75. Portuguese Tour

Date: 01-03-2024

Last night I dreamt about Portugal. It was a fun dream! Both my siblings were there, as were both our parents. It was unclear to me if we lived there together in my house, or we lived together in their (my parents) house, or if we each had our own house and were just visiting either me or our parents.

It started as a documentary, about Portugal. It showed us beautiful drone footage of fantastic landscapes. The climate seemed dry, and vegetation too suited a mostly dry climate. It actually reminded me a lot of pictures from the Californian wilderness, but with a certain Mediterranean influence. It was as if I was watching this documentary that was happening through my eyes, but after a while I seemed to be the narrator himself.

The documentary showed wildlife, lots of fields full of lush green plants, blue oceans, and people living off the land. It also strangely showed me a cruise ship that was crashing into the side of the seaside cliffs, but it was more like a “funny fails” video addition rather than some kind of tragedy captured on film. The footage was also shaking quite a bit where the other shots were cinematographically steady quality.

Now the documentary followed a bus as it navigated the countryside. Me and my brother and sister were in this bus. There was a gradual transition between the documentary detailing their sightings through the narrator and me sitting in that bus pointing out the many things I saw and knew about. I was giving them a tour of sorts, but the bus I think was a touring car or public transport.

We saw deer, though very different from the ones we knew. That made this place seem extra foreign to me. My sister and I argued a bit about what kind of deer this was. The antlers were small and hairy. As we drove on we came round a small hill which was supposedly an old collapsed and inactive volcano. Because of this volcano, the land surrounding the collapsed mini mount was incredibly fertile. We arrived at our destination, which was either my house or my parents’ house. We went inside.

The house interior was a mix of my parents’ house, my own house, and a typical stone Portuguese house. The mix leaned mostly to my parents’ house. My brother lived in the attic of this place, in his old room. He went upstairs. I was in the yard looking out over the fields. The outside of the house was very different than anything I can compare it to in real life. It looked much like I’d imagine a Spanish petting zoo. I was eager to take a stroll sometimes when I had the time, to look for bugs and other little critters. The environment seemed like it would be teeming with this kind of live.

I went upstairs to my old room but it was very different from how it used to be. It was mostly empty. Then I recalled that I only just moved in, so I had to buy all new furniture. My brother seemed to live here a while already, and I was curious to what kind of furniture he had gotten. His taste and mine overlap, and perhaps he had found a good place to buy nice chairs and such. But as I wanted to knock on his door I suddenly remembered that things between us were still tense. As I hesitated I could hear all kinds of water noises from his room. I thought that perhaps he had treated himself to a water mattress.

I walked down the stairs from the attic to the first floor, and in the hallway stood a desk and a big leather chair. The chair was broad, and had rows of silver nails holding the leather in place over what I presumed was a wooden frame. It was a piece of fine handicraft, and it looked like it would be a comfortable chair for me too. This was a purchase my brother had made. I thought to myself I could rest assured that Portugal probably has plenty of places to look for furniture, and that they have quality stuff instead of all the mass produced plastic stuff they sell in The Netherlands.

I had to go to the toilet now. During the whole dream this was a thing. Yes, this again. It is a signature of my many good dreams. I think that my body signalling my mind it needs to relieve itself functions as a tether between the dream world and the waking world, allowing me to better remember the dreams. But anyway. I had to address this now, and saw how my sister closed the door of a very luxurious bathroom on the second floor. I went downstairs and saw while still descending the stairs that my dad opened the door to the downstairs bathroom. I complained out loud why “everyone was using the bathroom right when I could no longer keep it in” and my dad heard me.

But he offered me to go first, and it surprised me. I made sure I understood his gesture: “I can go first?” He said: “Yeah, no problem buddy. I have nowhere to be and you look like you really need to go. I don’t.” I thanked him, and went in. The dream fades out here. I recall the door wouldn’t properly lock, and that through the door crack I saw my mom outside in our beautiful garden hanging white sheets to dry and potting big plants to decorate our fresh garden.

Man this was a good dream! One I really needed after yesterday’s dream. And I requested to have some better dream to write about last night before going to sleep. I actually requested to have a dream about living in Portugal. I also had some other dreams. One was a blatant sex dreams, and although also a lot of fun, this is not that kind of media. Though I guess parts of it were awkward, but oh well. I had a good night. Whoever gave me that; thank you! It was a nice change from the drama and doom dreams of late.

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Science Teacher and Aspiring Amateur Philosopher