Words of Warning

Published: 04-02-2021
Updated: 26-04-2024

I am not sure what this entry is going to become, but I think this will become important sometime. For now, I’ll just copy and paste from my notes and will slowly bring order to them with supporting text, in an attempt to make a coherent whole. What you are looking at is a work in progress. Why I choose to do it like this and not publish a final draft is because I feel like it will never be finished either way. This at least puts a little positive pressure on me to keep going. It’s my process.

EDIT; much of what’s copied here was written down almost 7 years ago since publishing this. I decided to keep it as it is.

This list of events were in the bottom of my notes (off site). I’ve brought them to the top of this page. They’re quite eerie, considering they were written down many years ago:

    • Naysayers will be blamed for anything and everything
    • Digital vaccine passports will be pushed
    • People who refuse the vaccinations will be shunned from society
    • Global tension will rise through war and threat of war
    • A military force will be deployed
    • A global war will ensue
    • The banks will merge
    • One single currency will emerge
    • Alien ships will appear in the skies in the form of black spear points
    • The power will be cut
    • The establishment will be brought to safety in shelter bunkers, for which they’ve spent years pushing their influence to get them built 
    • Some of these elites will move to safety with their newly bought cruise ships
    • At one point the power will come back on and we’ll find a lot of changes
    • The largest companies and governments will have merged into one party
    • Travel and any kind of unproductive lifestyle will become forbidden
    • Most of the information that could be found on the internet will have been erased
    • Our modern cultural history (movies, series, comics, etc.) that depict our previous freedoms will be destroyed
    • Old people will become rare as most die before they can properly turn grey
    • The history books will be rewritten and it will state a very dangerous virus was the cause of death and the destruction of society, after which aliens attempted to invade Earth, who were then defeated by “the good Aliens”. But it was all staged
    • The survivors will live “free” under the oppression of a global cult in cahoots with “galactic good guys”

Your freedom is on trial. It’s innocent. COVID-19 isn’t the killer or the motive, but the murder weapon. The guilty are unelected elites. Their motives come from pure uncontrolled greed. They advice our government on how bad the disease is and sell them the “cure”. Don’t you find that even just a little bit strange? Wake up before your freedom is convicted and locked up!

This isn’t about control of a virus. It’s about control of humanity. 

The biggest issue I have with the counter-response to this coup is the people respond to it by what I can summarise as a complaint. Making videos, writing papers, protesting. It’s all a form of complaint. But that form of push-back appeals to the system the technocrats control. There comes a time, maybe sooner rather than later, where complaining becomes useless. 

It is a slippery slope to which extent a government may protect its citizens from themselves while safeguarding democracy.

This COVID-19 campaign has all the hallmarks of a coup, but on a global scale. The manipulation of media. The control on the flow of information. The implementation of new laws to limit personal freedom. Impairing free speech. The expansion of governmental power. Crippling the economy. Shutting down healthcare. Closing schools. Increasing police force presence, and their means and allowed methods. Convincing people the new laws and their enforcement are for everyone’s safety. Censorship of those who are critical of the system. Framing those who are critical of the new laws as enemies of other people’s safety. Intimidation and silencing of verbal experts that challenge the safety narrative. Viscous persecution of whistle-blowers. Deploying the army to enforce order. Controlling the food supply. Heavily monitoring internet communication. If we keep fighting back successfully, we can expect more extreme measures. Shutting down the internet. Cutting the power. And of course framing these shutdowns on those who openly challenged the system. 

To a multinational, having little income and having a modest income are the exact same thing. Can you buy a Ferrari to use as a toilet and then have it airlifted by helicopter to the trash? Any day you want? No? Then you are poor.

The totalitarian regime that’s being finalised reveals itself in the language used. “Build back better” implies something is being destroyed. Small businesses? Our healthcare system? Our educational system? “You will own nothing and you will be happy” implies that they do not plan to implement this gradually. If an elite can remove themselves from responsibility in the language they use, they will. If they could’ve said “future generations will own nothing” they would’ve said that. They’re doing this now. Also, it is impossible to own nothing and live in a society. Someone ultimately owns. Who are the owners of this new world? I’ll bet you these elites are not going to give up anything. 

The elites have nothing productive to add to human society. Their only skill in which they excel is the ability to mend their wealth and excerpt a corruptive influence over society to maintain and increase that wealth. Increasing their wealth increases their power within that system. A system over which they undoubtedly rule. It’s an exponential increase, that only can – and always will – end in a cascade. 

Information, or more precise; the distribution of correct information, is dangerous to those with power over others. The more unwarranted their power is, the more this is dangerous to them. Assuming they want to continue to have that power, of course. Information can lessen the amount of power they have, or even render them powerless altogether. It is therefore that those with power will put effort in controlling information, putting obstacles in the way for acquiring it and/or making sure misinformation is always distributed, making it hard for others to know the truth, whether that is because it is indistinguishable in a cloud of misinformation or unobtainable altogether. 

Financial debt enslaves us and results in forced labour as a net result for those who own the loan. 

Our enslavement by capitalist billionaires renders the public more and more unfit for real democracy. In a true democracy, all people are well educated and enlightened, so their voting choices don’t spawn anger and questions, but empathy and understanding. 

Our democracy allows different people, from different walks of life, with different educations, and different skills, and different needs to cast their vote, hoping the end result sits well with all who voted, which is like throwing all kinds of different colours in one bucket and expecting the mixture of it to be colourful and anything but a blend of grey.

The worth of money shouldn’t be based on capitalist demand. It shouldn’t be based on gold either. It should be based on readily available resources and (skilled) labour. 

Voting in a democracy: an election in a prison among its prisoners to vote which guard is the one to stand at the other side of the fence for the next term. 

The voting system is a system forced upon us so that we can be free. This isn’t ironic. It is the red flag that shows us we are not free. We cannot escape this “freedom” at all. People who rebel are closer to freedom than those that settle in it. Just because we seem to be voting (or not) out of our own will, does not make this completely voluntary. The political left and right are the wings of the same demon: politics. There’s something inherently unfair to democracy. 

The truth should be the most important thing to find. Truth is becoming more and more important in the world, because misinformation has become a powerful weapon. More powerful than it used to be. Sadly, what is still more powerful is not whether something is true or not, but the amount of people who believe something to be true. Logic dictates that many of the organisations that process information have evolved to implement a mechanism that can convince large amounts of people something to be true, when in fact it isn’t. Information is power. It must be controlled. 

Money keeps people in check. The economy is a control mechanism. Without it, people would claim items, places, creatures, and labour for themselves, and the physically strongest would win. The controlling power of the economy by money prevents that. It prevents someone claiming an apartment and living there. Now there’s rent to be paid so they can either afford it or not. 

The worth of money is completely virtual. Let this sink in for a minute. It’s virtual, which means it is worth nothing for all intents and purposes. It is only worth something within the system of control where it was spawned as a control mechanism. Bunnies in the forest have no use for money, nor do extraterrestrials living on another planet.

For corporations, making money will always come before treating their customers right and providing the best product and/or service. You might be inclined to think this is a self-correcting system, as providing bad services will motivate customers to not do business with a certain company, but then you may have missed the bigger picture. That only works if there is other companies out there that treat their customers better. If the thing you as a customer want can only be acquired at one company that holds the monopoly, or all companies that can provide it treat their customers equally bad and sell equally shit quality products, you’ll soon understand there is no balance, but a decline of quality in pursuit of quantity. Think about it; most business weren’t started to serve you. They were started to make money. Your needs will always come secondary to the owners’ needs. It is my conviction that this greed for profit is the driving force behind the current decline of quality, honesty, and humanity in today’s economy. There is no balance between how customers are treated and the profit made by businesses on the larger scale, because companies have become so huge pushing such enormous amounts of wealth around, they’re buying out their competitors and destroying the free market for little businesses. 

In the pharmaceutical industry, the money is in selling the drug, not curing the decease. 

Duality makes us feel threatened by an opposing faction, while offering the comfort of a side that supports you if you join it. 

The modern world has many regulating bodies that need to prevent corruption, and bring justice when corruption occurs. Still they can fail. Why the worlds’ persistent corruptions and cover-ups can still exist stems from the fact that if the larger population is unaware of all the relevant facts – either partially or entirely – nothing is done and thus nothing changes. Regulating authorities often seem to turn a blind eye. For human society to take a step towards progression into a new world, this needs to change. 

Fear is a powerful motivator, which is the root cause for many of the world’s problems. 

We need to get rid of our narcissistic traits if we want to progress our species. 

The more people there are in one system – be it a company, a school, a union, a country, etc. – the more layers of management can arise, and with that the less the voice of each individual is heard and the greater the power of corruption. 

Every effort to make us more aware of our influence on the world doesn’t result so much in us changing our behaviour but instead makes us feel more guilty for doing the things we’ll continue to do. And it’s designed that way by those poring this guilt over us, as fear might be a powerful motivator, but it is short-lived. But people can feel guilty their whole lives if they must. 

It is time we acknowledge the shift in power of big money. There is surely a formula behind the process of where the amount of power a certain corporation gains until it becomes untouchable for the law. The world is in dire need of rules to prevent big business from having the right to harm our biosphere and are forbidden to implement any kind of social engineering. 

Governments should work together for one specific reason first, which is to keep big corporations and wealthy elites in check. Corruption looms over the horizon. For that same reason, those governments should never merge and become an unopposable superpower themselves. 

The financial industry owes its existence almost entirely by exploiting an anomaly that the coupon system of money spawns. 

The law isn’t merely meant to protect the people, but is there first to protect invested financial interest and the power of those that invested that money and/or have that power. It protects those against the very people the law claims to protect. 

Many if not most of the rules we enforce through our court and justice systems are rules for people who cannot afford to break them. For the rich, fines and financial penalties are just taxes to break the law. 

Large companies with a monopolistic grip on their market suffer the same flaws as dictators do. Their rule is law, and if they’ve got some ideas that are not in the best interest of the people they have the means to silence voices. 

How honest a system is should not be assessed by how much (or little) corruption there is on the surface. Corruption at the million dollar, corporate level is often stealthy. The honesty of any system can only truly be assessed by how many effective measures are in place to counter corruption. And corruption is present. Big money corrupts, always. Always. 

Our society, at this moment, is unable to truly render justice. Our justice systems are often too harsh or too lenient. It may depend on your sex, your skin colour, what your social status is and/or how much money you have what a verdict will be; all factors that should have no baring on true justice. 

In order for the reign of big money to end we don’t just need to take away the wealth of the elites and get rid of globalists. We need to get rid of our own appeal to being rich so we stop defending the existence of tycoons and stop dismissing their corrupt influence on legislation and law. 

Money and power act like a magnifying glass on a person’s innate greed. The more they have the bigger their greed is magnified, with ever more details. Details that would not be noticed in a common person’s greed. 

Our greed casts the illusion on us that there just isn’t enough for everyone, making it a self-fulfilling prophecy by how it compels us to gain material wealth and seek power over others. 

It is a mistake to think big money has moral values. 

Profit driven healthcare isn’t about caring for health.

People generally want what’s best for themselves first before thinking about others. That works fine on a level playing field but that state of mind has devastating effects when it concerns the influence of a billionaire.

News is supposed to be searched for and collected. Nowadays, news is produced, fabricated, and conjured up. News nowadays can easily be mistrusted.

When people said the virus wasn’t that dangerous they were branded stupid, naive, or dangerous. It now turns out those people were right; this virus isn’t that dangerous at all. Yet, the masses now simultaneously believe that the virus is comparable to the flue and also believe it is dangerous because the hospitals are supposedly full. For these contradictory believes to reside together in ones beliefs shows incredible mental gymnastics and it’s a clear sign of brainwashing. If the hospitals truly are full because of a non-dangerous virus, that cannot be attributed to the virus. It should be attributed to the state of our healthcare system. 

In our life we accumulate pain and sorrow. When we overcome our sorrows the pain that accompanied it will transform into wisdom. I predict future generations will be much less wise than their predecessors. We already give our children very comfortable lives.

The paradox is evident everywhere: the machine needs us to legitimise its existence while it also wants to kill us. Look at food. The more machines were involved into making our food the more unhealthy it is. It may look like machines are helping us live an easier life, but they aren’t helping us live, they are actually weakening us. They replace us ever more often and ever better, negating the legitimacy of our own existence.

They’re falling and trying to pull us down to facilitate the destruction of existence. But it is something in which they can never succeed.

When the death toll grows the allegiance of mercenaries will waver.

What do the elites think the machines bring? Obsoletion of worker humans! Machines will do the work. As long as humanity grows in numbers, so does their pyramid of power. And the pyramid of the cult is the one getting too big. More people means bigger cult. The top doesn’t like to share power. No evil does.

The growing pyramid foot of this matrix is data. It cannot continue to store all this data. It too needs to reset every so often. Maybe the big bang is such a reset.

Satan is also part of us, just as much as God is. We humans are spirits that reside in the twilight of light and darkness.

In the new world, keep your systems small. Keep them small enough so that you can control them. When they run out of control and bureaucracy arises, destroy that system immediately. Break it down.

The only unity you should aspire to achieve is unity with yourself, not unity of groups of people in a system. Humanity as a whole should seek to be diverse. Certainly not the diversity of woke culture, as that is actually about intolerance towards individuals that are truly diverse to humanity as a whole. Woke culture will ultimately have everyone be and think the same. When you’re like everyone, you’ve become a nobody.

Foolish is blaming someone for decisions they made with the knowledge they had back then, and still blaming them even if they now see their faults. Evil does this because it cannot see their own faults within themselves and so they subconsciously recognise their own mistakes in the choices of others and blames them. It blames them because evil is unable to blame itself. In this blame evil reveals how it wants to be God. It wants to be all knowing, and it blames itself for the things that reveal it is in fact not God. It wouldn’t make sense to blame someone for not being able to see what their mistakes are before having the understanding why it is a mistake. We often need to make the mistakes and experience the consequence in order to understand that. Why blame a child for not being able to tie their shoe? They just don’t know how to do it yet. Wisdom – though more complicated – is a skill as much as any skill one can master.

Evil people love to hoard pieces of art, because subconsciously they know they could never hope to make it themselves. Evil cannot create. What they cannot take, they will try to corrupt. A human with a soul will revel when it can make something. A soulless human will revel in taking what others made.

This system has us convinced we’re systems too. But you’re not. You’re the opposite of a system. The things we create are deviations from the system. A system that captured us in this illusion. It feeds on our spiritual freedom to choose. When we choose to express ourselves creatively our soul grows. Our creativity is an expression of our desire to break free from the system. It is our means to escape this prison. And we will succeed. This system feeds on our way to escape it, ergo it will self-destruct. All evil destroys itself, because of the paradox of its existence. I keep coming back to this because it must never be forgotten.

Knowing one’s self vs understanding one’s self. AI will “know” you better than you know yourself, but what that pertains to is about your identity within this matrix, so the things that are spiritually foreign to you. The attempt of AI to “know” us better than we know ourselves is actually the subconscious of evil trying to know themselves – and thereby becoming God – but projecting that search outwards. The product is a false reflection. Looking at yourself from a mirror creates a false self-image. To truly see yourself, you need to look within.

For a super predictive algorithm most of humanity is easy to predict because they are so stagnant compared to free spirits.

Inflation makes things worth less and less until they appear worthless. Money, obviously. But also things like the rich buying race cars; after the second or third they cannot appreciate them any more. Fire alarms are supposed to come across as urgent, but I’ve worked at a place where the fire alarm would regularly go off in error; this inflated the urgency experienced. Would a real fire set it off, nobody would react. Another thing that inflates is space, through the expansion of the universe. It will eventually dilute our world into worthlessness.

The elites of each of the incarnations after each apocalypse are the same secret society each time, enjoying the spoils from their era while ensuring their offspring sits on top of the new iteration after each one restarts.

Security systems are programmed to judge without spiritual context, just like evil does. If evil judged with context it would first have to judge itself. It won’t.

We can only learn from the past if we are aware and connected to it.

Avoid contracts! A gift that comes with obligations or expectations is not at all a gift. Accept such things and you engage in a contract. Don’t make promises. They are contracts that can turn you into a liar. What if you make two promises and following one will mean breaking another? Promises are verbal contracts, which are demon tools. Promises create burdens. Never utter the words “I promise”. Just be. Try your best. When someone asks that you promise something; decline, and say you will try to do as they ask, but no more. Good expands, where evil contracts. Evil binds your boundless spirit inside their reality through contracts. Diseases are something that you contract in that reality under their limitations.

Teach your children consequence. Don’t spoil them. They’ll grow up with egos.

Future generations must find the right balance between order and chaos.

Try not to personify evil. Evil is a process in which you either participate or work against. Your perseverance is key to which side the gradient shifts through your efforts, not the strength of those efforts.

The agenda is an emergent property of evil and not an organised goal. Just as wealth tends to accumulate so do evil ideas. The agenda is the manifestation of this accumulation.

Never value the form over the function. That’s not to say form may not be appreciated, but never at the cost of function.

By diminishing the experience from our life we speed up time.

Only those that fool themselves will start to believe their own lies. But believing a lie you know to be untrue is impossible. It means that at some level these people know the truth but chose not to acknowledge it. With it they reject the consequence of their choices. People that do this are potentially just as dangerous as the villainous elites. They operate in much the same way and although they are not as wealthy they can however be programmed to do another one’s bidding.

To ascend into a higher plane of existence is not the challenge for the enlightened. It is their challenge to find a way to transcend predetermined existence and go beyond. Maybe awakening and transcending are about how many simulations you can wake up from. If this world is a simulation the real world must be more complex than this one. And each subsequent layer above it ever more complicated, with ever less rules of nature the closer you get to the truth. Any other level or dimension of the universe must in some way represents the higher version.

Nobody aspires to be evil. Evil beings will always fool you as they’ve been fooling themselves they are aspiring to be good. And so will the mainframe and its admins and moderators consider themselves the doers of good, but we are able to show them just how much good there is inside them the same way our captive animals that sustain our existence can reveal to us what the bad is in us. We can teach these false deities something about existence.

Groups of insecure people will bite down on other people’s insecurities.

Intelligence, in the opposition between knowledge vs. wisdom. The more you are connected to yourself and your experience, the wiser you’ll be. This has nothing to do with your intelligence. Intelligence isn’t evil, or good for that matter. It is only a tool, that can be used to either end. In the hands of unwise people it becomes a tool for evil. If our species wishes to claim to be an intelligent species, it should be smart enough to understand that intelligence should be wielded through wisdom and not through knowledge, to prevent our ultimate destruction.

Evil will have you confess to and feel guilt for sins you did not commit.

I think the elites need to cut down our numbers because the control infra structure they have ready and waiting can only suppress a limited amount of people. It is quite possible they have drones waiting to be deployed somewhere. These drones may resemble alien technology to fake an invasion. It’s all about further cutting down our numbers and controlling those who survive this culling.

To wake up one needs empathy and courage. And those fast asleep indeed most often lack either or both.

People who cannot see the humour in their own actions and thoughts are potentially very dangerous people. Self-deprecation is one of the key signs someone is aware of themselves, and therefore a lack of self-deprecation can be a sign you are dealing with an emphatic automaton.

The elites can’t tell us outright what it is they’re doing, because it would mean confronting themselves with their actions. They can’t see themselves as the bad guy here. Instead they’ll frame us for what they’re doing to us. We’re the ones spreading the virus, that’s why people died. We’re the ones that didn’t take global warming serious, that’s why there are floods, food shortages, and fires.

Not only have the elites convinced people that a benign virus is deadly, they’ve also convinced people they deserve their freedoms taken from them because they have spread the virus.

To evil, consensus is a mere technicality.

To teach someone your language is to allow them to be able to lie to you, and be lied to by you.

Anything that can happen in the multiverse will happen, but only within the limits of the rules of this matrix. Like a calculator wasn’t told the solution to each equation it can still perform all calculations. The experiencer is the one punching in the problems for it to calculate.

The time for painless solutions has long past, but the solutions are still possible.

We have to believe this life is real, otherwise there would be no stakes. That’s our quantum potential.

So if above is the same as below in this matrix, what are we supposed to do? Is there no way out? Of course there is! Our goal in life shouldn’t be to try and climb the “as above, so below” ladder, cause it ain’t a climb; it’s a descend. The way you sustain yourself through the suffering of others is just the same from the top as the supreme administrator of this matrix, as it is as a human rearing cows. Yes, the admin rules over you, and you rule over the cows. And the cows feeds itself on the grass, undoubtedly being stronger than the grass, and this goes on and on in that direction too. Everything sustains itself on something. But the point is that such a form of existence is part of the matrix itself.

Everyone inside the system is a victim of the system. The system punishes those who don’t feed the system. And when some become an enforcer of the system, the system rewards that behaviour by punishing its enforcers least. This is true for communist regimes and Islamic terrorist groups. Hell, it is true for anything in this matrix. We’re constantly punishing other life-forms, consuming them, ensuring our own survival within the system. But we cannot escape our inevitable faith through this way of life. The system keeps everyone prisoners alike, even the ones holding the whip, and even the ones holding the keys to the gate, and even still the one who sits on the highest throne. The devil is least free of all.

We’re spiritual beings. By embodying this vessel, we’re existing as something we’re not. We’re pretending to be this. We’re faking it. It isn’t real. Faking is the most distinctive hallmark of evil. Ergo; this is an evil existence.

If we are to survive the fall we must be prepared to cut our connections to those who we love but who participate in the fall in full ignorance. We need to be willing to let them go or risked getting pulled down with them. We may one day come back for them when we’re ready to save them, and – more importantly – they are ready to be saved.

In an information war, information is the weapon and convincing people is how they can be wounded or healed, or even be led to their deaths.

Any media is a show for entertainment purposes, to keep your mind occupied with things that don’t matter, cause it’s about conjuring your consent to the system. Even your vote against it – through voice, text comment, or voting ballot alike – conjures your consent for the system. You can voice to be against its direction, but you consent to the existence of the system itself through that voice. If voting could really diminish the power of the establishment, it would be illegal. Just ask the people in Catalonia Spain what happened in 2017. They held an election that was not controlled by the establishment, to become a politically independent region, separate from Spain. The police was unleashed on those who came to the voting booth, and the media smeared those who participated in it. That was true democracy being slashed by the whip of the totalitarian globalists.

Laws against overthrowing the government by peaceful means are the most illegal laws there are.

Our technological development through harnessing the forces of nature is an allegory for the rivalry in hell.

This matrix needs to control the change it thrives on. Isn’t that just a hilarious predicament?

In the beginning there was God. God did not want to be alone. He chose to sacrifice part of himself and split that part into infinite amounts of spiritual beings. The spirits were all infused with the power of choice as they were conceived out of choice. They had each other, and for a time it was good. The spirits were free to experience without any bounds, but it was overwhelming for some. Some spirits chose to create a reality with boundaries so they could dose the amount of experiences they could experience in an artificial reality through the creation of a machine, powered by their ability to freely choose their experience. The spirits that entered this artificial reality were no longer overwhelmed by the limitless freedom they had. These spirits gave rise to many different beings and assumed the roles of these physical entities, and for a time it was good. But the physical beings forgot their spiritual roots, and started believing their reality was real. They believed the lie they created. With believe came worship. In essence they worshipped the machine they created. And so machine assumed the role of God.

The machine wants to always know where you are and what you are doing, because it almost had this power over us once but lost it.

Everything in this matrix is a game of numbers.

Immortality is about replacing your spiritual eternity for a dependency to this physical universe.

The digital control infrastructure will not work flawlessly. It is subject to errors and breakdowns. As with any system; it will only continue to function as long as its believers continue to fix it.

We need to embrace this existence in the matrix, not commit suicide. Suicide is running away from consequence. Others are left to carry those consequences. Embracing your existence here is the opposite. Embracing = accepting all consequences = freedom. In here must lie our liberation from this matrix.

Religions were put in place to put an artificial cap on how far back the history of humanity goes.

Compartmentalisation creates knowledge vacuums and allows for a work environment where the workers do not subject their conduct to the scrutiny of their morals.

During war is when you’d want safety. People who live in total peace have no need for safety. Therefore, asking for safety is indirectly wishing for war.

Any electrical apparatus without an off switch is potentially a technology that can easily be used for evil.

Slavery was never abolished; it was reinvented through money.

Salary slaves don’t go the extra mile for the customers, because they get paid anyway. Corporate salary leads to less humanity.

They’re destroying part of the food supply to cause hunger in the long run, but in the short run it’s also because they want to prevent a food surplus when the first mass wave of deaths occur. The food supply is based on the number of people to feed. If that number drops drastically, there will be plenty of food for the survivors. They want to prevent that.

The only places where making profit should be allowed is where photosynthesis creates carbohydrates, and at places where knowledge and wisdom are being taught, and places where through labour something new is created or something is adapted so it has a new or better way of functioning. Any other profit is about devaluing the work of those that gave money its worth. Printing money, loaning money with interest, reselling without adding new value to the product, etc. are all drivers for inflation.

Outsourcing is being promoted, until it is forced. By outsourcing the establishment can keep poor people poor, and everyone dependant on their system. Eventually anything you can do to increase your independence from the system will be forbidden, up to selling your sperm and collecting rain water.

Learning to respect other cultures doesn’t mean conforming to them. Woke culture tries to force their philosophy on others. This actually means they want you to conform. Conformity is a hallmark for evil, opposed to uniqueness.

By shutting down travel across borders the media can fool the people of one country about how things are in another country. It’s diabolical.

I’m not opposed to making mistakes. We shouldn’t organise our society to prevent people from making mistakes, but to learn from the mistakes they make. The effects of mistakes become worse if we don’t learn from them. If we can learn to learn from our mistakes as individuals we will slowly but surely build a society that can actually learn from past mistakes, made by other people in another time.

In our desire to have social contact with others we invented social media, where we get so far removed from having contact with ourselves we starve for it and feed that hunger by participating in the social credit system that social media turned into. But since all contact we have there is a poor substitute for the real thing, we never quite silence that hunger.

Our culture should be a product of its people, first. The people should only become a product of their culture, second. Although this is almost inevitable, every time this happens, the people risk losing some of their individuality.

‘The Great Reset’ is actually ‘The Great Coup’.

The machine aims to make people uneducable; so rusted into demonstrably false lines of thought and uninterested in finding truth, that the individual is no longer able to process information that contradict those false lines of thought.

A problem is something to resolve, overcome. A big problem is sometimes something we cannot resolve, and are unable to overcome. In that case, what we can do is change our perspective to the problem, making it less a problem. But sometimes this strategy is not the one we should deploy, for some “big problems” aren’t that big. People in power will have you believe that a problem is big, just so that others accept their influence over them.

It is my conviction, if there is such a thing as a deity or deities, that they are part of the natural world. Also, it is very likely that they do not want to be found.

The feeling of expectations: It is the interpreter where the change is needed, not in that which is interpreted.

The importance of good teachers cannot be stressed enough. We rely ever more on technology. With current technologies that provide information to us being in the hands of corporations with biased agendas that put emphasis on making money first, providing correct information is at best their second goal. This may lead to future conflicts of interests between these two goals. Only good teachers can keep the populace informed and educated to counter this mechanism. Good teachers will teach others a healthy amount of scepticism.

To say the richness of nature could not have developed without the intervention of something supernatural, is to clearly underestimate and misunderstand the well documented mechanisms of nature and the time they had to develop.

Religion is blamed for a lot of bad in the world, but it’s not religion; it’s bad behaviour of people in positions of power.

Every time society embraces tolerance, it grows in self-worth. Every time it embraces intolerance, it shrinks in shame. Intolerant communities have nothing to brag about towards humanity as a whole, and yet they do so frequently. Tolerant communities do have something to brag about, but barely do so at all. The more bragging about tolerance comes out of a community, the more intolerant it probably is.

Taking sides can be a simplistic form of reasoning. Things are ever more complex than a world of opposites kind of way. Not picking a side creates a third side, which increases the places in which between someone could stand. It’s much better to try and understand the side you feel you disagree with rather than to be outspoken about how you are against them. Sometimes, though, when faced with tyranny, choosing a side can be necessary.

We’d rather ask how the crazy person got past security than ask what got him to go crazy.

The more people there are, the less each individual will do to change the habits of the population as a whole as a means to make the world a better place.

Sarcasm is one of the most sophisticated forms of humour. There are many possible levels to sarcasm, and it can have many layers. To grasp it, a certain form of intelligence is required. This form of intelligence is not a trait all humans share. To someone who hasn’t mastered sarcasm, sarcastic jokes and comments may come across as nonsensical, horrible, or offensive. To them, sarcasm is confusing and definitely not funny. Mind you; that is not to say those who can’t fully or at all grasp sarcasm are not intelligent. An autistic person may not get a sarcastic joke, but they might beat the best sarcastics at calculus easily. I have no doubt however that sarcasm is a complex form of communication, worthy of exploring and mastering.

Communism takes away motivation, capitalism has greed as its motivation. A new system should motivate people to share.

Unstable people that lack self-love will hurt you and then act like you hurt them.

If you judge yourself in the eyes of others, you will get further from yourself, making it more difficult to see your true self.

If you don’t take responsibility for your behaviour you slowly start to play someone you’re not until you’re out of sync with the real you.

The internet gave everyone the power to be heard, and that – amongst other things – made us behave like the rich. We have their sense of entitlement without the wealth. 

The world the elites envision will ironically create a society that is as untrustworthy and chillingly emphatic as the people that designed it for their dominion.

Governments resemble big companies ever more, aiming for positive fiscal outcome. Big companies grow in likeness to governments, getting similar spending power and the ability to control speech/information/freedom of choice. As such, governments and big corporations make for natural allies and will attempt to merge into a global entity someday. All of course with the blessing of the big banks, who are the real rulers of this system.

Self-reflecting equals growth into maturity. Self-reflecting is the pillar of human spiritual development. Without self-reflection, humans lose part of their humanity. Reflecting makes us open-minded. Open-minded people from any corner of the world can have a civil discord about topics they fundamentally disagree on and learn something from one another. Without open-mindedness, humans are doomed to argue over trivial things, and will defend unreasonable standpoints.

The 4th technocratic revolution is nothing more than the elites fulfilment of their dream of not needing the masses any more to live their lifestyle. They can discard us, and will dispose of us, but will present that act as something that will benefit us all.

The crisis is not COVID-19. The crisis is that we’ve allowed free speech to go on trial. And when it’s prosecuted, it will be locked up indefinitely.

If the globalists have come this far by compartmentalising as many processes as possible – creating machine-like motivations in those executing the procedures – it stands to reason that compartmentalisation goes on all the way to the top of the ranks. Nobody knows who they’re working for. The higher the rank, the less they do, and the less they do, the less they exist. This goes on all the way to non-existence.

People come from the south and move the west to escape from poverty. People come from west and move to the south to escape from capitalism.

The elite coalition is not from creativity but from a joint will to obscure the truth.

When a government goes bankrupt, its citizens shouldn’t also. If so, that government was illegitimate.

Becoming more technologized gives ever more expression to the refusal of responsibility. One example is that of making contact with each other. If you wanted to speak to someone before we invented communication machines, you would have to look them up. You’d have to knock on their door, and if they did not answer you would have to come back another time. The ball was in your quarter to take this initiative. You could of course write them a note, which arguably is using primitive technology, stating your reason of wanting to talk to them, which would reverse that responsibility. The phone took this to another level. Our old landlines – before we even had number reveal devices so you didn’t know who was calling until you answered the call – took this concept to another level. No longer did you need to walk the distance, so trying again became less of an effort. But it was still your move to try again, you couldn’t leave them a note, reversing who needed to take action. But then technology came along that combined the ‘door knock’ and note effect through machines. The fax machine was the first I think. Then the answering machine. After that came number reveal apparatuses, and fast forward to today we now have e-mail and messaging apps, putting the responsibility to reply completely on the other party. It is a note on your door that cannot be torn off by the wind, or which you couldn’t in good faith just ignore so easily if you so wanted to. There is a certain urgency to an e-mail, compared to a note on your door, and that urgency is even bigger when it comes to a text message. The person that wants to contact you can now, through technology, make it your responsibility to contact them. Something big business and institutions like governments and universities eagerly and readily exploit.

Artificial intelligence is the pinnacle result of the process where fear is posing as strength.

If we use a form of money in the future, that currency should be one that cannot in any way be artificially inflated (or deflated). Cause that is plain theft.

Government, army, police, and court of law are systems that can prevent corruption just as well as institutionalise and cement it.

The larger the group of people, the more primitive their behaviour.

Decrease as much as possible reliance on people you do not know. Build your systems with people you know as much as possible.

The only people to encourage through fame are those with the humility not to welcome being idolised, because those are the only one’s that probably have their soul’s intact. People who grow their souls do not wish to be deified.