06. The Illegal Aliens

Published: 03-04-2021
Updated: 16-03-2024

Now that we understand how the elites operate, it’s time to explore how this last reset cycle was started. In 1952, unidentified flying objects were spotted right above the White House in Washington DC. I believe the world has never heard the truth about these sightings. Here’s what I believe happened, based on what I have seen on the other side of the veil. I’ve recently expanded on the start of this story significantly. I hope you can enjoy some more of this alternative history.

In 1952 there were two occurrences, exactly one week apart, of multiple images on the radar screens of separate radar stations of flying objects above the White House. Hundreds of people on the ground reported seeing lights in the skies, and pilots saw those lights, too. After much demand the president eventually gave a public explanation for the events. I’ll leave it up to you to look up the details of what was officially published and what was later revealed. The spin of the story at the time was that they were caused by weather conditions. The head of the organisation created to investigate the UFO phenomenon at the time wasn’t even informed both times and had to hear there were unidentified flying objects in the sky above the White House from public radio. The official documents, released many decades later, described a story of how the army simply did not know what the objects were, where they came from, and that the encounters were covered up merely by incompetence, not malice. This conclusion is equally ridiculous as the “weather conditions” spin. Lights in the sky above the White House, multiple moving images on the radar screens of three separate radar stations, planes were scrambled multiple times, the radar blips disappeared whenever a plane got near and returned after the planes were gone, and the public had to demand answers before any were given? It was a cover up, and the released files are part of that still ongoing cover up. So what really happened?

It is my conviction that contact was made by beings with superior technology. I believe the catalyst of this visit and the visits that preceded it was the detonation of a series of atomic bombs, one of which was the nuclear test ‘Trinity’ of the ‘Manhattan Project’, which caught their attention. The skill to harness nuclear energy marked a new dawn in the developmental stage of humanity. But contrary to what our history books state, Trinity wasn’t the first nuclear weapon to ever detonate. Evidence that the German third reich was first has been covered up. But the story is still out there. This is that story. In October 1944, nearing the end of the second world war, a pilot by the name of Hans Zinsser was piloting a Heinkel 111 bomber plane further into Germany along the coast of the Baltic sea. The plane he flew was to be refitted to increase its range. He was flying in the vicinity of the city of Lubeck in the direction of the province of Mecklenburg when he witnessed an enormous explosion in the distance over the Baltic sea. A type of explosion we now would recognise as the detonation of a nuclear bomb. But to him it was completely unknown what he witnessed. First his cabin filled with a blinding light. When the light faded he saw an enormous mushroom shaped cloud rise, and a few moments after witnessing this he endured the shock wave of the explosion.

He nearly lost control over the plane but was able to regain it. When he did he observed the aftermath and wrote these observations down in a logbook, wondering what could possibly cause such an explosion. He wrote that the cloud was approximately 1 kilometre wide, that it had a bluish hue to it, that it seemed to be lit from the inside, and that the edges of the mushroom cloud began to dissipate after about half a minute. When he reached his destination, his logbook was seized and he was ordered never to talk about what he saw to anyone. He was confronted with his notes again after the war, when he found himself in an interrogation room with United States intelligence officers. Afterwards, this document was moved to Maxwell Air Force base in Alabama, where it collected dust for a few decades, until researchers rediscovered it in 1973. On its own, the account of the pilot could be dismissed, but Zinsser wasn’t the only witness to have documented his encounter. Unbeknownst to Zinsser, an Italian government employee under the rule of Mussolini by the name of Luigi Romero would corroborate his account. After the war ended Romero wrote a testimony of being dispatched to Germany to observe the detonation of an incredibly powerful bomb. According to his account he was taken to a remote island in the Baltic sea, where he was witness to a gigantic and blinding explosion. Upon asking how this explosion came to be he was answered it was a fission weapon. The date he gave for this event corresponds with the date Zinsser had given. These are two independent accounts of probably the same event.

The witness accounts are of course much contested and debunked, but that has its purpose. And even if the Germans were the first, they had no means of delivering such weapons over a long distance. Or did they? According to a Luftwaffe officer named Wolf Baumgart, they did. According to him there was a covert German military project called ‘Amerikabommer’ that came close to completion. The classified project was coined by Hitler himself as early as 1938, as Hitler understood if the United States would enter the war, Germany could lose. He would need to be able to strike at the heart of the US to deter their conduct. The project was filed away, but was dusted off when the US entered the war in 1941. According to Baumgart the Luftwaffe had successfully created 7 working prototype planes, designated JU-390, that could make the long journey to the US coastline and back to Europe. And two of them did, taking photos of the iconic city skyline of New York from about 20 kilometres out at sea. A German bomber with the ability to throw conventional bombs on the coastal cities of the US was frightening enough, but if those bombers were fitted with a nuclear bomb, it would’ve been a game changer.

Although at the end of 1944 the German forces were almost defeated Hitler was still motivated by hate to inflict damage to the US. No revenge would’ve hit harder than to level a city like New York with a fission weapon. And according to eye witness testimony, backed up by physical proof, he came unnervingly close to this revenge. On Monday the 18th of September 1944, near the US town of Owl’s Head, a couple watching out over the sea near the town’s large granite lighthouse witnessed a plane of unknown type crash land into the water. They described it as a large plane with 6 propeller engines, painted in dark camouflage colours, which slowly descended downwards until hitting the water and cartwheeling into many pieces, which sank relatively quickly. They reported this encounter to the police who then informed the military. Due to the war, the military regularly patrolled the coastlines in search of German U-boats with their Mariner aircraft. But the Mariners were painted silver and only had 4 propeller engines. The military confirmed that all their aircraft were accounted for, and that no activities in the reported crash area were planned. Meanwhile the police with the help of local fishermen used fishing boats to search for any proof whatsoever, and found nothing. And so no further investigation was initiated by any of the parties involved, writing the account of the couple off as possible fabrication or misinterpretation.

That is until 10 days later when the remains of 3 dead men were found washed up on the beach not far from the town. The person who found them stood watch while the police arrived. He noticed they were dressed in greyish overalls with Nazi insignia, and were equipped with various items suggesting they were aviators. When the police arrived they in turn informed the military, while keeping away the growing number of onlookers. When the military arrived, a large cover up campaign was initiated. The bodies were transported away. In the days following the wash up of these bodies, numerous military and government officials frequented the site of the alleged crash. They combed the waters and removed alleged debris of the crashed plane transporting it to an unknown location, while men wearing black suits who identified themselves as FBI agents assessed who in the town was witness to what. No matter what people related to them the agents went to great lengths to emphasise that the bodies of the Germans came from a sunken U-boat. People were urged not to talk about the happenings, regardless. The whole thing was covered up and kept out of the newspapers. And that is very strange, considering U-boat attacks happened before and were never recovered like this. It never before received the attention and secrecy this supposed sunken U-boat had gotten, and neither did the government try to prevent any turmoil like this. What was the reason for all this secrecy?

The bits and pieces of the story are fragmented, and that is possibly because much of it has been covered up. But few cover ups are 100% effective. They can’t erase people’s memories, and stories kept circulating in the community. Many years after the war ended, a local diver by the name of Ruben Whitmore decided he wanted to see if he could find anything on the bottom of the seabed in the bay where the alleged German plane had crashed, in an effort to substantiate the local rumours. And after many months of searching, he did. He found many pieces of small debris, but the nail in the coffin of the official narrative was the finding of a piece of metal which experts confirmed was a manufacturing plate. Though eroded by the salty seawater, the plate was still readable, stating a serial number and the German word ‘Fliegeroberstkommando’. “Flieger” is the German word for ‘flight’. This was the manufacturing plate of a German aeroplane. Why does the US military deny a German bomber made it all the way to the US coast, and did they cover it up, while not denying or covering up attacks by German U-boats, or the attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor? I think possibly because the alleged JU-390 that crashed at Owl’s Head contained something worthy of secrecy.

I think it is possible the crashed German bomber contained a fission bomb and that it was sent out as a desperate last effort to inflict a mortal wound on the US. It failed and the US transported the device to a secret military installation somewhere in the United States. It was given to the Manhattan Project; a secret military weapons program of the US in collaboration with the UK. They were up to then unsuccessful in creating a working nuclear weapon, and this retrieved German weapon brought new hope. They were tasked to reverse engineer the German bomb. It took them almost 10 months to get it working. They tested both the German bomb and the one they made with the knowledge of that acquired weapon, which was a fusion bomb. And the detonation of these atomic weapons caught the attention of technologically superior beings. The explosion over the Baltic sea was perhaps not even the first nuclear test. It could’ve been, but I am not sure. Regardless, during the second world war, among pilots of all sides, reports of unidentified flying objects were frequent. The English speaking pilots referred to them as ‘Foo Fighters’ because of their incredible manoeuvrability. Reports of disc shaped craft also were reported during the war, and reports of UFOs continued well after the war. So much so that the US government created an organisation to investigate the apparent incursions of their skies by what could possibly be a foreign power.

I think these unidentified crafts belonged to a technological superior race, that set up shop on the continent of Antarctica. These are the illegal aliens. Maybe they had been there all along. When humanity started using atomic weaponry it indicated we had reached a certain level in our technological advances, and this prompted them to contact the leaders of this civilisation. In the years leading up to the White House visit in 1952 these beings explored the Earth to find out what was going on here. There is reason to believe these beings were in some kind of contact – whether hostile or friendly – with the Germans, cause when the second world war was concluded the United States became inexplicably militarily active in the Antarctic region. On 26th of August 1946 the US started operation ‘Highjump’ which set sail towards Antarctica on the 2nd of December that same year, from the Norfolk Virginia naval base, under the command of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd. Byrd was a hardened veteran and a well respected military serviceman. Under his command a considerable fleet consisting of some 70 military vessels, carrying 33 aircraft and 4700 men began their mission to explore the Antarctic continent. Officially and afterwards it was claimed to be a mission of scientific nature, but to expedite such a large military force in the wake of a global war can easily be questioned. The world had endured an enormous loss of life, especially the military. Why would the US government decide to send 4700 people to a dangerous place such as the Antarctic, endangering their lives?

I don’t buy it was out of scientific curiosity. They were well armed, and maybe that’s because they knew there was a force there they wanted to seek out. The operation was scheduled to last for about half a year, but this was cut short. Mere weeks after the fleet arrived it was suddenly heading back late February 1947, with even some casualties resulting in death. Officially the story is that the mission was ended prematurely due to harsh weather conditions, but Byrd made some interesting comments on life TV when interviewed about the mission. He had stated that a new enemy resided on the Antarctic continent, and that the US could no longer rely on its distance from other nations for its safety from their military power. The meaning of his words has nowadays been warped. I think he meant it literally. If you read back about it now though, the claim is he said this by figurative matter of speak, meaning there are no borders any more due to our technological achievements. What a strange thing to say so soon after the second world war, if you don’t mean that literally. Was he a poet? In a Chilean newspaper of the time there is however a story about how the impressive military fleet had come under attack by a superior enemy, and had fled back home with its tail between its legs. Did they just make that up or was it perhaps leaked by people who knew? Russian documents have since also been leaked that confirm this story. But this story has since been buried. Any tangible evidence has been erased. That which couldn’t be erased has received an interpretation makeover or is tagged as unreliable.

Military interest in the Antarctic did however persist after Highjump, and in late 1947 the US attempted another mission, called operation Windmill. This mission lasted for months, and ended in April 1948. More subsequent missions went to the region in the years following operation Highjump, even going so far as nuking three sites on the Antarctic continent. These nuclear bombs were fitted on state of the art missiles under the operation name Argus. Operation Argus began on the 27th of August 1958 and ended on the 9th of September that same year. The official story is that the US military wanted to test the effects of an airburst nuclear explosion, to extrapolate which effects these had if the Russians would do such a thing above US soil. In fringe communities it is believed the nukes were used in such a way they caused an electromagnetic pulse, which short circuits any nearby electronics. Military interest in the continent abruptly stopped from then on, and Antarctica was declared off limits from that time forward. Access to the continent is heavily monitored since, and public opinion on the matter was heavily influenced by planted minions that erected flat Earth societies, proclaiming the Earth is flat and that’s why the military is protecting the Antarctic circle; so no one can find out. Clearly something is going on there, and I believe the United States made hostile contact with beings residing on the polar continent, which were probably hiding there from our view. Whatever it is they were doing there is unknown. I can speculate that they might’ve been waiting there for humanity to reach a certain level of development, and coming to visit them certainly can be indicative of that. Attempting to nuke them definitely does that.

Before they made contact in 1952 (which was after Highjump and Windmill, and a few other expeditions, but before operation Argus) these beings might’ve been trying to figure out who the force that confronted them at the South Pole belonged to. It took them a while before they had all the pieces of the puzzle and knew which doorbells to ring. In 1952 they visited the president of the United States, Harry Truman. They requested an audience with the leaders of the western nations. Since the political situation of Earth was very fragmented at that time and an audience was not easy to assemble it was decided they would return exactly one week later. And exactly one week later they did. Who they were presented to be the leaders of the west, I do not know. I suspect unelected elites, who could very well be the unknown rulers of us, were present that second visit. I think it’s very likely they visited other powerful nations as well. I think they presented the great nations of this planet with a challenge. Perhaps operation Argus was an entry in one of those challenges.

Whether these beings had good or bad intentions is hard to say. These are on themselves relative terms in this context. They may consider their own intentions good, but there’s no telling where those intentions come from. And I have good intentions when I bring a toad from my backyard to the pond, but it might be that toad’s worst day and it may even result in its death, which was not at all my intention. So intentions are somewhat irrelevant in this same context because of the huge difference in power. The way I see it, intelligent societies can either strongly develop towards technology which would make them more part of the natural forces, or they can develop strongly towards expanding their consciousness superseding physical existence. Eventually either may lead to the same capabilities. I would personally put more trust in beings that invested into expanding their consciousness, but that could be my own personal bias. Technology is a blade that can cut two ways. Any technological advancement can be used for better or worse. It’s a question of who wields it and what their plans are. In this case I’m prone to distrust the beings that visited us those days. I don’t think all visitations should be distrusted, though.

For all intents and purposes I think these beings could’ve meant well, or at least convinced themselves they did. They revealed themselves to these humans and told them about societies outside of Earth. The finer details of what was said we may never know, but I am very sure some requirements were stated before humanity would be considered for whatever would come next. My gut tells me these requirements – or ‘goals’ if you will – were about our social structures and technological accomplishments. If they were to interact with humanity, they probably wanted to do that with a united Earth nation, so they wouldn’t be favouring one nation over another just by chance. Humanity was close to becoming part of a greater society. They would have set a range of goals for these ‘leaders’ concerning making an end to inequality. No human on this Earth should be considered lesser to another. And I imagine they would also have set a few goals concerning space exploration, means of communication between humans, and the ways by which we produce energy. And since humanity was growing in numbers I imagine they set goals to halt this growth. There was no reason to add billions to a population of billions.

These beings probably set some dates for these goals to be met. They understood humanity would not just change over night to meet the qualifications. How much time would humanity need in order to completely change? I’m thinking it was agreed upon to set the date to a hundred years in the future. A hundred trips around our sun, for humanity to be overhauled. I wonder if these beings had any idea of the real hierarchy of this world and how these buffoons they met might have represent the worst of humanity. Maybe they didn’t know they represented us without our true consent. Or perhaps they didn’t care? My gut tells me they knew, but they did not care they met the slave owners of this currency factory, where the 99.999% slave their lives away for the never ending money addiction of the 0.001%. This beautiful planet full of humans with so much potential, all enslaved to money, all addicted to it, too. Such a waste. To these aliens, they needed the people in control of the herd for this to work, cause they most likely didn’t come here just out of their own perceived goodness of their hearts; they probably had their own agenda. And so the date was set and the goals were stated. Whatever was promised the elite considered it worth pursuing because after this encounter things were rapidly set in motion to meet these requirements.

Humanity had to be united. You can be sure of one thing; whatever fate humanity awaited in this new world, the elites wanted to make sure they’d end up on top. And how do evil creatures go about uniting humanity? These people had no idea how to inspire others. They still don’t. They took on these tasks the only way they could; by dishonesty, manipulation, and violence. These are tools favoured by evil and you’ll see them being used in all their efforts to change humanity for “the better”. They were sure they could “cure” humanity of its sicknesses. Little did they understand that the faults in human society were a reflection of themselves, brought forth by their influence on humanity. They couldn’t know. How could they? People in power more often than not totally lack the means to self-reflect. The faults you cannot see within yourself you’ll see in others, and thus with their egos too big to see themselves they saw in humanity what they didn’t know they hated about themselves. The plans they forged to cure humanity were created with the same intentions that made it sick in the first place. But like the fools they were, they set it in motion. They were going to change the world.

Instead of seeing the potential for our entire species in becoming part of an interstellar society, they saw an opportunity to become rulers of the entire planet. Every conflict between the big powers in play on Earth from that time forward were most often the result of elitist groups trying to outcompete one another in this quest. This was also the motive behind the cold war and the space race which basically bankrupted the Soviet Union. All of a sudden we had to go to the moon. It makes sense to me now they weren’t trying to prove to the Russians they were better, but they were trying to prove it to a third party. A certain group of elites wouldn’t allow this price to fall into Soviet hands. To unite humanity under a single government all kinds of organisations were created, while rivalries were still present because of the real goals. The best way to end up on top for each camp was to merge as many nations under one organisation as possible, so that the other groups would find themselves in a position where they could choose to either fall in line or end up at the bottom of the ranks. The biggest nation would have the biggest say in the new world order. The group of elites in the west seems to have taken the lead in current times. I think recently some deals were made between groups of elites to work together and roll out the agenda ahead of schedule, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

The word ‘United’ was used to sell this undertaking to the common people, but however positive they presented their agenda it was being executed from corrupt motivations, and would therefore cast dark results. The whole endeavour is not about uniting humanity, but was about who sits on top of the throne of a united Earth. That’s what most recent world conflicts can be traced back to. By creating conflicts between nations, they could drive nations to join their group. Duality makes us feel threatened by an opposing faction, while offering the comfort of a side that supports us if we join it. I’ve always felt that the growth of the European Union was aggressively pursued. Too aggressively. There was a real hunger to add as many countries to this organisation as possible, regardless of financial merits, or lack thereof. The citizens of the countries within Europe have never voted for the growing influence of the European Union. In fact, they’ve constantly voted against it when given the choice, but the mergers kept being pushed and their power of influence kept being expanded, despite the wishes of the voters. Our consent was desired, but is in the end just a technicality. This was going to happen.

When I realised what they were doing it put the introduction of the Euro and the conflicts in Ukraine into a different light, and who knows how the destruction of flight MH-17 fits into this. I have no doubt the 9/11 attacks were part of this plan, too. There is so much we don’t know, and I have a feeling it is all connected. I can taste the modus operandi of the elites in all of it. It’s a distinct way of news spin and fact suppression. There is a telltale dishonesty mixed into the media coverage. From media outlets the public is flooded for a few weeks with every possible angle and wild theory about the event until that public grows numb for that story and has no idea what to believe any more. Then a fresh news story surfaces and the public craves for it like a person would crave a big gulp of fresh air after being held down under water, completely forgetting about the prior saga.

The merger of countries was met with resistance. I think deep down humanity felt something was not quite right with all these mergers. The destabilisation of nations by conflict and manipulation of currency created refugees that sought a safe place to live. The elites wanted to mix humanity up, hoping this would counter resistance to their mergers, but it only made it worse. The refugees were given homes and welfare checks to incentivise others to come, too. This only enraged the people of the nations and it fuelled racism on both sides. Mixing people from different cultural backgrounds successfully is a delicate procedure. It is something that takes time and which should not be done by choices made out of fear. The consequences of these kinds of choices can be so hard to swallow contrary to those made out of love. All this forced mixing resulted in societies that no longer grew wiser. People got stuck in their hatred towards their fellow humans. Our social development stagnated while technological advances continued.

The racism was counterproductive to their efforts to unite humanity and so it had to be battled. Not that the globalist disliked all this infighting. ‘Divide and conquer’ is one of their favourite methods of keeping people busy so they don’t pay attention to the elites themselves. The elites only dislike racism when it deters their plans, but find an ally in it if it can help them. And so they hired their keyboard army of racists to battle the racists on the web. Anyone who threaded on grounds concerning this issue was bullied into submission. This was bound to fail. These minions were sent to simultaneously cause discourse and to unite people. And besides blatant racism some people raised some honest concerns about the immigration policies. Some even outed the elites for their role in all this. All were played the ‘racist card’. Civil discussion about different types of aid or to actually remedy the wars were never welcomed. “You question the aid of people that come from war thorn countries? You must hate them for their skin colour.” Instead of aid that could actually help, many nations were send weapons to defend themselves. Sending these weapons had the same effect to stopping the war as would bringing gasoline to put a fire out. When conflicts did stabilise they always found a way to restart them. Stopping the conflicts of the world was never the goal. Conflict was needed. People in peril are easier to predict and control.

The sad truth is that I think humanity could’ve easily been united if a soft loving approach was taken. It might’ve taken more time, but every progression would’ve been solid and not fickle like it is now. Humanity’s divers cultural richness would even have stayed intact. To respect other cultures we don’t need to conform to each other. Nationalists have often deterred the plans of the NWO (New World Order), because people saw their own cultural heritage diminish and stood strong defending it. And so nationalists became enemies of the elites. Being a nationalist had to become synonymous with being racist, sexist, and/or homophobic, and the minions were send out to enforce it. But being a nationalist is not the same as being racist, or sexist, or homophobe. You can be any, none, or all. A feeling of nationalism comes forth from a human desire. We desire to identify with something. It’s logical to identify with the culture in which you grew up, even if that culture has a dark history and some hard to defend habits. The world the elites were creating produced racist, sexist, and homophobic nationalists on all sides. Their expression of these emotions was wrong, obviously, but their motivation was about preserving the culture they identified with. It was the wrong thing for a legit reason. Each culture has its value to humanity as a whole. Trying to mix cultures by just herding different people from different cultures together in the hopes that it works out is like throwing all ingredients of a pizza in a blender and expecting the end result to resemble the taste of Italian cuisine. The power of diversity is to let each aspect exist on its own. If this was done by a slow natural approach the different cultures of the world would’ve found a way to merge peacefully. And it’s not too late for that, by the way. It’s never too late for peace.

Meanwhile the situation was only getting worse. The plan wasn’t working. People constantly exposed the hypocrisy of it all, further slowing down the unfolding of the agenda. And humanity had to be united before the deadline. So what to do? They thought they could just manipulate and bully us into equality by influencing our news and escapisms. But you can’t bully a society into maturity. Bullying is something immature, and if you use immature means to change what people think on this scale you’ll end up with an immature society as your product. And that’s exactly what they got. Before long the world was in a situation where it was divided into many groups. The men vs. the women, the blacks vs. the whites, the religious vs. the atheists, the straights vs. the gays, the vegans vs. the meat eaters, the political left vs. the political right, the gun owners vs. the anti-gun owners, and so on and so forth. Never the poor vs. the rich, though. That’s the one divide they don’t wish to feed. All these conflicts were fuelled with the soul purpose of turning the underdog into the victor. This created all these groups, dividing humanity even further. The minions were send in to further manipulate the battles on the internet, conditioning a new generation of professional victims; people who actively looked for things to be offended by to try and get them taken down. I hope there isn’t a way to occupy one’s time on the internet that is more meaningless than this. If someone wants to offend you, they’ll find you. And when they do, you don’t have to be offended. Professional victims didn’t get the agenda back on track at all. They only set it back. The elites don’t even realise the irony of it all. You can’t unite humanity by dividing it. It was an endeavour that was destined to fail from the start. And by flipping the social measures of different groups, all they’ve succeeded in is the creation of new inequalities.

In our media, big money was spent to promote the groups of people that society treated poorly for too long. I’m talking about the gay community, but that community was included in a bigger umbrella of other fringe groups, some of which I consider not legit in the sense that they at the very least in my opinion behave in such a way it borders on mental illness. News, movies, series, video games, comics, and cartoons all fell into the pit of creative starvation when the elites pushed their goons into place to promote the message of diversity via these platforms. Anyone who spoke out against this push was bullied into silence by the minions. Instead of creating new franchises, existing franchises were repurposed to conform to the new woke standards. This should not come as a surprise, as these elites possess little creativity. Their minions are equally creatively vacuous. These people can’t create, they can only corrupt what already existed. Their sequels and prequels created over-exaggerated depictions of characters to a point they were often laughably bad. Instead of creating new strong characters that stood on their own representing the socially less virtuous groups, they had them emasculate, humiliate, or even sometimes kill off the old cast, without any consideration for what that would mean for the storyline. But this is the only way the elites knew how to depict strength. They don’t understand what makes a strong character strong. It didn’t help to raise the social status of the intended groups at all, but turned those groups into a laughingstock in the eyes the public. All this did was further damage the virtue of the already unvirtuous groups. The hate kept being fed more and more.

Because pushing the original characters down was the real goal instead of progressing the storyline, it disconnected the audiences from the experience. Fans of the original works especially became verbal critics and dissected with great precision why the new additions to their favourite virtual worlds were void of the greatness of the intellectual properties that preceded them. The movies, series, games, etc. tanked because the viewers rejected them. The people didn’t reject them because they hated the proclaimed principles of the agenda; they rejected them because through their love for the franchises they immediately noticed how the new instalments had no real connection to the prior ones, and therefore perceived there was also something off with the motives behind the agenda. By pumping our escapisms and media full of their propaganda they’d taken the soul out of them. The fans cannot connect to these things because these things have very little they want to connect with. They only helped to disconnect them from the imagination of the fans. Had the elites bothered to do their research they would’ve found many franchises already tackled the social issues they themselves tried to “resolve” but these franchises did so from a humanist approach, instead of a political approach. And I think many fans of many franchises were already quite open to seeing people from the less virtuous groups depicted as main characters. All these efforts by the elites and their minions actually revealed their own distaste and discriminatory views of the less virtuous. Of course they didn’t see it that way. They had decided it was the fault of the fans. The term ‘toxic fan’ was coined. A ridiculous concept. A fan is someone who has affection to a certain artist or type of artistic creation. So what is a toxic fan? Someone who hates what he/she loves? The writers and directors appointed by the elites were the real toxic people, and the fans knew it.

The agenda moved on without taking any notion of context in anything it encountered. Narrative pushers were placed among the ranks of actors and critics. They shared the same hallmarks as the elites that financed them; unpleasant, arrogant, and void of character and creativity. It didn’t matter what the context was, the narrative had to be right. In that same light, any high profile court cases where a less virtuous person was facing a virtuous person had to be decided in favour of the first, not the latter, regardless of the truth. The damage to society was at this point enormous, and groups were at each other’s throats. The elites kept projecting their own shortcomings onto society, and by the means they chose to “cure” it kept turning it into an ever more accurate reflection of themselves. I can give you an example from my own personal life of the negative effects their efforts had on society. My superior at my old job is a woman. I used to think that was normal and thought nothing of it. In recent years I caught myself thinking that it was special. That isn’t progress; it is regression! Society regressed under the influence of this agenda. Any person that stood up and really wanted to change things for the better was silenced. Because the goal was pursued without context the mission became bastardised. The minions changed the push from ‘we are all equals’ to ‘we are all the same’. This was actually something they tried to get going, claiming that all humans are the same and that all differences in physical appearance and personal preferences are all programmed into us through our upbringing. Challenging this narrative was absolutely forbidden, and you were surely to be “cancelled” if you said anything contrary to it.

Not only is the notion that all humans are the same demonstrably untrue, the minions didn’t realise how this view would ultimately lead to even more hatred amongst people, hindering whatever progress they’d made. They still don’t. We are all equal as a whole, there is no question about it, but as individuals it depends on the moment. Even the best person can have a rough day and be unreasonable. Even the worst person can be kind in a moment of found peace. But as a whole, each individual is equal to every other and should be seen and treated as such. Though, however equal to one another we are is not to be mistaken for being the same. Yes, each person is similar to the next but we are definitely not the same, and trying to argue we are is foolish. There are physical and chemical differences between all individuals – be it by their genetic heritage, or acquired traits during their lifetime – and to not acknowledge these differences is to handicap our ability to fully respect every individual person. There’s nothing wrong with these differences. In fact I’d argue these differences make the world a very interesting place to live. Imagine if we were all the same, how boring would that be? We may have a long road ahead of us when it comes to accepting all of our differences, but to forbid us to speak about our differences is to create the illusion we accept each other while forbidding actual acceptance. And every time this was pointed out, the establishment had to resort to censorship. And there’s been a lot of that lately. But it’s when they show their true intentions.

This agenda was forced upon us from a morally void philosophy called ‘political correctness’. Political correctness is for people who are completely intolerant, masquerading to be pro tolerance. It is a movement forged out of the evil furnace of the elites for the purpose of social engineering. Its “woke” minions claim to strive for diversity but will smite anyone that is different from the stagnant avatar they have drafted to represent it. Uniting humanity in peace, understanding, and acceptance are honourable goals and are something I think we should work towards. The means we use to realise this however are more important than the goals themselves. The elites fail to realise that their means reveal their actual goals. Their version of a better humanity will create forced peace, fake understanding, and pretend acceptance. It is a world that shares many similarities to the ego, which confirms that the elites are shaping this world into a reflection of themselves. A world that puts more value on the display window than the shop it represents. A world that may look like it’s progressive on the outside, but that lacks any real compassion and understanding on the inside. The only way they can uphold this mirage of a better world is by making sure we are completely under their control. To fake this better world convincingly they will force it down our throats, completely missing the many ironies. If you do all this to show someone you have strong principles, that’s exactly what you don’t have. Many people were happy to be the minions for this agenda, and maybe they rolled into it with good intentions. But if you let go of your principles to fight for your principles, you’ll end up becoming what you were fighting and will fight people that were actually on your side. That’s exactly what I’ve seen happen in the world. I weep for humanity. We were all too eager to join the fights. 

May there be mercy for us. May we forgive ourselves and each other for our sins. May we be shown the path to enlightenment and be cleansed. May we all find peace and serenity in solitude so we can come together as one. May those that reject the path to enlightenment be cast into hell. 

If humanity is to become ready to join an intergalactic federation it should do so at its own pace, not the hastened pace of rich power hungry multinationals that want to enjoy the benefits of whatever would come with that in their lifetime. I do not know what awaits us when these technologically superior beings return. I fear it will be nothing good. It is my hope that the things that are happening here now will attract the attention of superior enlightened beings, like the nukes that caught the attention of those other beings before them, and that those enlightened beings will intervene on behalf of all that is good.



Part of this chapter was inspired heavily by this and this video by Bedtime Stories on YouTube.