt a flight and ending down at the bottom of the bus again. I was observing this for a while, taking in how this creature could probably never be explained what I understood to be the truth of its circumstances. After a while it switched windows and was now on the window pane next to my seat. As I was nearing my destination I decided I would ‘rescue’ the little bug from its predicament, and capture it so I could release it back to the world outside this apparent prison. But I didn’t want to capture it too soon, as that would mean trying to keep it from escaping and therefore possibly scaring it, having it flee, and failing in my endeavour altogether. But waiting too long could mean I wasn’t able to catch it at all before having to exit the vehicle. I needed to time it right. My destination came closer and closer. At one point the ladybug flew up again and landed very near me. I saw my chance and allowed it to crawl up on my finger. As the bus neared my station I kept it busy walking around on my hand. It looked as if I was going to succeed. But then, at the last minute, it decided to fly off again, impacting the window, bouncing off hard, and plummeting down towards the heat convector. The convector had some sort of metal grate covering the heat element, as to prevent passengers from burning their legs. The ladybug was now hanging on to the metal of that grate, fighting to maintain its grip on what must’ve been a really hot metal. The bus was driving into the station, and the extra motion of the bus steering left and right added to the difficulty of this fight. I feared for its life, but I kept my cool, holding out a candy stick I saw on the ground as an ‘extended hand’ offered to a proponent hanging on a cliff’s edge. The ladybug saw the stick, and for a split second it seemed I was going to safe it from its doom, but it then again decided it needed to get away from there pronto, and it attempted another flight. Its flight took it directly downwards against the heat element of the bus, and it exited through the grate at the bottom. Although its exposure to the heat was brief, it had damaged the little fellow visibly. Its wing on one side was mangled and wouldn’t fold under its shell, and the legs on that same side seemed to not work properly as it was now walking in awkward short circles on the ground. Again, I tried to get it to latch onto my finger, which it did, but as soon as I got it up it again tried the flight move. It clearly was not able to understand what was going on and took the malfunctioning of its body as a sign it was still in danger. And if things could not get any worse for that little creature, its flight path was now even more erratic because of the damaged wing, and as if its fate was already sealed before I tried to intervene its flight path took it straight through the convector again. The bus stopped and I had to exit. Though I tried to stall by pretending to collect items that I had dropped, I tried to find the ladybug and attempt one last rescue. But then I saw it, and it was so visibly injured that all I could do now was decide where it would die, not if it would die. I abandoned my mission. And even though these were the perils of a little insect, I still felt so sorry for that little creature. If only it had not taken flight. It did so twice! As I transited from bus to train, I kept thinking about this situation. So many things could’ve gone differently and maybe then I could’ve saved it. I thought of how it didn’t understand glass, and that got me thinking about how it was not able to learn from its prior mistake of flying through the heater of the bus. It wasn’t aware enough of the world and that’s why it made a fatal mistake twice. But that got me thinking. What if this applies to all creatures of this world? I have regularly made the same mistake twice, sometimes more than twice. This for anything mundane up to impacting me emotionally. And I am no exception. It goes perhaps for most of us. Maybe making a mistake more than once is the rule. When it comes to mundane mistakes this doesn’t impact us much spiritually, but when our mistakes wound us emotionally they do have spiritual influence. Yet I have frequently made mistakes that with right go into this category. Maybe much like the ladybug we are not aware enough of our world to learn from our mistakes. Maybe our limited spiritual awareness prevents us to learn from our mistakes, and every time we still manage to do so, it is an incredible accomplishment.

We cling to form, but we are not form. We need to learn to let go of our forms.

People who accept their prison don’t feel locked up.

Artificial intelligence isn’t real intelligence, just as artificial blood isn’t real blood. It never will be. It’s fake. Artificial blood can act like blood. It can perform certain functions within a system that blood otherwise would perform. But it can never perform all those functions, meaning it can never replace real blood. It cannot go beyond the measure of the reason why it was created. It can only substitute parts of the real thing, but never all parts at the same time. The same goes for AI. It isn’t real intelligence. The word ‘artificial’ is just another word for ‘fake’. Artificial intelligence is fake intelligence. AI is generated from extrapolated data created by real intelligence. It mimics that intelligence.

The world is not finished. It can never be. If it could, then there would come a generation that will have nothing to do. There will always be some grass that needs to be cut, some words left to write, some things that need fixing, some soul searching needing to be done. Nothing can ever be truly finished. Things can be done being worked on, but that is a temporary state. The world isn’t finished by design.

Believe in truth just means that regardless of what is fake in your world, you believe there must be something true that supersedes that fakery.

Good leaders lead by example, not by mandate.