16. A Warning

Date: 25-12-2018

Last night I had – what I would call – a warning dream. A dream that warns me of things to come.

This dream started in a place I more often dream of, but that doesn’t exist in this reality (or at least I have never been there before). It’s always evening/night here when I am at this place. And in this dream the situation was such that there were a bunch of chairs of mine still at a house where I used to live. I was on the streets, and there were many partying students on the streets audibly talking about wanting to throw a party and needing chairs. I was afraid they’d find my chairs and use them without even asking, and I reckoned I wouldn’t see those chairs back if I would not collect them before they did.

I owned a small car in this dream. It could barely fit 4 people total. I took this car and drove to this house. It was a scary house, like one you’d expect to be used in an Adam’s Family movie. It stood alone, surrounded by dark forest. The house itself was black. And around the house the disembodied souls of people wondered around like they were confused. They were souls, but they had a body still sometimes. Many of those souls were of children I had once been a teacher to when I worked at VSC. All those souls had lost their way. Two of them stood out to me. One was Jacky (an actual existing ex-student) who I called Lisa for some reason, and one was Jake (a non-existing little boy, slightly overweight). They saw me and helped me find my chairs. We found 2 of the 4 total outside the house. The other two must’ve been inside still.

I was adamant about not going inside. Jake still did. I didn’t want anything to happen to him, so I also went inside. The entrance hall inside was again filled with lost souls, wondering around aimlessly. There were no corridors in this house, somehow. Just rooms, with many doors to other rooms, and so on. Every door would lead into another room, or sometimes a stairs up or down. It was a maze. There was no way to remember whether you had been somewhere before or not, because every single room looked almost exactly alike. They were all generic. And in every room there were more of these lost souls, wondering around aimlessly. Inside the house these souls had not just lost the way; they were also looking for objects they had lost. And above this, all these souls were very afraid of something. You could see it in their faces.

Lisa and Jake got scared because of this. They wanted to go outside. I pressed on, but soon I got lost. In a light panic, I opened the next door and saw an incredibly scared soul pick up meatballs from the floor. “Ah, there they are.” He said while collecting them. There were at least 50 meatballs on the floor. It would be impossible for him to pick them all up, so I helped him. Suddenly a door swung open, and in the opening on the other side from a pitch black room I saw a massive black wolf/bear monster. This monster jumped on the scared soul in the room with me and literally shredded him to pieces right in front of me. Panic tried to get the better of me, but I was able to channel it and went into survival mode.

I opened the nearest door to me, and ran through it, and continued to go from door to door, next room to the next, in flight mode, picking each door at complete random, slamming each door behind me shut. I thought to myself that even if I didn’t know where I was in this house, the creature would neither. But I could hear the beast was following me in fast pace, as its heavy breathing and movement over the wooden floorboards were behind me. I was fast but I couldn’t increase the distance. During this minute long chase there was never more than one room between us. I thought that maybe it picked up the meatball smell from my hands. The chase lasted a minute or two as I tried to tire the animal.

The beast was getting ever more agitated, as I was very able to stay out of its jaws. It reacted to that by transforming into an even bigger, stronger, and scarier version of itself. But I didn’t give up, and during this chase I discovered 4 rooms that were all adjacent to each other allowing me to go in circles either way between these rooms. With the wolf-bear still in pursuit, I sometimes felt a bit of panic, but I mostly was able to focus on the athletic performance of trying to cut corners as close as possible, and leaping over and under furniture. A few times the animal tried to outsmart me by running after me in clockwise direction, and then suddenly reversing direction going counter-clockwise. But it did this so clumsily that I was on to it before it executed this manoeuvre every time. And when it tried this for the third time, it actually allowed me to escape into another room altogether. I used its predictable behaviour against itself.

The beast had lost track of me now. I was now on a stairway that looked much like the stairs to the attic in the old house in Amersfoort. I could hear the beast behind the door in the next room, still actively sniffing the floor, trying to get my scent, and probably still transforming into God knows what. So I gently advanced up the stairs and went into the room. It kinda was my old room, but then again it also wasn’t. Something was different. I looked outside through the window and saw scaffolding placed along side the backside of what now looked like the old house where I used to live during my childhood. The scaffolding provided me with an escape route, to get outside and down to ground level.

As I was moving down and reached the ground, Lisa was now on the scaffolding herself. She had exited the same window where I had come out of. That sweet girl had gone back inside to try and rescue me. I ushered her down, and told her which parts to be careful of. There were certain parts she just needed to avoid, cause intuitively I knew certain places on the scaffolding had booby-traps. One particular booby-trap was near the wooden boards under the window of my parents’ old bedroom. Somehow I knew that if she would walk in front of those wooden boards, a pig with the hair and moustache of none other than Adolf Hitler would break through the wood. To.. scare her, I guess?

Because I knew these booby-traps beforehand somehow, I was able to get down to ground level in 3 seconds myself. But because I had discovered Lisa too late she was already heading towards those boards. There was no other way for her to proceed but to traverse that location. I calmly explained the situation to her, to try and get her ready for what was going to happen. I told her what would happen, when it would happen, and that she had nothing to fear. She accepted her fate, and pressed on. And indeed the pig broke through the wood, and it was a being of pure evil. It indeed looked just like a Hitler pig, but as an extra it also sported red glowing eyes. But since I had prepared Lisa, the scare didn’t really work, and she was down at ground level and my safety within seconds.

We went to the car. Outside it was still dark. The house was now again that scary Adam’s Family house, in that dark forest, but the surroundings also had features of my childhood house. The car was parked far from the house up the enormously long driveway between house and street. Inside the house we could hear the monster make very loud noises. It had become consumed with anger and rage because of our escape. It growled and roared very loudly. All the lost souls around the house had fled away into the forest, as if they knew what was to follow. You could hear the size of the beast now was enormous, probably due to many transformations. Jake was at the car, and he had tied the chairs we found behind the car because they could not fit inside with us inside the car too. As Lisa and I ran around the house the roars of the beast seemed to build up, like it was a generator starting up to reach its peak.

I looked back over my shoulder as Lisa kept going towards the car, and I saw the front door was still open. In the hallway I saw the monster, which had now gained so much in size due to transformation after transformation, that it was scarier than any wolf or bear I could imagine. Big sharp claws, big teeth, red glowing eyes, terrifyingly huge. I was barely able to fit in the entry hall of the huge house, and to see me it had to duck its head. It couldn’t fit through the door at all, but would break through the wall with ease if it wanted to exit. It was still building up. But in a moment of found courage I walked back with confidence and in one final act of defiance I grabbed the door handle, and closed the front door, hahaha! Then I hasted back to the car. Lisa and Jake had for some reason still not entered the car, so I jumped in and urged them to get in too before it was too late.

Inside the house the roaring and growling kept intensifying, accompanied by load up noises like an engine of an aeroplane. That sound kept getting louder and louder, and was climbing in pitch. It was getting closer and closer to a climax. Jake and Lisa got in. Now, the car was no longer motorised, but was instead some kind of tuktuk trike, that needed to be peddled like a bicycle. I got on the peddles and started biking. I had great difficulty to gain speed, and meanwhile it was evident that the further away we would be from that house, the safer it would be. But I just didn’t gain any significant speed. Maybe under other circumstances it would be an acceptable speed, but we were in a big hurry to get out of there. We needed more speed.

The chairs were dragging behind the trike. This slowed us down. I instructed Jake to cut lose the chairs, but Jake refused. It was a matter of principle for him. I told him we needed to cut them lose, and we went back and forth in a discussion. But there was really no time to discuss this, as we needed to get out of there and these chairs were slowing us down. And these were my chairs after all. But then Jake found a solution that would work for us both. There were some abandoned road works near us, with a big hole in the ground. Jake would put the chairs in the ground and cover them with the sand from the pile next to it. Nobody but us knew the chairs would be there, and we would be able to recover them later. Part of me was actually happy that I had not truly lost the chairs now.

We moved along through the city of Amersfoort, but the layout doesn’t match reality. It was like someone had take the map of the city, cut it into parts, and put those parts back together in an incorrect order. Eventually we reached the shopping square near my parents’ house, with behind us the scary house, which we could see from here all the way in the distance. We could still hear the distant roars and build up sounds coming from the house, and they had almost reached their peak. It was in its last phase. And then it climaxed. And that climax was followed by eerie silence. It was ready. We did not know what that meant. We kept our focus on the house, and then we saw something emerge from the rooftop.

It seemed at first like lights in the colours red and blue, emanating from the centre of the rooftop. But then these lights extended in long strings of light. These strings flowed upwards and away from the centre in a 360 degree circle, and arched towards the ground, much like long ribbons from a confetti cannon. It formed a really high structure, visible from everywhere. There were many strings, all blue or red in colour, and the shape they had now formed was like that of a doughnut, though just in shape. It kinda also looked like a spider. The arched strings started ever so slightly rotating counter clockwise around the centre. Very slowly they continued. It remained completely silent, and that added to the suspense. And then it started moving towards us.

In somewhat of a panic we exited the vehicle, and ran behind the shops of the square, but the layout of Amersfoort still made no sense. It was a total surprise where we would end up after each street we took. We looked behind us and could see the ribbons of red and blue light above the houses. It had come really close to us. It was still moving slowly. We kept moving, as it continued to follow us, quietly, noiseless even. Then we entered what would turn out to be a dead end street, and we had to go back. We looked up and saw the ribbons of blue and red light above our heads. We were now under the ‘umbrella’ of whatever it was that was at its centre. That moment where we entered under it had gone by swiftly and completely unnoticed; we hadn’t even seen the wall of ribbons approach us. The centre of these things was near us, just one street away.

I peeked around the corner to see what the source of these light ribbons was exactly. It had to be something truly scary from which they emanated. But when I looked it was such an anti-climactic sight. It turned out to be a small delivery van that had been converted into a mini bus. It was white with a brown stripe along its flanks, and shaded windows. I couldn’t see who was inside, and it was still moving towards us in that same slow pace. From the middle of its roof emanated the huge structure of light ribbons. This was the source of it, and from behind the old church it now came around the corner. It became a lot less scary, though it was still a bit ominous.

We were now in the opportunity to quickly run past the van thanks to some parked cars, and it would mean it had to make a difficult 180 in that narrow street, which was nearly impossible. We ran and were about to succeed, but then this thing spawned a ‘pop up’ in front of us. Yes. I kid you not. A pop up hang in the air in front of us. It stated: “If you pass me, I win. Do you want that?” We could choose yes or no. It might’ve been a seemingly mundane minivan but it still must’ve possessed some supernatural powers if it could create magic light ribbons and could spawn pop ups out of thin air. But I was done being dicked around by these evil machinations that tried to scare us. I felt my inner rebel, pressed YES, and ran along side the minivan, giving it a good firm kick as I passed it.

But as if this thing was an empty carton of milk the minivan tumbled violently sideways through the air and landed in the bushes on the other side of the road. This gave us the opportunity to flee. We had escaped, again. “How is this a win?” I said jokingly: “He might have scored once, but we’re not giving up.” We kept running and running, until we ended up at a train station. Not the main train station of Amersfoort, but one I recognised afterwards from an earlier dream. This station probably only exists in my dreams. Also nightmarish dreams, by the way. We decided to go into the station. There were access gates followed by more access gates, and so on and so forth. After each gate you had to reconfirm you were legally there.

And as it turned out neither of us had the correct access passes to advance every single checkpoint, so we had to wait until someone else came from the other side, and then quickly move through behind them as the access gates closed again. That’s how we advanced into the station. But the further we got into the station, the busier it got with people. The station was ever more crowded after each checkpoint. But the dream got ever weirder and more absurd the further we went in. Most people were walking the other way, into the direction from which we came. I asked someone what exactly was going on. “The ticket machines are broken. You can only get a ticket at the service desk. Everything must be done by hand now.” He replied.

There was chaos now. Everywhere there were railroad employees and security personnel. They had noticed us. We stood out. We had done nothing wrong as far as we were concerned, as we weren’t cutting the line or something. In fact, we were doing the exact opposite as we were going back to the end of the line. We went to one of the ticket machines. The things we saw and tried to do were too complicated to explain, and it doesn’t matter. The short story is that it got us nowhere. They truly didn’t work any more. We then wanted to try to add funds to the cards of Lisa and Jake, but the loading point was behind another checkpoint. We tried to get there, but the station had become more and more crowded, and as we moved it seemed the people were intentionally trying to obstruct us.

It started with simple things that looked like a coincidence. I would try to pass someone from the left side, and they ventured left, so I would try the right side, and they ventured right. So I tried to walk past the person next to them, but they would move obstructing me too. This went on and on, and got ever more absurd. I would try and go under someone’s legs, they would stop and kneel to adjust their shoes, I tried to skip past them over their backs but someone would throw a suitcase to me as if it slipped their hands. It became clear to me these people were under the influence of the evil entity that was chasing us. It got so absurd that at one point people would just pretend to faint whenever I had a clear path of 4 feet, just to obstruct my advance. We then saw a narrow corridor with no people, ran towards it, just to see a guy in a wheelchair block the alleyway. We tried to squeeze through, and he literally blocked the entrance by falling out of his chair!

This kept going on and on, and it became more and more bizarre until it was actually quite scary. I saw one way out to the side, where there was apparently an outdoor market on that part of the station. We pushed through to that part of the station and immediately blended in with the crowd there. The dream turned a little more peaceful again, as we browsed around at this market. There was a stall where the actor who plays ‘The Duke of Sandringham’ in the series ‘Outlander’ was selling things. It was the same guy, and he wore the same clothes, and spoke with the same posh British accent as in the series, but he didn’t wear any makeup. And he was such a nice guy!

In English we asked him if he had any travelling documents, and if we could use them if so. In his posh English accent he answered: “Yes, I do. But, I’m afraid it’s a personal permit of travel.” He showed it to us, and on the card we saw a picture of him in Lord of the Rings elven clothes. He apparently had also played an elf sometimes? He explained that whenever the film studio needs him, he can travel by bus, train, plane, you name it. He wasn’t able to help us use the trains for our escape. We asked him if he knew about the evil entity: “Do you know about any evil entities in this area?” I recall word for word his response.

In the same posh British accent, he answered: “Ah, yes! There is an evil spirit out there that is pret-ty bad.” This shook us. This was after us? “How bad..?” I asked. This answer I also recall clearly: “Well, let’s just say that this spirit doesn’t just stop by the mere mention of Jesus.” This was a problem. But from here I have much difficulty recalling what happened next. I recall vaguely how I lost Jake Lisa. I went looking for them, and I recall the evil entity started possessing people, but then while possessing others would try and help me find Lisa. I vaguely thought that maybe the entity was not as evil as I had thought, though that doesn’t mean much truly. There might’ve been another chase and we ended up in a plane. There rest is a blanc.


Analysis 25-01-2024:

I’ve never ever typed an analysis for this dream. In fact, it wasn’t even part of my dream journal. Instead I found it in a conversation between me and my brother via chat. I was reading back and stumbled upon it. Reading it I realised its potential for this published dream journal, and oh boy is it filled with messages.

Of the many obvious messages one stuck out for me personally, and that was yet another dream where I needed to get away from the old house in Amersfoort. Again! Though the dream I am referring to came to me almost two years after this one, so this was the first dream that showed me this. All this means perhaps nothing to you, but to me this is very important.

I wonder who Jake and Lisa/Jacky represented. Perhaps they represented different aspects of myself.

The chairs were perhaps things, habits, people I will need to let go of, or leave behind. Part of me doesn’t want to, but my conscious self knows this is the only way. Looking back, perhaps this also represented my brother. Maybe we had to part, though when I had this dream, I would not have believed we would become estranged the way we did. I do think we both needed to be away from each other to take the road we each wanted to take.

The evil turned out to be much less dangerous than I thought. As long as you don’t give up, it can’t do much besides try to scare you. That’s basically what the evil in this dream was to me. Being afraid of it seemed its way to influence my decision. I truly enjoyed my own feats of defiance, closing the front door, not to stop it, but because I wanted to show my defiance. Kicking the minivan was also pretty cool, and had a big effect. I wonder what would’ve happened had we stopped running after this.

The duke I think was a guiding spirit. I’m still not sure what kind of evil he was referring to. What kind of evil doesn’t just stop at the mention of the name Jesus? Then again, what kind of evil does? I do not know.

The people who were at the train station working against us, to me symbolised how people in a future technologized society will no longer be able to see how their conduct aids the machine, and not the other way around. They just do as they’re told. There’s no one weighing their actions on the balance of morality.

For many things I am a bit at a loss. That scene with the meatballs was oddly specific, but I have no idea what it meant. The souls that were wondering about aimlessly inside and outside the house could represent people who realise they no longer fit in the system but who haven’t the mental strength to see another path, so they wonder about for evil to abuse them as it sees fit.

Perhaps there’s much more, but I don’t want to sound like a broken record any more than I already do.

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Science Teacher and Aspiring Amateur Philosopher