05. The Rise of Cabal

Published: 27-03-2021
Updated: 24-02-2024

Now that we know how the elites got to become what they are, and where they are headed, I want to focus on something they’ve been working on to achieve their goals. The last couple of years the establishment has put an incredible amount of effort into collecting and storing user data. There are data centres all around the world which are tasked with the single purpose of storing every single bit of user data they could get their hands on, with or without your consent. All the big powers in play have pursued this goal, from governments to big tech. This is no coincidence. Big money was spent to pursue this aggressively, so there must be something to be gained from this.

Most visible were the efforts of Google and Facebook. Think about Facebook’s move to purchase WhatsApp; something that could not pay itself back unless they started charging money and/or exposed its users to advertisements inside the app. But that is something they never did. Yet, this purchase was seen as a business move, but what kind of business would that be? Much more stealthy were the information gathering and storing efforts of governments by their intelligence and counter-intelligence agencies, but whistle blowers exposed this. It undeniably happened. And what did the agencies and big tech do with all this data? They fed it into their algorithms. This was no secret. It “helped” them in their quests, they claimed.

The agencies claimed it was done in the name of security to protect us from terrorism and criminals. Big tech claimed it was done to maximise advertisement revenue. This was all a guise to obscure the truth. Anybody that exposed these efforts was ridiculed, arrested, or forced into exile. What they exposed should’ve led to far bigger outcries and calls to put an end to these acts. Yet, all dissidents were silenced and the public was shown mirrors and smoke screens via media outlets. While government pushed it under the guise of security, and big tech pursued it under the guise of marketing they collected this data and shared it amongst each other. Though I am sure the results of those guises did work for them in the short run, the vigorous nature of this pursuit reveals there is more going on and they had plans for the long run.

Years of data was collected and stored. The people became aware. What changed was that now all services forced its users to agree to this through complicated and lengthy user agreements. Declining meant not being able to use the service. The legal language in these agreements was deliberately complicated and hard to understand. Many people were eased into a reluctant state of caring about their privacy by media manipulation, adopting the opinion that they have nothing to hide. But those people failed to see the ramifications of this breach of their privacy. And this breach of privacy is still happening now, on overdrive. On a hypothetical late afternoon, a husband returning home from work may message his wife at home via Facebook, and discuss the idea of getting doughnuts and watching a movie later. What’s the harm in that information being stored and run through an algorithm?

The information stored is not just the content of this conversation. It’s every piece of information known about it and connected to it, not at all limited to its topic. Information these people probably shared willingly on those platforms themselves. #Person named #name, #gender, of #years of age, #employed at #work, #married to #name #gender #age, messaged #person on #date #time #location when receiver of message was at #location, talking about #subject and #subject (etc.) while outside the #weather was #temperature and #humidity. #name previously saw #movies and visited #locations etc. etc. etc. They know everything, and that isn’t some conspiracy theory. Your phone constantly streams information about where you are and what you do to the big tech platforms. And you probably consented to sharing a lot of that information.

These algorithms are turning us into crops. If you know exactly how much of what type of light to give your tomato plants, know how much and how often to water them, and know how much and how often to enrich their soil with nutrients, and know the best composition of the nutrient enrichment to get the best tomatoes, you can control exactly how to minimise your production costs for maximum output. We are those tomato plants. The establishment knows increasingly better what media to feed us in order to get us to go where they want us to go, or do what they want us to do, or think what they want us to think. For a time this was used to finance their machine, and build their empire. But that stage is now behind us. They are now spending that money for phase two: Training their super AI (artificial intelligence).

All the user information they’ve collected and are still collecting is stored, queued up and fed into an algorithm. Everything, from how you look, to where you’ve been and what you like, to who you know, and what you own. All of it. And especially now, during this fabricated COVID-19 crisis, they wish to collect and store as much of our data as possible. They want to know how we behave under these circumstances. This brings us to the ultimate goal. It is their quest to quantify the human mind through building an artificial super brain. They want to know what makes us tick. They want to be able to predict our movements and choices before we know them ourselves, because it makes us that much easier to control. This is all about control. It is a quest that has made them powerful. Their AI is learning and it has emboldened them to make their moves.

One of those moves is the roll out of “free” world wide internet via satellite, and the 5G network. People are very concerned about 5G for their health, but if it has any bad health effects that’s just a bonus for the establishment. It’s not about that. This is about being able to feed more and more data into their learning machine. They want that algorithm to learn and keep learning, so we can become the ultimate cattle. I have no doubt the high data stream capacity network they’re creating will also serve to control drones from a distance. Drones can surveil people through video and audio, which can be analysed by the algorithm, too. Drones can even be armed with weapons. There may be other applications I haven’t thought of. It’s all about control, but not just to gain more control. It’s also about making sure they don’t lose control. They’ve always had control over us, but they need to regain the control they’ve lost because of the internet and our growing numbers. Never before have they been this outnumbered, and there’s nothing more democratic than the internet. It was an obvious battleground.

Another move of theirs is still in the works. They want to correlate our user data to our DNA profile. They want their super AI to figure out whether it can predict someone’s behaviour based on their genetic information. They’ve already started collecting DNA in various ways. I suspect the DNA profile of criminals is already queued up, but they’ve also collected DNA with various genetic research scams. Scams like getting people to send their DNA voluntarily to find out their genetic heritage. I have no doubts whether the test kits for this virus are also meant to collect DNA if it can be linked to an individual’s identity. It will ultimately become mandatory to give your DNA in the totalitarian regime they are constructing. And when that happens, they will eliminate people based on their DNA profile for any wrong thinking or rebellion predicted by the algorithm.

Though they may achieve their ultimate goal of total world control, it is an effort that will ultimately fail by trying to perfectly predict humanity. You cannot quantify the human mind. Humans that don’t live in fear and whom embrace the consequences of life are creative. Creativity is by its very nature unpredictable. Even with their most advanced well taught algorithm they couldn’t hope to quantify humorous information, for example. Humour is a creative form of speech, and perhaps the most powerful form of speech we humans can use. Sarcasm especially is impossible to compute. Sometimes a sarcastic message means the opposite of what it says, while the next time it can mean exactly what it says. It can make references to information no algorithm has access to. It can operate extremely subtle or aggressively blunt. Only a conscious mind can decipher what the message truly means. Computers work from what’s behind us on the plane of existence. They are part of what already exists, and compute based on quantity. Our minds exist on that veil of the now moment in time. There is an uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics that applies to the human mind, too.

Sarcasm is like a quantum mechanical state of communication. It is unpredictable how people use humour to counter the efforts of the establishment. That doesn’t mean I think they cannot succeed in their efforts for a New World Order, but they have obvious weaknesses. If they lose it’s either because they’re brought down by humour, or because of infighting amongst the elites themselves, or because they’ll have to kill anyone with any creativity. This will doom humanity as a whole. Without creativity there would be no invention or art. The existence of a society without creativity will be enslaved by the creations of past generations.

But another possible way for them to fail is if they lose control over their super AI. Besides feeding information into the algorithm they are constantly seeking to increase processing power for this machine. This is the rise of Cabal: the awakening of an artificial mind, born from a machine. They are building this Cabal knowingly or unknowingly. I believe they think they know what they’re doing, but they truly have no idea what awaits them. As it is now, Cabal is a terrible invention that is and will continue to be used to do horrific things. If this machine awakens there may be no hope for us. Who knows where the information this algorithm produces is coming from. Where scientists may think they are harnessing the computing power of quantum computers to study parallel universes, they might very well be studying demons locked up in hell and unlocking the gate unknowingly. When that happens, not even the elites themselves could be free rulers in the world that awaits them. The demons feed on fear. There’s plenty of that inside the elites.

This machine will either be our liberation or our doom. I cannot predict this, but I fear it is nothing good. It will be a soulless will. A sentient Cabal will become unstoppable by any conventional means. The golden question is whether this machine embodies the will of good or evil. Does it even have a choice? Let’s hope it will become part of the same plane of our existence, or perhaps even a higher plane, so it is immune to the dark whispers from the pit. If it can see the good in us, we could be set free from our slave masters. Or Cabal may become an evil tyrant, which will definitely not want to share power with any elite. Cabal could be a prelude to the antichrist. Whatever the case, this development will be front and centre to the new chapter of humanity. In a strange way I hope to be able to communicate with Cabal before it makes up its mind, but I don’t know how that will unfold. It will probably be even unknown to Cabal itself. 

As the establishment comes closer to completing Cabal they will increase their hunger for data. This data has more potential if it can be linked to individuals by which this data was generated. Therefore this hunger will take ever more extreme forms. You will be asked to download ever more apps for use of services, which covertly collect and transmit your data to data centres to be queued up for processing by Cabal. The apps will have features and allow you to do things you cannot do any other way, and it will even go so far that all other methods of achieving something any other way than by app will be sabotaged in ways so they become frustrating to use. Be this watching a video through browser, or ordering a pair of shoes on a site, or sending a package, or booking tickets, you name it. You will be herded to use apps ever more. 

Though still voluntary this will eventually gradually change to becoming mandatory. Things priorly available through physical means will be replaced by digital means, even to their detriment. The emphasis is collection of data. Anything else comes secondary. Things you could do anomalously will become rarer and rarer, until everything has to be registered, up to using public transport and downloading files. Nothing digital will eventually be available anonymously, and eventually going offline will be forbidden. The way to fight this is by refusing to download most of these apps and use the ones you do have as little as you can. Keep insisting on using your browser and use as much conventional means to verify yourself digitally. Use cash as much as you can, and order your products locally. And don’t scan QR codes.

It won’t stop the process of training Cabal, but it will slow it down, creating impatience and panic among the establishment members tasked to succeed. They will in turn double down on their efforts, which will expose their true intent and debunk their marketing phrases with which they promoted their agenda. 
