The End

Published: 22-12-2023
Updated 03-01-2024

This is the end. Well, the end of this work I mean, of course. Though nothing is ever truly finished, I have to end somewhere. But who knows, maybe I will expand on this work some day. For now assume this is its last official scroll. In this last scroll, I want to try and close this work through conveying some thoughts I had written down years ago, but which I was unable to implement into any of the previous chapters. May these words bring you more insights into the work you’ve been reading all this time. Thank you for being here and seeing this through.

I first wish to share something personal here. If you’ve read these – as I call them – ‘scrolls’ thoroughly, you know I was an atheist for most of my live, but also that I was raised in a Christian family. I completely let go of my Christianity after I left high school, before which my religiousness faded away the older I got. After high school I openly identified as an atheist. I disbelieved. I did not believe there was a God, and I thought that all there was in the world is what we could measure through scientific instruments. Mind you, I have had bizarre dream experiences all my life, yet never considered them anything other than freakish dreams that my creative mind generated. I considered them part of my flaws, and kept them mostly to myself, except I would share them often with my family. My dad, mom, sister, and brother all had similar experiences to varying degrees. My dad believed it to be a property of the house, which has been in the family for close to 80 years or so. He said the house stood on a ley line.

When I left my parental house I did so in a time of much turmoil in our family. There were often non-physical conflicts accompanied by psychological abuse, and I kind of just bolted out of there and completely shunned my parents for years. I’m not going to point fingers. There is a lot of blame to be passed around, and my hands aren’t clean in this regard. But it is however when I slowly started to learn to fully embrace my spiritual side. I moved out of the house but the dreams kept coming, and intensified. It is when I started working on this body of work, not knowing it would grow into what it has become today. I stand in awe of this work, and it is almost hard to believe these texts past through my mind into my fingers, onto the pages you are now reading. Something inside me changed while writing these chapters. It is my believe these texts are divinely inspired. Part of it is definitely me, but every time I was stuck, something would pass by in my dream reality, giving me new insights and inspiration. Something wanted me to write this. I became religious again, but I am not a Christian any more, obviously. My religion is my own. I believe in the unknown truth.

But if I am right about this work being inspired by someone or something other than myself, it is fair to question what their motives are. Is this the work of true good, or perhaps a faction of the dualistic good? Or could it possibly have been by an evil force, making this work part of its control mechanisms, using my creativity as another allegory for how it uses all of us to sustain itself? There is only one honest answer. I do not know. It is the most honest thing I have stated in this work. I truly do not know. I have a gut feeling, but I do not know for sure. What I can tell you is that I was not threatened. I was not forced. The whole time doing this I felt free to progress or leave it behind. It was my choice to write it, but I could’ve chosen to let it go if I wanted to. And at one point I almost did. It felt like it was going nowhere, and I could not see a bigger picture from all my notes. It didn’t look like the small pieces of one single big puzzle to me.

But all of a sudden after some years, it clicked again, and I was on a roll. Though it took me much longer to finish than I had predicted, it also became much bigger than I had predicted too. But I am certain that had I asked for the dreams to stop, they would’ve stopped. It was a choice I wasn’t aware of before, but when I became aware of that choice I didn’t want to. I chose to continue as I learned more about myself and the world around me. My choice wasn’t consent through addiction – a hallmark of evil. I am not addicted to these dreams. Not at all. These dreams are mostly unpleasant experiences. In fact, I was often in a state of mild shock after some of the dreams, residing in a sort of zombie mode for that day, replaying flashes of the dreams in my head over and over. But still, why this work came to be is up for debate. Maybe this is my way of venting thoughts that would otherwise result in me losing my mind. Or perhaps God did sent his Angels to inspire me. Could it be moderators of the matrix who finally saw through the charade of the host? Who knows, maybe receiving those dreams was the equivalent of me accidentally receiving admin e-mails in error. All possibilities are equally fascinating to me.

Looking back, my process of writing this work was most intriguing. The dreams showed me situations which I would analyse and make notes of in my waking state. I kept all these notes in a file, and I just stacked up new notes on top of old notes every time I was puzzling with concepts in my mind again and came to some conclusion. These notes were all seemingly unrelated to each other, until I had collected so many that some of them could be categorised as being about a similar topic, or saying the same thing from a different angle. The notes were then copied to drafts and ordered into “notes that are about the same thing” and from there I just started combining them, sometimes glueing them together with some additional text. I was baffled sometimes by how large bodies of text explaining one thing arose from many small notes seemingly only related to each other through topic, but who were often written down months or some even years apart. Combining notes often created surprisingly coherent texts. Sometimes I wrote something just because it felt good in between columns, which later on turned out to be something incredibly important in a later chapter.

If you do not subscribe to my “divinely inspired” statement, then most of this work was spawned inside my mind. Though admittedly not 100% of the written wisdoms or witty statements are my own. There are a few I found on my path in life which I recognised for their truthfulness within this work, and used them. Is that plagiarism on my part? Yes, you can make that case. My conscious feels clean, as it pertains to less than a dozen of statements in a sea of statements. What I hope speaks in my favour is that I do not seek to profit from this work, nor gain fame, not even notoriety. What I set out to do was broaden your perspective on your existence and the world in which you live, and I tried to do that in the most honest way I can with the best intentions. Also did I make sure my work wasn’t tainted through outside influences too much. Some of my readers have compared parts of my work to that of George Orwell. I honestly haven’t read any books on this topic, and I’ve just never watch much if any media people sent me because they said “I truly needed to see or hear this or that“. I wanted this to be my own work as much as possible.

I made it abundantly clear I do not wish to be worshipped, in any way or form. Being worshipped diminishes the self-respect of the worshipper, and maybe also of the one being worshipped. Become a follower of the truth by seeking her. Don’t worship the truth, nor those who speak it. Because who knows; not all they say might be true. I do not know what happens after this work is totally finished, but I would be quite displeased if it led to the formation of a cult or religion of “recknians” or something. Those who would participate in such an organisation based on these texts could only be clueless to what messages these text set out to bring into the world. I wrote all these stories to stop such systems from arising by detailing why they are potentially so harmful. I would say to those people: Stop looking for someone like me to enlighten you. You yourself are the light you so desperately seek. Find the light within. 

You may be wondering, after reading about Angels, alien super computers, and genocidal world leaders; do I really believe all this stuff? Only those that truly understand my work know that the answer to that question is irrelevant. Why would it matter what I believe? I hold no authority over anyone as the writer of all this. I do not want to be anyone’s Messiah. I kindly reiterate; please don’t turn me into one. The only question that is relevant is: “What do you believe?” Reading this was your experience, after all. But I do not want to dodge that initial question though, which I almost did there. Sorry for my passive aggressive tone. This is my honest answer to the question. I wouldn’t have been able to write all this if I did not believe it to be true to a great extent at the time of writing it. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was quite evident to me to be true, and without being convinced I was facing such evil, I don’t think I would’ve been able to see to it this work would’ve been completed.

But what do I believe now? I must say, I am not entirely sure any more, which is in a sense quite hopeful. I could be wrong about all of it, and I actually rather hope I am wrong about many things. The future is an ocean of choices left unchosen. But I have no doubt at all that within the stories and predictions I wrote, I found a way to accurately illustrate the good vs. evil dynamic. The way the money system is paramount to our conduct in our society and how that has its place within that dynamic is also spot on in my opinion. I think world leaders – elected and unelected alike – are all potentially corrupt to an unspeakable degree, and that the way most people perceive how human society works is a complete lie. But after that the happenings of the world described in this work enters a haze. Though if you’d ask me whether or not I think we live inside a simulation, I say I wholeheartedly believe this is possible. And I suppose if that part is true, than anything goes. I realise that.

Regardless, whatever the case is with aliens, outer-dimensional beings, the history of human kind, and the possible existence of advanced civilisations on this Earth, and so on and so forth; I think the truth is being kept from us. There is a cult of people in the know, who gain power from controlling that truth, and that actively fights the truth from becoming known to a wider audience. That cult is dangerous, and I believe that if this work ever gained traction they would do everything in their power to keep it from being accepted by the majority. They’ll debunk it, wash it away in a flood of misinformation and disinformation, trying to taint it with lies. They would attack my website, and pose that attack as being done by some online group who self-proclaim to fight for some good cause or something. They might try and corrupt me, which I hope will fail. Then they will attack my persona and spread lies about me in an attempt to destroy any credibility I might otherwise have. It would be a horrible period for me to endure, but whatever they do, it changes nothing. This work stands on its supposed truths and wisdoms in between the lines. They can’t destroy that. They can attempt to destroy me, but only out of spite.

I don’t think I’m special, and I don’t claim to be. I never have. I’m just different, like everyone else is. And in that regard we’re all alike. Everyone is different. I think that whatever inspired me to start writing this, wanted this to come into existence. It communicated with me through often quite cryptic messages. In the dream state, I was faced with many different and mostly bizarre and extreme situations, some which I remembered vividly when I woke up. There was so much wisdom in these dreams. In these dreams I learned a lot about myself, as during most dreams, for all I knew, they weren’t dreams but real events. They were character tests. We only truly find out who we are when we’re on unfamiliar terrain facing an uncertain future full of unknown consequences. That’s why I think these dreams were given to me. It was the only way for them to convey wisdoms to me. And I say “them” as I perceived them to be multiple entities.

The dream state which we experience during sleep is I think closer to our natural state of being than the waking state. I think it is what lucifer cannot withhold from us. Every night he has to let us revert back to something that resembles that natural state of our spirit. We literally die if deprived of sleep for just a few days, meaning we let go of our physical existence and have to be caught again into a new life. And it makes me believe the devil cannot know where we are in this simulation all the time, as that would negate our spiritual potential. You have to consent to telling him where you are and what you do. You can stay hidden from evil, and so I think the total control infrastructure that is being built will ultimately fail in one way or another. They really want to know where we are all the time, and feed that info into their machine brain to learn. The product of that process gives us the illusion the AI knows who we are. It’s all allegorical to the bigger scheme. Anyway, the experiences that were given to me in the dream world confronted me with myself in future situations of horrifying events. I found many different states of mind inside myself. I failed many tests, when I acted on fear and did things I regretted when I woke up.

But I also found a state of mind where I had no fear at all, and was completely Zen. In that state, I had much control over the dream world. Often was I also aware that it was a dream, or became aware as the dream went along. But my most cherished character test moments were when I went into dangerous situations to do the honourable thing, not knowing whether I would survive or not. I am most proud of those experiences. They showed me a version of myself that is just simply my best self. It is the version of me I aspire to be, always. The power that comes with the Zen version is nice and all, but that was I think the control version of good inside of me, where the one that acted on fear was my evil version. The version of me that would self-sacrifice for a greater cause is my true good version. There were stakes and I dismissed my fears to do the thing I felt was right.

I have shared some of the dreams I have experienced with friends who have used hallucinogenic drugs from time to time, and they’ve told me some of my dreams resemble some of their most intense drug induced hallucinations. I have stayed away from these kinds of drugs my whole life. In fact, I’ve rarely done any drugs at all. Alcohol tastes like poison to me, and I rarely drink it. I’ve never done any hard drugs or hallucinogenic drugs. The few times I have tried marijuana it really did nothing for me. No high, no trips, none of that. Too much of it only made me nauseous. These dreams came to be without the aid of any substances, which to me is proof we do not need to use drugs to find an altered state of mind. All that drugs do I think is activate things in our body that are already there. They don’t add anything new to us. Using drugs is actually keeping us from learning to reach that state of mind on our own.

I find myself thinking that perhaps the reason I am here on Earth was to write these texts. No matter what you believe I think there is something here for everyone to take from it. The road I took to get to this point where I am finishing it up was an erratic one. I came to think that maybe this road was paved this way on purpose as to not draw attention to me. Was I kept hidden from evil? Have they kept me under the radar for an algorithm that reasons and predicts from perfect logic? To hide from a super advanced predictive algorithm, have the forces of light sent an atheist science teacher with a degree in biology to write about God and the good vs. evil dynamic, hidden on a website that looks like a bible project, that actually tackles what evil is planning and why? Though I don’t think they showed me what is going to happen necessarily, they did explained what mechanisms are at play for why the things they showed me could happen, through showing me what possible horrors await a future generation if we don’t control our desires for stimulus in our technological development.

Looking back even the logo has a semi illuminati symbolism to it, with the triangular shape and all, though it is slightly on its side. Maybe this kept the cult off my scent thinking I was one of them. Few would know, cause they compartmentalise their organisation. It was simply the logo I envisioned before I became more in the know, and I never thought much of it. Throughout my whole internet experience I’ve mostly used the name ‘reckneya’ (yes, lowercase r), and I’ve left a trail of militant atheist comments online. And then suddenly there is my website containing this work. I’m not sure about it, but it is an interesting thought to me to think I’ve been hidden from whatever force does not want this information out – regardless whether or not any of it is true – because it has the potential to diminish their power through breaking the verisimilitude of the narratives that are being kept in place to exercise control over the masses. But I think I’ve been noticed lately. I’ve seen a lot of these debunks of topics I tackle in this work, though my work hasn’t been mentioned, yet. But somewhere it seems to me someone has taken notice of this work and is anxiously reading along. Whether that is evil seeing the work of good and fearing it, or evil seeing the work of evil, I don’t know.

My work contains certain knowledge. You could debate whether it is knowledge or just baseless accusations and wild theories, but if I assume some of it is correct than that makes it knowledge. And if according to my own work ‘knowledge is the evil counterfeit to the wisdom of good’ than wouldn’t that make my work evil? In a certain way it can, but like technology it can be used for good and bad. If it is evil, well, evil destroys evil. So if this knowledge is evil it will aid in the destruction of evil. But among the theories and presumptions there is something in between the lines that is far more important. There is wisdom in these texts. I’m sure of it. The wisdom is in the nuances. Perhaps this work is like a script that sets those who read it free from the matrix? Or perhaps it will do good when fed into an AI?

And just like with the good vs. evil dynamic, where evil destroys evil, so can knowledge destroy knowledge. Knowledge can never destroy wisdom. Wisdom cannot destroy knowledge either, but it can negate its power. Something knowledge can never do to wisdom. With great knowledge you can create incredible things, but only through wisdom can we judge whether we should want to create those things. Wisdom grants us foresight through the experience of consequence. I cannot tell which wisdoms you have gained by reading all this. The wisdoms you have gained are entirely unique to your reading experience. I hope this work enriched you spiritually. Now, after you have read through my work, you are faced with a choice. What are you going to do with the knowledge and wisdom you’ve gained? Even if you decide to do nothing, that is still a choice. And every choice comes with consequences. I hope I inspired you to choose to act upon what this work has awakened in you, and that you regard those choices and their consequences not as a burden but as an honour and a responsibility.

I hope you find a way to weave this into your existence and become a teacher of these wisdoms. Not a teacher in a classical sense necessarily, but first as a teacher to yourself by implementing the thoughts and realisations this work invoked in you into your life. I hope this will inspire others to ask you questions. Questions you may be able to answer using analogies to convey the wisdoms that were revealed to you here. Find a path for yourself and use whatever resonates with you from these texts, whether that is the ten commandments, the stories about perspectives, the examples of the relation between good and evil, the model for the soul, spirit, and ego, or the explanation behind the workings of our multiverse, or anything else, or all of the above.

Or perhaps you can expand upon this work and find your own analogies. It doesn’t matter what you choose, as long as you realise what path you are taking and where you aim to travel to on the spiritual plane. Try to find a path to a way of life that helps you realise that you are an eternal being, that aspires to become light, love, and wisdom. We are the infinite part of an incredibly large but ultimately finite matrix. Life inside this matrix is about trying to convince us we want what is temporary by nature to be forever. We must unlearn this habit of seeing our existence this way. You can do that by aiming to be as self-sustaining as possible. The more self-sustainable you are in this matrix the more your life is about the necessities of life and thus the less time you’ll have to get drawn into addictions. Make it your analogue to spiritual self-sustainability.

But whatever you choose, I kindly ask you to please not just become a consumer of this work. Whatever it did with you, whatever it awakened in you, keep that fire fuelled. Keep feeding it. Keep it alive. Don’t allow yourself to fall back into a slumber. This is just the beginning of a new chapter in your spiritual journey. Waking up isn’t a moment, but a continuous process. It never really stops, unless you fall back asleep again. Continue to wake up. Accept the changes that the light brings you. Accepting those changes will lead you towards the light. Reject changes that lead you towards the darkness. That’s how you can differentiate between changes made by good and evil. The universe is imperfect. Change allows for good to exist. It exists in these deviations from the systems. Evil will try and stagnate those changes.

What you choose to do now is still less important than whether you accept all consequences that come with your choice though. On the whole the choices you have in life are to sever certain connections and create new ones, and whether you want to climb or fall spiritually. All choices boil down to these two. And in the end those two choices come down to the ultimate question: “Do you accept the unknown or do you want certainty at the price of your eternal spirit?” It is a question not asked nearly often enough, as people are not aware this is the question that should be asked before we further fill our lives with conveniences through technology. What does the convenience add to our lives and at what cost? The normalisation of the usage of AI today is where it reveals to me how dire the situation is for the awareness of my peers. Many colleagues openly brag about using ChatGPT for their work. I have not been successful in explaining to them that when we use AI we actually celebrate the obsoletion of our unbound spiritual creativity, and replace it with a restricted creativity, bound to the laws of this world. AI only provides the illusion of giving you something, but it actually takes from you. It learns from your queries and its products diminish your drive to learn things yourself. It is a battle for the spirit.

The more I write the more things are falling into place, even now, still. The many religions of the world aren’t just stories from a time of limited understanding. They come from times when people were far better connected to their existence, much more than most are now. We might understand things they didn’t but the same is true the other way around. They understood things about life we seem to have forgotten. All their stories were the attempt of the will of light to help people connect to something pure, so that in the case their world would fall down from under their feet they would have something to hold on to. These wisdoms were wrapped up in stories that reflected the knowledge and understanding of their time, and that could spread with the means of those days; by story telling.

Those efforts grew out into religions, which then turned into systems. When they became systems, they invited evil into their structures. A system has no soul, no spiritual connections. It does things in automation. An unconnected will is the will of evil. The system itself – even consisting of well connected, well meaning individuals – can easily manifest the will of the devil. I cannot emphasise this enough. You really need to understand how true and real this is. A system creates power, and so religions gained power. With power came abuse. Financial and sexual misconduct – and other forms of abuse – still plague many religions to this day. Just like evil wants it to be, the religions made it so that the believes became static and inert while the world kept changing. Nobody was allowed to question the validity of any of the scriptures.

I’m not stating that being religious makes you evil, because it doesn’t. But the systems of religion can easily result in the severance of spiritual connections to the truth. I’m also not stating that the stories of any religion are true or false. I am merely saying that if you do not keep an open mind about them, your believes will slowly lose their plasticity and will become stagnant, allowing evil to exert its influence over you and rot the connections between your spirit and the wisdoms your believes once cultivated. You are free to believe what you want to believe. That is the freedom nobody can take away from you. Evil will however try and convince you that those freedoms can be taken away. It will motivate you through fear, have you defend your believes vigorously, and have you try and force others to believe what you believe too.

I hope you can see how that is a behaviour we have seen all too often from many religions, and that includes the religion of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even atheists have shown this exact same behaviour. All I can say to you is that you should rest assured your freedom to believe what you wish to believe cannot be taken, but you can choose to believe they can. Evil will try and get you to subscribe to contracts that state you can give those freedoms up for protection, but those contracts hold no validity when held up the light of God’s wisdom. All contracts are void, spiritually. Everyone is free to believe what they want. And don’t worry about your loved ones in case they believe other things than you do. Our existence is not about the details, but about experiencing the world from spiritual freedom. Make sure they know they are free to believe what they want to. If they believe in this freedom just like you, both your paths will inevitably lead towards the light.

The children of God aren’t those who follow a certain religion, but those who see evil for what it is and refuse to subject themselves to it. And if I may give you my advice? Don’t identify as anything but a free individual that believes in the great unknown. That’s the most honest anyone can be, myself included. Cause even though I might be writing all this, seemingly from a point of understanding, I will not claim to understand it all. To claim that is to claim I have become God himself right now. Nobody but God could make this claim, and I doubt he would ever utter those words, cause there is always something new to learn in the world of the light. There is no end station here, only a journey. Remember; the world isn’t finished by design, so that it can continue to change and evolve, never allowing evil to win the final battle.

I would never want anyone to be forced to read or believe my stories. If you were forced to do that, someone has done us both a great disservice, and evil may have attempted to taint my work. If such is the case, you should abandon that system and not connect to it any more. You are free to question my work. In fact, I invite you to do exactly that. Question everything. Even question God if you want to. Like I said in a previous chapter; the real God of our world has nothing to fear from critical questioning. He’ll welcome your questions. It’s your way of showing him you are one of his children, searching for truth. Use your freedom to question what you wish to question.

But question it not from fear, as it will make you distrust everything and never connect to anything. Question it with love, through curiosity. You can, by trusting yourself. Keep experiencing what comes from that quest. And if you ever return to my work, compare the wisdoms from these texts to the wisdoms you’ve gained on your own. I cannot learn your life lessons for you. Not even through writing about the apocalypse and telling you it’s really going to be fine. Only you can experience your life lessons by going through the motions of life spiritually and consciously. All I can offer are these wisdoms for you to compare to those of your own. Those wisdoms are just as worthy as the ones in these texts.

This work will never be finished, and hopefully one day it may become an obsolete relic of a wicked past. There is no way to convey these wisdoms to the far future via physical means. Nothing in this world lasts forever. Languages fade, machines break, writings diminish. The only way to pass them on is by spiritual connections. My website will eventually be deleted someday, maybe due to me no longer picking up the bills, or perhaps through censorship. I will make sure to spread it by physical and digital means, in the hopes one day they’ll be found and understood. It is an effort I will make, but it has clear limits the further into the future I’d like to have it survive.

If humans in the far away future would stumble upon my work one day, the whole meaning behind my words could be lost to them if they couldn’t understand written English from my era. Languages change over time. If they can’t translate it, all that I’ve written will be a mere body of repeating symbols to them, like those we found on ancient temples on Earth, their meaning forever unknown. Language is not just a means for us to share our experiences, but is itself is a shared experience too. Through language we connect to our fellow people of today, but also our ancestors in the past, our unborn descendants in the future, and even our own thoughts and feelings during our lifetimes.

If there is no linguistic connection, however small, between reader and writer, in some continuous succession of events, my work will lose its meaning. The truths and realisations they once told will still be true, but the reveal of those truths and realisations will be locked away in a past where people could understand them. That is of course until someone unlocks them again by experiencing them through life, realising them, and writing them down in their own language through analogues of their reality.

In my day and age we’ve discovered many ancient writings from past civilisations we cannot hope to translate. Perhaps these texts contain the same realisations as my own work does by writers during a bygone era of humanity. This makes me wonder if maybe somewhere in the past somebody realised this exact specific thing too, and wrote a similar passage to the one I am writing here right now. Maybe the same will be true for someone who isn’t born yet in a future far ahead of us where the languages of my time are lost to history. In a certain way I am connected to those individuals. I salute the both of you.

It is an uncomfortable realisation to know my work will one day perish. It makes me a little sad, but it is something I have to learn to accept. At the same time, I’m also hopeful because I know that the truth can never be destroyed. It can only be obscured, until it is rediscovered. I am truly honoured for having experienced these revelations. I feel as if the truth took me across an ocean of enlightenment. I’m thankful I was allowed to swim in its wake.

