Who and Why

Published: 09-10-2016
Updated: 06-05-2021

A quick introduction:

I’m a teacher of science from The Netherlands. I was born in 1984 in Amersfoort, where I’ve lived for most of my life. On the internet I’ve always referred to myself as reckneya. I was born in a Christian family. Eventually I became an atheist. During my life I’ve now grown to be neither, and both.

For a long time I have felt like I live in two worlds. On one hand there’s the world that science describes, and on the other there are these lucid dreams that tell me of a world so immensely more complex than what science has taught me. Yet, I still love science. It is our most honest way of reasoning using logic.

In my free time I listen to music from various electronic genres, and I enjoy making foods from their basic ingredients. I occupy a lot of my time with nature, science, writing about the vivid dreams I have, and writing down my own philosophies of life, the world, and human nature.

If anyone would ask me to describe what I do in one word I would say I’m mostly an educator, but that definition doesn’t encompass all that I aspire to be. I once started this work to promote a book I was writing. The premise of this book was that regardless of religious views reasonable people can agree on reasonable things. It was my intention to write a guide for life anyone reasonable could agree with.

I like to puzzle in my head with ideas and that’s where this once started. Now, with the world in the state it currently is in, with our liberties, rights, and freedoms slowly being stripped away from us in name of security for this virus I felt compelled to do something with what goes on in my head, and share that with you. But it’s going to get a bit weird.

I am a dreamer. Ever since I can remember I’ve had vivid dreams from time to time. These dreams are often quite frightening. I am sometimes fully awake in those dreams, sometimes paralysed, sometimes floating over my body, or sometimes just emerged in a different existence completely aware that I am dreaming and may wake up sometime. In those dream experiences, I am often in the presence of other entities, beings. Some are good, some not so much.

Sometimes I hear or see things like something is being explained to me. I have often scolded and laughed at others who have claimed the same, but now I am that idiot myself. And yet, I’ve always had these experiences myself, and for most of my life I saw them as freakish nightmares I sometimes suffered from. I thought something was just really wrong with me, and kept my dreams mostly to myself. But ever since I’ve hit rock bottom after a bad case of heartache some years ago, I decided to change how I stood in life, and I started cataloguing my dreams. And since I did that these experiences have increased in intensity and how frequent they happen.

A patterns has emerged. Sometimes the dreams follow each other up. I no longer see them as nightmares or bad dreams. They’re so much more than just dreams. After having experienced a dream episode, something in the real world synchronises with it or there is a moment of clarity. I write down my thoughts as soon as I can after waking up. These are sometimes mundane revelations, but sometimes things I consider to be divine truths.

I think there is much more to dreams than just an anomaly. I think a person can learn much about reality, themselves, and humanity from their own dream experiences. I think humanity as a whole will change for the better once we’ll change our perception of dreams as just a by-product of our sleep cycle to something that can offer us fundamental truths. Dreams show us who we are at our core.

Now, to be clear; I’m no fortune teller, and I’m not claiming to be the next Jesus. All I’m offering here are the thoughts these experiences have brought me, combining them with the body of work I already had for my website. These dreams could just be my mind trying to make sense of something I couldn’t with the limits of the real world. Or they could be actual divine messages. They could also just be the signs of me losing my mind to schizophrenia. But it doesn’t matter. Either way, it is a fascinating journey for me and I think there is something to learn here for everyone.
