
This is my dream journal. Under this section I have posted 75 dreams I’ve logged in a database. There were a large amount of dreams written down in my notes, but the bulk of them were in Dutch.

Translating them to English was a large task. There’s still many dreams left to translate, but I think 75 is a nice number to land on. Perhaps I will fill the gaps some day with more dreams, whether those be old or new ones. I’m sorry for all the typos and grammar mistakes. This part of my work has not received the same level of care as I have given the scrolls. They are organised by date, oldest at the top, newest at the bottom.

In many dreams my birth town of Amersfoort plays a role. Many dreams take place there, either whole or partially. Also the village where I currently live is a place that comes by often, but never as often as Amersfoort. I’ve lived in Amersfoort for most of my life, so it is pretty deeply ingrained in my memory. There’s many other places that I visit, but Amersfoort is central to my memories.

The dreams most often detail a combination of two subjects in a cryptic and metaphorical way, one being my personal spiritual path, and the other the spiritual path of the world in which I live. Many of the posted dreams will take you through a journey of my life between the years 2015 and 2024. A few dreams are even older than this work itself. Some dreams are fun and light hearted, but many are quite scary and intense.

There are a few prominent people in these dreams. My father and mother, and my brother (M) and sister (J) often come visit me or the dreams involve them or even revolve around them. Also my wife (D) is often in them. The dreams predicted future events of my family situation, but rarely blatantly. Other people that often come by are my good fried A, another good friend RT, and an older friend of mine, called JH. A now former friend of mine, T, and his partner SZ also sometimes appear.

There’s a host of more people, but I guess these are the main characters. A few other people have recurring roles. Most often they are (old) friends of mine. My sister’s two daughters are also sometimes in them, though often their role is minor. Neighbours and other distant family members too sometimes play a part. For obvious reasons I have omitted their full names from this work. I think that captures most of them. Sometimes the dreams involve a figure that is often portrayed as an older person, but it’s a different looking person each time. Their signature is they wear something blue. I believe this to be the same entity each time. 

You should know that the household I come from is not your average one. Though my upbringing as a young child was mostly okay, there were some signs on the horizon of what eventually happened when we (me and my siblings) would turn teens. It was a household laced with emotional abuse. Both my parents come from families of pain. My mother comes from a family of psychological and some minor physical abuse.

My parents were not able to heal the pains from their past and passed it down on their children. Many things that happened in our household were mimics of situations that happen during their youths. My self-esteem used to be very low as a result of this. It resulted in me moving out the house after having lived there up to my thirties. When I finally did, I took ever more distance from my parents, keeping in contact with mostly only my brother, and later my sister. So many things happened in that house. I will not explain it here. The dreams will speak for what happened and how it affected me for better or worse.

It’s always a puzzle. The language in which the dreams speak to me isn’t based on chronology or hard facts as its basis, but on emotions and metaphors. Chronology and hard facts are at best a second effort. In the dream realm the happenings often make sense, but interpreting them in the realm of this work is often a challenge.

Some dreams will have their own introduction, and some will (also) end with an aftermath and/or analysis. Sometimes I wrote those back when I dreamt the dream, and sometimes I wrote them after translating the dream and porting it to this work. I will state when I did so by dating those that were typed years later.

These are not all dreams I’ve had, but just the ones I was able to remember well enough and also was able to write down. There’s so many more dreams that have escaped to a degree that I cannot publish them here, and all I recall are faint impressions. I don’t want to guess dates or fill in the blanks too much with what I think was the case. I need to sometimes, cause in the dreams chronology can be an afterthought. There’s more dreams still in my notes, but the ones here are mostly more interesting than those.

I hope this dream journal can serve to give you some context to the bulk of my work, as it may provide insights into the person behind these writings, and how this work came to be. I’ve created a dedicated page where I list all the dreams by date, and made it accessible through the button below. You can also scroll further down under each dream and easily access the next or prior dream in the right order.

I hope you’ll enjoy reading these dreams.