02. An Angry Crowd

Date: 07-06-2015 

Last night I had a grim pursuit dream where my brother and I were being chased by an angry mob. It was night time, and M and I were browsing through a newly built residential area. A few houses were finished and you could see people already lived there, but most houses were still under construction. My brother and I were doing something childish, like ring and run or something. Maybe not that but something of that calibre. Something we were clearly too old for, but that just made it extra funny to us.

But then the dream took a sudden turn. The people from the neighbourhood we’d been bothering were mad at us, and they exited their houses to chase us. But they weren’t all people! Some of them were shadow figures; 3D renders of humans, but completely made of darkness. They were the same shadow people I sometimes see when I slip between this reality and the dream world. In this dream, these beings didn’t resemble demons, but they were servants of dark evil spirits. M and I took off and ran for our lives. I was able to sprint and then hover over the ground, which gave me a speed advantage. I hovered from one house to the other, landing each time in the open places where windows were supposed to go as these houses were not finished.

M was able to keep up with me, but he was slowing us down a bit. That wasn’t a problem until the angry mob started to catch up with us, and they were trying to box us in. We arrived at one of the borders of this residential area and we could see a long driveway that led to a farmhouse. We ran towards one of the barns and hid ourselves in a chicken enclosure. The chickens became alert. They weren’t too scared of us, but their activity level increased as we sat hunched down with them. The commotion in the enclosure had alerted the farmer, and suddenly we saw an old man in blue overalls walk into the barn.

He was your typical old man farmer, with a farmers’ hat, lower jaw sticking out a bit. He saw us cowering between his chickens. Meanwhile the angry crowd had figured we had probably fled to the farm to hide, and we could hear them approach the farm from the road. We peeked through the wooden boards of the barn, and could see one of the people had “turned” into police officer, wearing police uniform, armed with a handgun, the works. We had no idea who’s side the farmer was on. But then he gave us a smile, and opened the inward opening door to this barn, so that we were out of sight for the mob of people who were approaching.

He was on our side. We peeked through the cracks in the wooden wall and saw that now all people had transformed into police officers, and they had photos of us with them. They walked up to the farmer and showed him these photos, and asked him if he had seen the two guys on the photos. The farmer looked at each of the photos, one by one, and quickly established: “Never seen them before, now kindly remove yourself from my property.” They had no other option than to leave. My brother and I were safe.


Analysis 07-02-2024:

I am writing this analysis the better part of 10 years after I had this dream. Although it was a short dream it does reveal something important. At the time I wasn’t able to place this in the right context.

I think my brother and me doing something childish was just us being us. Even in our adult lives we still fool around with fireworks, and draw penises with sharpies on items outside, just for the fun of it. It comes naturally to us. It’s innocent fun. We were just being us.

I think the angry mob that started to chase us, revealed something sinister is in the works, the beginning of which I have seen during the ‘COVID-19 pandemic”. People, under the influence of a dark force, turned against us. We were inconveniencing them by being who we are. During the plandemic I’ve seen people turn against me for just being who I am; non-conforming.

The prediction goes tier up. People turned into police officers. During the plandemic people ratted out their non-conforming neighbours. It was a time of snitch lines (phone numbers you could call to anonymously report your peers) and forced conformity through law enforcement. And job offers opened up in (temporary) law enforcement, resulting in people – who lost their job due to lockdowns – now enforcing the oppressive rules. They literally turned into police officers. I suspect we’re going to see a whole lot more of this in the future.

I am glad to have been with my brother. He didn’t conform either.

The farmer I think is one of our spiritual guides. The blue overalls gave him away, if not the way he had our backs.

An interesting thing also is that this dream took place at a location that didn’t exist yet at the time of this dream. I now recognise this neighbourhood from my own village. It was built in the last 4 years or so. There is no farm, though.

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Science Teacher and Aspiring Amateur Philosopher