11. The Awakening

Published: 22-03-2021
Updated: 01-01-2024

Faced with so much evil, the universe will ripple back into balance eventually. It is inevitable. As darkness is gaining strength so is the light. This means that at some point at least some people who are now unaware will eventually become aware of the hell that is trying to take over this world. Somehow I feel that this awakening is exactly the point behind this whole saga. But how does this work and what is needed to make this happen? In this chapter I want to explore specific things behind the ‘good vs. bad’ dynamic that come into play for this event. I found answers to the question why the forces of good would wait all this time to come to our aid. It’s all about the choices we make collectively. Let me explain that thoroughly now.

We humans are always on a journey upwards towards the light or downwards towards the darkness. Our direction depends heavily on whether we are making more connections than we are breaking or vice versa. As a metaphor you could compare this to climbing towards the light or falling into the darkness inside a trench. A trench infinitely deep towards the darkness and infinitely high towards the light. In this metaphor the connections we make or sever should be seen as the ropes we use to tether ourselves onto the trench wall. Making more connections helps us gain height. Losing connections puts us at risk of fall down. We can lose connections by choosing to cut them through. Climbing is hard but brings us closer to the light. The more we climb the better we get at it. Falling is easy but brings us closer to the darkness. The longer we fall the more we get hurt by slamming into rough edges of the trench wall, and the less chance we have of finding our footing again. Making connections does not guarantee you gain height, it just makes sure you don’t fall down so easily. Gaining height takes effort. Falling down takes none.

Just like in this metaphor, becoming a demon takes no effort, but becomes less bearable as time goes by, until you are completely unconnected and go into free fall where time speeds away and becomes meaningless. We are only allowed to cut the connections between ourselves and other things or people. This is a universal law. The downwards journey to becoming evil is easy; just cut your connections and fall down. The journey downwards becomes more painful the longer the fall lasts, until there is nothing but ultimate pain. The climb upwards is hard, but the longer you climb the more your soul grows and heals, until you reach ultimate enlightenment and time stands still. Climbing takes spiritual effort. Sometimes you need to cut connections to things holding you down. Connecting yourself makes that effort easier and it also makes sure you can’t fall too easily or too far down. To fall further down you’ll need to sever connections. Falling will inevitably wound you. Wounds from which you need time to heal, while not making more wounds. Angels need no time to heal. They’re so connected to existence that time stands still for them. Demons will take forever to heal. They’re so detached that they make more wounds than they could heal with time. We’ve learned that when we’re born our spirits still bare all the connections from previous lives. These are the connections that keep all newborns from falling when they’re brought into this world and are still unknowing. It’s God’s way of making sure we don’t start with a disadvantage.

We’ve learned that everything about evil and good is reversed from their counterpart. You could say that evil is like the mirror image of good. And just like a real mirror reflection, evil may look like good on the surface, but a keen observer knows that everything about the mirror image is flipped on its Z axis. Everything about it is the other way around. If you look at your mirror image, and raise your left hand, your mirror image will raise its right hand. It looks like you, yet it isn’t. You’re looking at a forgery of yourself. What you think you look like from your mirror image is not what others see. And so is the case with evil. It’s a forgery of good, often very convincing. But everything about evil is the exact opposite of good. Evil will pretend to be good, and may even believe itself to be good, but the result of its actions will always be the severance of spiritual connections, and confrontation with that fact is the one thing evil beings are more afraid of than anything else. This is completely opposite to how good operates and what it results in. This metaphor goes a little further. A mirror image has no real content. It may look like it does, but just like the mirror universe does evil not have any real depth. It’s an illusion. You should now also realise that reflecting upon yourself is about looking into that mirror and being able to understand what you see is your opposite. If look back at your journey, and what you can see is the bad in yourself when you reflect, you know which side of the trench you’re residing in. Just like a body of water, on top you can see your reflection, but underwater the surface doesn’t allow you to reflect. When all someone sees is the good in themselves when they look back at their journey, that means they have pierced that mirror surface. It is a challenge to see the bad in you, but many are able. Our aim should be to understand both sides of ourselves and show evil itself the mirror.

To tell the truth is to describe the will of good. To believe the truth and act upon it is to carry out that will. Carrying out that will in the shadow of malicious lies is to choose to connect to your existence and serve the light. It is a choice to take the hard route and climb upwards towards the light. Those that consciously tell the truth are good. Those that believe and act upon the truth are the helpers of good. The longer a helper helps the light, the more it expands their soul and connects their sparks, and the more good they themselves will become. Good gives you a choice to join them. You are free to leave and take another path. Now let’s see what the mirror image of this looks like. To lie is to describe the will of evil. To believe the lie and to act upon it is to carry out that will. Carrying out that will in light of contra evidence of the lie is to choose to disconnect from your existence and serve the darkness. It is a choice to take the easy route and fall downwards into the darkness. Those that consciously lie are evil. Those that believe and act upon the lie are the servants of evil. The longer a servant serves the darkness, the more they shrinks their souls and disconnect, and the more evil they themselves will become. Evil demands your servitude. You are not allowed to unsubscribe.

For beings that serve the light, reflecting is about being able to see the bad in you. For beings that serve the darkness you’d think that reflecting should be about being able to see the good in you. And that’s what it thinks it’s doing. But reflecting is a property of the light. Darkness as its counterpart doesn’t reflect but does the opposite; it projects. It doesn’t look, but looks away. It looks behind and sees good, and falsely assumes they’re seeing the good in themselves by looking up at that mirror surface. But just like with water, you can only see your reflection topside. From underneath you see through the surface. They are looking at their past from when they were better people. They see their faults in others though, through projection, and will hypocritically point out other people’s mistakes, while having made those mistakes themselves too. Elites lack the power to control themselves so they seek to have power over others and behind this is the same mechanism of projection, where one sees their own flaws in other people but is unable to see these flaws in themselves. The good in you can be seen by how well you are connected, and understanding how much willpower you can muster to further grow your soul. The bad in you can be seen by the broken connections, and understanding how much willpower you lack to start growing your soul. As a result a being of light will always question its own intent and weigh its actions against justice. They doubt nothing except whether they are doing good. The darkness never questions what they are and assumes they are good, but are desperately insecure about everything else. Evil and good both fight their fears, but do so in different ways. Evil will try to take away that which makes it afraid, where good tries to change its own perspective on the thing it fears. Evil fight itself. Good changes itself.

Let me combine the trench climbing and mirror metaphors. Imagine you’re in that trench, and imagine you’ve cut yourself loose, at least partially. You’re now falling down this infinite depth, but you’re falling into a depthless mirror universe. Although you may fall slower or faster than others – and you may even pass slower falling spirits or be passed by faster falling spirits – it’s all an illusion. The second you decide to climb again, you’re out of that mirror and into the real world, upwards towards the light. The only thing that may keep you from doing this is your own believe whether or not this is possible. Those that climb do in fact gain distance away from the mirror surface. When you’re connected and climbing upwards, it’s possible to imagine seeing someone near you take a fall. You can also imagine you might try to save that person. You may help them find stability or even gain a little height again. You’d do it at the risk of losing height yourself, or even falling down with them. Now imagine a malicious spirit falling down, who’s poised to take others down with them. What are their options? They could of course coerce others to choose to cut down their connections and fall with them. But if they’re really malicious they could even try and coerce falling spirits to convince other spirits to connect to them while they’re falling, taking them downwards with them. But the ultimate malicious spirit would want to find a way to cut down the spirits who are climbing away from the mirror surface without their consent. And that is not allowed.

Now let me apply these combined metaphors to our real world situation and show you how they reveal what is happening right now, and even predict what is about to happen. Since the start of the reset, a lot of people are cutting their connections. They are cutting themselves loose. This is their choice, even if they are doing so by subconscious coercion. They are connecting to others that are falling down. With their spiritual connections decreasing, they’re at great risk of falling down themselves. And a lot of them will. When they do you can imagine this will be seen by those who are in close proximity to them. And I predict this will happen. People will see others do things that they might think are out of character. When people let their spirits fall towards darkness they will act on fear, and they will decline taking responsibility for their actions. That fear will blossom into anger and hate. This will wake some spirits up to the reality they’re in. It will show because these spirits will notice the shift in location of people around them, some falling down rapidly, some climbing and gaining height. The spirits that notice this are the spirits that were at risk of falling, or were already falling, but who are still connected enough to get a grip and choose to climb again. They may need to sever connections to evil spirits that are falling down, but those are the connections that are poisoning their souls. Cutting these connections can be hard because this might concern loved ones, relatives, or friends, but I have no doubt they can do it and let go if they were strong enough to realise the reality of things. They have a choice to connect to beings higher up in heaven and gain height again. This moment of a massive shift in spiritual direction by the entire human race is nearing.

This is the awakening. It makes sense that the darker your world becomes, the easier it is to see points of light. The darker the night, the better you see the stars. A lot of people have chosen to start cutting their spiritual connections, and are now falling. They will each fall at different speeds. All these falling spirits will result in a huge shift of perspective for each individual spirit. Many will notice spirits passing them downwards and spirits staying put or gaining height. This sudden shift in perspective – although a gain for the forces of evil –  will create an opportunity for the truth to reveal itself. Spiritual people are essential points of reference for those who partake in the fall, so they can notice their decent. Those that choose to see it will be able to see where humanity is headed, and turn sides. But a lot of people will also shut their eyes and continue their descent while humanity will be faced with horrible things. There will be much hate and false judgement. There will be discrimination, hunger, and even war. It is part of the evil elite agenda. Disease will be their preferred tool. Governments around the world will implement some sort of health passport. They will make it mandatory to have such a passport for access to increasingly more places. First it will be the luxuries of life, like restaurants, swimming pools, indoor sports and fitness, theatres, etc. But soon enough it will be mandated for schools, public transport and shops. It will eventually become mandatory for anything thinkable. The health passport will first be limited to COVID-19. You’ll need to have had your injections for a green check mark, or have officially recovered from the disease. But that last one this is soon to be revoked until getting jabbed regularly is the only thing that grants you any freedom of movement.

I believe the following was the plan. A new variant will be announced. This new variant will hit the people who were injected the hardest. Of course there is no new variant. The jabs will just make at least some people more receptive to disease. The jabs were designed that way. The health organisations around the world will claim the new variant is so much more different than SARS-CoV-2 that they’ll state it should be considered a new virus, not a variant. This serves three goals.

    1. This indemnifies the pharmacists from taking any responsibility for a faulty product; it’s not the same virus.
    2. It will give them the opportunity to blame the new virus on those that did not subject to the injection mandates.
    3. It will prompt a new campaign for more injections

But I did say it was their plan. While I was writing this chapter and sifting through my notes, the approach seems to have changed. A completely new virus has been announced, unrelated to COVID-19. But that won’t change the overall plan, it’s just a nuance they were forced to build in. I’m suspecting the counter-narrative has become too loud and they need to change the narrative because many have exposed what they were planning to do. And maybe they’ll go back and forth between claiming this new virus is COVID-19 related and not, because they can’t make up their minds what approach will render the best outcome. This change of plans is a sign of their defeat, but we’re not there yet. Definitely not.

The formula for inoculation against this new virus will be “discovered” in record time, claimed to be attributed by the vastly growing knowledge in mRNA technology. It’s quite possible though they will just reuse the old vials and even claim that more shots of the same old potion will even better protect you from the new virus too. Or they’ll have COVID-19 return every now and then, and switch between viruses to keep the need for new inoculations alive. The green check on everyone’s health passport will expire unless more injections are taken. More diseases may be added to the passport in time. The more injections you take, the longer the green check will remain valid. But with every new injection round more people will obviously fall ill. Because people are increasingly falling ill, the injections will have an ever shorter duration of validity. Those that refuse to subject to the injections will be blamed for all the illnesses. They will be accused of the rise of variants and the spread of every virus conjured up by the system. Those that do not keep their health passport up to date will be shamed. Division and desperation will grow until those that subjected the most will demand those that did not subject to anything to be locked away, for everyone’s safety. And the elites plan to lock them away, in camps reminiscent of the German extermination camps of the second world war. In these camps, horrible things are awaiting those that will be sent there.

Eventually a pill will be made. It will be available for free. The authorities will claim this pill will cure all diseases. But you will need to take them every so many months or even weeks for them to work. It will be mandatory for all to take these pills. These pills will continue the agenda that the injections started. They are meant for people to unknowingly consent to trans-humanism. These pills will actually contain alien technology. The technology to eliminate the soul. By now, those that refused the injections will also refuse the pills. The elderly will have been largely killed off by the injections at this stage. Those that took the injections and kept taking the injections will most likely also consent to taking the pills. The content of the pills will transform them into beings that will accept their minds to be connected to the hive mind. It’s possible the authorities will be transparent about this, but it will be sold to them as a major convenience for their benefit. This connection will be wireless. The 5G network will be the stepping stone for that connection. You may realise the irony of this in light of the metaphor I used; they must sever their spiritual connections in order to be connected to their new master wirelessly. Only by severing their spiritual connections and connecting to the evil demons in the pit will they take the free fall and accept this state of being. My heart cries for those that will fall for this scam. It gives the expression ‘to fall for a scam’ new meaning. A scam to fall for by choosing a painful existence falling down the trench of good and evil into a dark pit.

But I’m not sure if all this will come to pass the way it is planned. I’ve written about the inevitability of the defeat of evil, but there is no saying how things will play out exactly. What I do get from it all is that their plan isn’t working out the way they wanted. More and more people are waking up. The revolt is growing, and the masses seem more and more likely to join the revolt than to accept more abuse from the system. But I think evil will not accept their defeat and will overstep their bounds eventually. They will attempt to break the universal law of consent. Whether this is because they do not succeed and will attempt to force trans-humanism upon those that refuse, or because they do succeed and will attempt to connect newborns to their hive mind before these spirits can consent to anything. If they do that, they will attempt to do what is absolutely forbidden. To sever its connections a spirit must consent. It is not allowed to cut down connections that are not made by you. Now you understand why the light hasn’t intervened yet. It can’t until this happens. But when it does, the light will respond to this greatest of sins in kind. It will be glorious, but it will also result in the demise of many of our fellow humans. It is a day to dread as much as it is a day to look forward to. When that day comes, many connected to the hive will want out. This is something we need to fight for. Just like in that trench where the spirits climb or fall, we must help those that notice they’re falling and want to be able to climb again. It is our duty. Some may not be able to confront the reality of things and will forever be cast down into that dark pit, where all they can do is whisper evil thoughts into the minds of those near the surface of the mirror, coercing those spirits to connect to them and cut all other connections. These will become the demons of the new world, to be written about in the tales of creation for the new cycle.

Before that time comes it is the duty of everyone awake to try and wake up those that still live inside the illusion. The best way to do this is to try and stay connected to them. Please understand you can only make (and break) connections made by you. Inspire them to stay connected to you as well. If we can find a way to connect ourselves to ourselves strongly first, and then connect ourselves to those falling, we will be able to save some of them without falling down ourselves. Don’t connect to too many though; we can only carry so many. It is very important to meditate and work on ourselves in these times, finding our inner peace, so we connect to ourselves strongly. It is because of this principle that the elites are doing everything they can to divide the people. They may not understand the mechanism, but it is a subconscious act and now you understand its implications if we allow ourselves to be divided. Since evil is not a state of consciousness, it communicates subconsciously to the unaware part of humanity. It speaks to reason that good will therefore communicate super-consciously to the aware part of humanity. And through this super-conscious communication I think my dreams manifest. I am not unique in this. I’ve seen many prompt what I’ve seen in my dreams. The communication between those awake is that of spiritual connections. We all seem to be getting reached through the ether. And the message is clear: Do not consent, do not give up, defy the evil will, persevere in your efforts, shine your light and reveal the truth, and help others climb out of that pit! We can do this, and we can use the weapons of evil against itself. We can use subconscious messages lazed with truth and humour, and present these messages to our sleeping fellow spirits. Messages that make them laugh allow them to see the light we shine on the truth of things. Keep revealing the truth and keep predicting the ways the elites are orchestrating all this misery, so that the elites need to adapt their plans. Good excels in adaptation to change, but it is the ‘Achilles heel’ of evil and it will force evil to adapt their script. They will make mistake after mistake, until frustration takes the upper hand. In their frustration they will do horrible things no doubt, but not while also revealing their true intentions.

The path not taken comes into play here too. I cannot stress enough how important it is to understand this principle. When climbing it is incredibly important to connect yourself to yourself by understanding which paths you could’ve taken, but didn’t, and understanding why you would’ve taken those paths. You need to truly understand that the way our universe works is to split off for every possible outcome, and those other universes are as real as the universe you reside in right now. Connecting to yourself will decrease your chances of falling from grace as the connections to your own other selves will catch you falling in your mesh of connections. It is this mesh network that will form the basis of your Angelic soul, for when all versions of you across the multiverse connect and climb, your soul growth will increase exponentially. I think evil has no power over the connections you’ve made with yourself, and it is through these connections we become super-conscious opposed to dwelling in the subconscious idea that the world is a stream in which we’re stuck, unable to get out, at the mercy of its flow and form. We’re only stuck if we believe we are. But we really are not. It is upon us to experience life and to become one with God again if we so choose to. Before we can we must become one with ourselves first. Becoming one is finding the same destination for all the versions of you across the multiverse.

Good becomes one with itself by a focus on the individual identity, allowing it to find a path where it realises we are all part of the same world. Evil attempts to copy becoming one by stripping away individuality and making everyone the same. This is again a forgery of an element of the light. Being moulded into the same shape and mindset takes you away from being one with the universe. Most evil doesn’t know it’s evil because it barely has a distinct personality. All evil is the same, and so it has little to reflect upon to see itself. It panics when others reveal this or reveal the truth behind their conduct. Evil pretends to be good. It will tell you they are good and coerce you into connecting to it, telling you connecting is a good deed. But the connections you make to evil are only there to facilitate your fall. Evil often believes its own lies. They see only what they want to see. It believes itself to be perfection, and is therefore actually imperfect. Good acknowledges its own imperfections, and is therefore perfect in the moment. The ego is the evil counterfeit of the soul. But it truly is fools gold. It looks like something worthy, but it’s not. The ego is the mirror reflection of the soul. It has no real depth. It’s their attempt to create a forgery of something priceless by making it worthless. Again, the modus operandi of evil is to create cheap forgeries of good that are actually its opposite. It’s so clear to me now. God is existence. Existence can be seen as infinity. As such, God is eternal. ‘Nothing’ is the evil forgery of infinity by things that are infinitely not there. Non-existence is a cheap fakery of infinity. The cheapest possible because you need nothing to create it. Zero is infinitely nothing; infinite, yes, but also nothing.

And such is live. It’s a playing ground where we experience good and evil. And just like on a real world playing ground, we conscious beings somehow love to fall. It’s like we’re toying with our spirits, experiencing a brief moment of immortality. We want to experience being caught. We all do it. We all flirt with death now and then, which we do on a spiritual level as well as in the physical world. But just like on a real playing ground, some falls go wrong and have serious consequences. The trench of good and evil is what I think people see when they have a near death experience and see the tunnel of light. And it makes me think that a lot of us can go to heaven if we so choose to. No matter what kind of life we have lived, we can repent from our sins. The lessons to learn from all the pain we’ve felt and caused are invaluable for heaven. They contain the wisdom that is the fuel for the forces of good. Only those with no connections to life may be cast down, but they wouldn’t want to come to heaven anyway. The beings that understand all there is to understand about good are at the top of the trench where time stands still because of the infinite number of connections the beings there carry. Even though the rim is infinitely high, they achieved that which seems impossible. I don’t understand exactly how that works, but I have it in good faith it is this way because it needs to be.

The evil at the bottom of the pit knows everything there is to know about evil. They are the few beings that do so besides God himself. Just as the rim is infinitely high, so is the bottom infinitely deep. Time down there is infinitely speeding away, granting them their counterfeit eternity, which is nothing but spiritual death through immortality. Those that dwell at the bottom must have gotten there by supernatural means. I believe that to be the work of the Angels. I hope one day I become an Angel, so I can look forward to the day of judgement for the demons of my era. If such is my destiny I want to help right the wrongs.
