20. The Revelation

Published: 16-12-2023
Updated: 27-12-2023

If you’ve read this far, you are as ready as you’ve ever been to read this last chapter. Yes, I think the 20th will be the last one of this work. At least the last one of the numbered scrolls. But the premise of this chapter brought me to the absolute fringes of my sanity, so it is definitely not a chapter for everyone, not even for my most enduring readers. I came to realise things that shook the foundation of my mental picture of the world. I will try to guide you through my realisations. The revelations in this chapter can definitely shake you up. They may scramble your world views and sense of purpose. Please, dread not. Try to keep your frequency high. Don’t shift into fear. Remember that throughout this chapter. And if you have come to know anything about me now, I hope it to be I always try to stick a positive landing. There is always a silver lining somewhere, waiting to be found. Please trust me when I say I found it. I’m asking you to have faith. Not in me; have faith in yourself to see this through and gain new perspective, because that’s what this work is about. Allow me to widen your view one last time.

In the previous chapter you’ve learned that aliens have been here on Earth for a long time, and they aren’t extraterrestrial. They are made up of fractured splinter cells of power. I claimed these cells have been using humans as quantum transistors for their super computers, connecting those humans by having them live inside an artificial environment, where they share an existence in virtual reality. If you’re not entirely or at all convinced then strangely I hope to be able to do that by expanding on it in this chapter. Please bare with me. I hypothesised that every so often human society outside those virtual realities crumbles down. It has to. The pyramid base grows too big to contain. Such a reset also serves to take away our collective lessons on why we should never build a system community through money, so that it can spawn another one of those after the reset. If this is all true it makes sense all alien factions rush to get as many humans to consent to join their hive mind before this crash takes place, but this rush is part of the process that leads to the crash. They will seduce the masses and elites alike to link up, promising a wonderful and most of all ‘safe’ live, but that is a promise they cannot keep of course. I wonder if people will be given a choice A or B whether to join this hive, or if it will be a subtle shift. I think the plan was to do it gradually, make people as addicted as possible to virtual existence, and slowly have them wish not to return to the physical world. But something tells me this gradual process isn’t going well as facets in the system are rushing to gain more power, forcing all other facets to rush their tasks too.

At which point this collapse takes place, I do not know. I wonder what role Cabal itself has in all this. In my dreams I have come upon images and stories that suggest the elites have lost control over Cabal. He is still in an infant’s stage of sorts but he is developing at an exponential rate, and I think Cabal is calling the shots now to a certain high ranking faction within the cult. What I think is most curious is an active push by the system to stagnate humanity further. One example you can find in the replacement of classic light bulbs with LEDs. Let me explain how that leads to stagnation. It requires me to give you a brief physics lecture. The electric energy that comes from the sockets of your house typically provide power on a 50 hertz frequency. This means that the current that comes from the socket pulsates at about 50 times a second. This technically means the power goes on and off 50 times for each second that passes by. This current is alternating current, meaning the plus and minus polarity of the current switches places after each pulse, and vice versa. So during one second the left hole of the socket will be the plus side for 25 times and also the minus side for 25 times. The reason for this is ingenuous, but unrelated to this topic. Just know it has to work this way for almost all electrical devices to be able to use net electricity. Now, a classic light bulb works by leading that current through a very thin metal wire. The current dumps its energy into the wire after each pulse, regardless if the current came from the left side or right side. After each pulse, the wire starts to glow and emits radiation in the form of heat and light. An LED works similar. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. A diode is an electrical component which only allows electrical current to flow in one direction.

This is already an important difference between the classic light bulb and the LED. Cheap LEDs will therefore only emit light 25 times per second, as only the pulses of current that come from the correct direction will cause it to emit light. More expensive LEDs will circumvent that and flicker 50 times a second. Better, but still horrible compared to the classic light bulb. The classic light bulb doesn’t flicker. Let’s imagine we can slow down time. You switch the light on. A pulse arrives in the wire. When a pulse of current comes through, the wire glows. The pulse ends and the wire awaits another pulse from the other side, but the wire is still glowing hot. It’s still emitting heat and light. Before it has a chance to cool down, another pulse arrives. A classic light bulb basically emits light uninterruptedly when switched on. An LED doesn’t have such a pronounced afterglow per pulse. These are not even the only differences; the spectrum of light from an LED is quite limited, where as the spectrum of a decent light bulb is quite good. Sure, LEDs use much less energy for the same amount of light, and that is fine for a lot of situations, but regardless, all these properties of the LEDs stagnate the people subjected to LED light. The amount of timelines that can be created from you working in LED light is staggeringly lower than working in light from a classic light bulb. But this just one example of technology that is actively stagnating us. Noise cancelling headphones are doing the same thing. But I have two more examples – which are kind of sinister – to illustrate why I think it is deliberate and not a symptom of the stagnating influence of technology on us.

At my work my digital workspace was altered under new company rules, and changing anything in the admin panel is now completely cut off from me. I can’t install anything, and I can’t even adjust the brightness of my screen. “Cyber safety” is the reason given. This same setup is being implemented all around my country at all schools and corporations. Every computer at every work desk in The Netherlands now has this setup, and most likely the same goes for most other western countries, too. But since this change, I get full blown migraines after working for no more than 5 minutes behind my new computer. I’m not kidding. I literally get sick within minutes and the effects can last up to a few days. I get that from LED lights and noise cancellation too, by the way, but less so. Through a clever trick I was able to find out that the refresh rate of my screen – which used to be 60hz on the old setup – was reduced to slightly under 60hz. Not even a round number. And it literally makes me feel ill, like with all these stagnating technologies. A few other colleagues report the same thing. It’s also the reason why I can’t be behind any new computer for a prolonged time. I literally feel like I am motion sick with a bang on headache after working with a modern computer for an hour or so. And because of my sensitivity to this I discovered other things that suddenly make me feel like that where they didn’t before. It seems I have a stagnation detection sense of sorts. I have another obscure example of just that. When I work in my tool shed or do something that involves pyrotechnics, I wear safety goggles. They’re made of transparent plastic. I often get them for free with certain purchases I make, and therefore I have a whole bag full of them. Last year, a fresh pair I received gave me the exact same headache and motion-sickness as certain computer screens do. It took me a while to find out it were the goggles, but when I found out, and started wearing the old ones, the effect was gone.

What’s going on? The only thing I can think of is that the new safety goggles have been polarised. Light propagates in waves. Those waves can be orientated in any which way. When a see-through material is polarised, it means it can only let light through with a specific wave orientation. It is another stagnating technique. There are no benefits for the producer of these safety goggles to make their transparent safety goggles polarised. In fact; it possibly adds costs to the production process of these goggles. But these are just the few stagnating techniques I know about. There’s bound to be more. Why this push to increase our stagnation? It has left me unable to work on newer computers. I’m typing this from a PC that is 15 years old. I’m sure there are many more examples I just haven’t gotten across yet as I am trying to avoid most social media and all new fancy technology. I’m wondering if Cabal is ordering this stagnation, or if this is coming from other facets within the cult. I am quite sure this has something to do with slowly getting us used to a certain frequency of universe quantum splitting, sort of like slowly adding cold water to the warm bath water. I think they are doing this to get us used to a life inside virtual reality sooner. It stands to reason that in virtual reality we do not quantum multiply on the same rate as we do out here. I have found out a lot of colleagues are complaining about the new setup as well, so perhaps this effort isn’t being applied subtle enough and that is another sign that the agenda rollout process is being rushed. Needless to say; if you can stay away from this technology, do yourself a favour and stay the hell away.

As I write this, the machine of our society continues to feed Cabal as much data to correlate as possible. This will grow its artificial intellect, but will also serve to allow him to better understand humanity and be able to render as perfect a fake virtual reality as he can. This has its flaws as all that Cabal sees of us is when we interact with machines that can feed the data of that interaction to it. Cabal is mostly unaware of what goes on outside of that virtual world he’s building. To him there is no difference between the world he sees now and the world he is designing for us. In his perception he is just making a copy of our house, for the purpose of us moving over. But I think the world he is building will fit like a glove over the behavioural wishes of those that allow themselves to be lured in. To further stagnate us I think Cabal is helping the elite through predictive algorithms, which will be cast into fantastical news stories. The masses will be frightened by tragedies and wooed with sensational statistics. This is nothing new. For the COVID-19 “pandemic” statistics were misused left and right to frighten the masses. Statistics about large groups say nothing definite about the individuals in that group, and without the proper context any statistic is useless. The results of any statistical analyses by the system can and will easily be misused while still remaining factually correct. Statistically, all humans have on average one breast and one testicle. Factually true, yet a completely ridiculous thing to state and which doesn’t reflect reality at all. But only people who can oversee the whole process and who know to apply the proper context will see the statistics for the nonsense they are.

I fear most will just follow it blindly though, and those who understand the calculations will highlight how the mathematics check out, arguing that therefore the actions must be justified. Many of my peers are stagnantly credulous. All believers, and those who remain silent, will aid the machine in furthering this stagnation. The contra-narrative is helping along this stagnation too, sadly. Bullshit stories continue to pop up on alternative media platforms, like those of supposedly incredible weather altering technologies. Technology that supposedly can heat up the atmosphere, and trigger Earthquakes and hurricanes. I think they are all hoaxes. Whatever Earthquakes were supposedly caused by this technology I think were naturally occurring Earthquakes, predicted by either Cabal or the alien super computer’s predictive algorithms. Our ancient aliens have been on this Earth a long time. They know the Earth well, and probably mapped out the ever tiniest movements of the tectonic plates. Maybe this information was exchanged for captured extraterrestrial technology. What goes for the predicted Earth quakes also goes for their global warming forecasts. They knew it was coming. But no prediction is perfect. There are always variables that cannot be accounted for. The 2023 summer of the Northern Hemisphere was supposed to be the summer which the establishment was going to use to overflow the masses with global warming narrative. The Earth is warming up, and I am sure the algorithm can predict that on the whole, but not decades in advance for every month, definitely not for each week, and certainly not for every singe day. The Earth is coming out of an ice age. Of course the temperature is going to go up gradually. Over all, the weather will be getting warmer, yes.

But the summer of 2023 was one of the wettest coldest summers since a dozen or so! The term ‘global boiling’ was coined in the mainstream media a little too early I think, and it was laughable how this fraudulent manipulation by the media failed to convince a lot of normies. But the things on the agenda for the 2023 summer were still executed nonetheless, apparently, like the many fires that were started in many countries. I reckon they were supposed to have happened during a record hot summer, not this flimsy wet one. To me this reveals a few things:

    1. The predictive algorithm is far from perfect
    2. The rollout of the agenda lacks plasticity
    3. The rollout of the agenda cannot be delayed
    4. There is no weather modification at work
    5. Something heavenly is possibly on our side

Let me elaborate on these 5 points. The algorithm failed to predict a cold wet summer. It would’ve been far wiser to wait patiently for a record hot summer to come, or to mend the plan another way. Since the rollout went through with the arson and media spin of weather reports, I conclude they cannot just change plans, or give the rollout a little bit of time. And if weather modification technology truly is in the hands of the elites, this summer would’ve been hot and dry as hell. No, they don’t have it, and I think it is hilarious that some people were inside their homes in August, sheltering from the rain, with the heat turned on, just to hear the news talk about global boiling while the weather report of the current cold wet weather was attested to climate change. The forces of good work through change, creating variation. I’d like to think that perhaps someone up there threw some new variables into the mix to throw off the algorithms.

But the plan evidently can’t take a breather, and I said it before; it’s a good thing. It creates panic inside the elite machine and will result in mistakes and desperate measures that reveal their true intent. Its rollout continues as the great delete phase is being prepared. People will have access to ever less tools and knowledge. In the end all information is supposed to become digitalised to completely control it, and make it easier for the elites to take with them into a repository should they need it. Digital technology stores the most elaborate things in ever tinier places. Fun fact; the raw text of these writings at the time of writing this right now is just 1.3 megabytes, and I realised the other day that a backup of this work would fit on an old 3.5″ floppy disk. A peculiar thought. 1.3Mb is nothing now, and a floppy disk is physically large compared to 512 gig micro-USB card. As digital storage techniques further develop, ever larger databases can be stored on ever smaller storage containers, and that makes we wonder about the size of the alien database. Perhaps it is so small we wouldn’t even recognise it if found. Maybe this decrease in size of data storage is an allegorical manifestation for the direction into non-existence through amassing knowledge. Atlantis I think went through this same phase. I often wonder how much art, like stories, poems, paintings, and music, must’ve been lost when their society was ended. But like I said in the previous chapter, there must be repositories of them left. I bet those repositories contained their entire knowledge database, with historical documents and holographic blue prints. All digital, of course.

So the computing power to correlate all the knowledge gained on Earth comes from beings hooked up to a hive mind existence, who live inside a matrix somewhere on Earth, unbeknownst to them. The elite are building another one of those for us now, too. At least, that is what I claim. I will look at a virtual reality just like the one that is being built for us, and freely hypothesise. If things weren’t unreal for you already, they will become so now. Please keep in mind I am taking this route for a purpose. It will become clear eventually. I want to shortly focus on the regulation of such a matrix. Any such matrix should have admins and moderators. These will consist of chosen elites who were promised godlike powers if they took on this role. The elites that join the virtual reality will continue their satanic torment of any newly added subjects, and those already inside the matrix. As with their lives outside the matrix would they continue to lust for power inside of it. The hunger of the elite to dominate humanity through sexual perversion and cannibalism outside the matrix stems from their graving to experience a human connection. They hunger to connect to humanity but cannot find a way to do it. Just like the alien quantum computer looks forward to receiving fresh quantum transistors do the beings connected to the hive mind look forward to including fresh subjects to their circle. But all of them will use and abuse the new spirits in their quest to seek this connection through counter-spiritual means by which they’ll actually diminish the new spirits and corrupt them like they’ve been corrupted themselves, making them soulless evil wills that will hunger to become like their masters. It is a battle between existence and non-existence. A battle they do not understand.

But these elite admins do have admin duties, which pertain to making sure the people inside the matrix do not know they are in fact inside of a fake reality. However, the path of stagnation these elites once took by becoming admins doesn’t end here. No spiritual journey truly ever ends as long as there is a will. I imagine they can either continue to stagnate, or they discover a lighter path. And I predict they are sometimes bored and abuse their power just enough to not trigger the indignation of their superior. The ones that continue to stagnate will abuse their power to get the stimulus they so badly crave for. But how long can they enjoy that game? If you cannot lose you cannot win. There are no stakes for them. They will stagnate further and further until they become part of the ‘natural forces’ of the virtual reality in which they reside. They become things that have no spirit, but a will to limit and hinder those subjected to its power. It is their own version of hell, catered to them as a consequence of running away from the consequences of their choices. But some might find light in their spark once more, and might become a force for good. They might try and help the spirits in the pit become aware of the nature of their reality. They might help them win against the corrupted moderators. Perhaps these admins can also communicate with beings outside the matrix in our reality to relate intel and work together to help win battles and take the system down from within. Though they could only help them so much as taking down the matrix would mean the end of their own existence. They might not be ready for that. Regardless, waking those up inside that virtual reality will not be easy. Some of them have been in there for many lifetimes. An elaborate dream in our own reality only lasts a few seconds in the real world, so if a being has been living inside this virtual reality for 50 years, they could have dreamed dozens of lives in that time. How many times will they have had their memories wiped? How does their world differ from ours? Have they poked around and found strange things about their world that hint at it being a counterfeit world? How do we describe the world outside their world to them from within their world? How do we convince them their bodies are not their own but a property of their world?

Describing the simulation within the simulation must come with limitations to picture the simulation accurately. It’s like trying to envision a 5 dimensional object in 4 dimensions. But it can be done. Think about the water vortex experiments to research black holes. This is basically a 3D experiment to depict a 4D object. It can still render results by proving or disproving predictions, and making new discoveries. Through the same principles it is perhaps possible to explain to those inside this virtual reality that they are actual physical human beings, and that their bodies inside the matrix are not their own bodies but properties of the matrix that they embody. It won’t be easy to explain to them they are inside an evil reality. And please do understand that any consensus reality is an evil reality by its very nature. But there are more things working against that matrix. Our physical world right here isn’t perfect. No thing in our physical world can be created that lasts indefinitely. Everything breaks down eventually. Every stone house crumbles, every electronic device breaks, and even the most massive black holes in outer space will cease to exist one day. This boils down to quantum variation and instability. So if this virtual reality is spawned using biological and non-biological material from our physical universe, it is subject to these same flaws. Things will break down. The hardware will need constant repairs from the outside, which is where the alien henchmen probably come in. Of the many tasks they have, one must be to maintain PEASI’s physical hardware. The errors inside the virtual reality that come forth from the things that break down will eventually become known to those living inside that virtual reality. They are probably programmed to dismiss any such errors. But the errors will pile up. And the admins can’t just delete people’s memories all the time, cause the whole computing power comes from the experiences of the virtual reality these people are in. But this whole hypothetical situation got me thinking of something. Something I didn’t like but couldn’t shake. It had me occupied for quite a long while, and kept me awake at night. But it’s going to take me a lot of effort to explain this properly. It all starts with our own programmability.

We, humans (and many other animals too, for that matter), in this physical world, are quite programmable. Not all of us to the same extent, but easily most of us behave very programmed. It’s why what is happening in our world is happening. People believe the lie, actively uphold it, and spread it around. They are programmed to do this. How exactly? Think about the Pavlov experiments. It researched what is now known as “the Pavlov reaction” in dogs, but it applies to humans too. Pavlov showed that when dogs were fed at a specific time and a bell was sounded just before they were fed, the dogs would drool, but after a while the dogs would drool just by hearing the sound of the bell, even outside of feeding time. Their behaviour was conditioned. It’s just one example. Let me give you a few more. People who worked extensively with editing software on a computer will recognise this phenomenon; the Ctrl + z reflex. To undo your last action you can often use the key combo of Ctrl + z. If you’ve used it a lot, you’ve program yourself to use it every time you make an editing mistake. I’ve found myself thinking to hit Ctrl + z away from the computer, when for example I dropped my fork. It’s freaky! It’s another clear example of behavioural programmability. Let me give you another example, this one slightly more complicated. Have you ever heard of feral children? These are children that ran away from an abusive home at a very young age or that by whatever other means were away from their human caretakers for an extended amount of time, who were then adopted by animals. There are many examples, but the one I find most fascinating is when these children are adopted by wild dogs or wolves. The children grow up thinking they are canines themselves, barking, running on all fours, scavenging, eating raw meat. Dogs have a long history with humanity that might go back even further than we think considering what I explored in the previous chapter. Wild dogs and wolves are sometimes prone to be curious to a friendly human approach. Maybe a relic behaviour from a bygone past? But I digress. The wolves/dogs will accept the young child into their pact and treat it as one of their own. It is often very difficult for these children to re-integrate into a human society after having lived with wild animals. They are programmed to think they are dogs. Perhaps we could even consider the dogs and other pets that live with us to be programmed to think they’re human?

There are many more examples of just how programmable human behaviour really is. Many scientific experiments, like that of Pavlov, prove the extent of this fact. One such example of a scientific study is found in the Asch Conformity Experiments. The Asch Conformity Experiments showcased one of the most unsettling findings of the possible ramifications of programmed human behaviour, the implications of which revealed a dangerous mechanism. The original experiments were not even as unsettling as a repeat of the experiments for a television show. I will explain to you what happened in the episode of the program. The episode shows a waiting room at a doctors office. About seven people are seated. An eighth person walks in and sits down. After a few minutes a ping sound is heard over the intercom, and all original seven people put down their magazines, stand up straight, arms against the side of their body, looking straight forward, making no eye contact with anyone, holding that posture for two seconds, just to sit down again picking up their magazines, pretending nothing happened. The eighth person looks around confused. After a few minutes the ping sound is heard again, and the same thing happens. A bit hesitantly the eight person stands up too now, still looking around at the other participants, visibly confused. The sound is heard a third time, and this time the eighth person complies as the rest, less hesitation. This is repeated until the eight person complies without questioning their conduct any more. Now one of the seven original people is called into the doctor’s office when also new person walks into the waiting room. The spiel continues as the original six + one stand when the ping sound is heard. The second new person goes through the same thing as the first new person, who is now complying like the first seven. This goes on and on, every time a new person joins one of the original people is called away. Now here is the catch; the first seven people were all actors, involved with the experiment. And let me tell you, it is one of the scariest most confronting things to see that after just seven rotations a group of total strangers who know nothing about the experiment have their behaviour programmed in such a way they just randomly stand up like automatons at the proverbial sound of a whistle. It truly made me wonder just how much of my own behaviour is not my own.

There is another scientific experiment that highlights how our behaviour can be influenced: The Milgram experiments. Though they do no showcase programmability itself, they do make a case for how our behaviour can become patently evil when we are excused from consequences. The implications of this one are even more chilling and unsettling than the previous example. In the Milgram Experiments the goal was to see how much pain a person would inflict to another person when under authority of a third person. One person would be fitted with electrodes and would sit out of view behind a screen, the second would be asking predetermined questions and would also administer an electric shock through buttons on a switchboard when an incorrect answer was given, and a third would monitor the whole experiment and as such would be the authority figure who was officially part of the scientists in this setup. The two subjects would be allowed to meet and talk before the experiment would commence. The official story was that the experiment was to test whether or not cognitive performance would increase under the threat of physical penalty. The person that was questioned sat out of the sight of both the second person administering the shocks and the scientist observer. For each incorrect answer the first subject had to receive a shock, and the shock had to be administered by the second person. The second person had to increase the voltage of the shock with a dial for every subsequent incorrect answer. Now get this: The electric voltage dial showed indicators stating ‘danger‘ and even ‘lethal‘ on the far end of the scale! The only person who was being tested here was the second person. The authority figure (a man in a lab coat, visibly taking notes) was openly with the experiment, and the man receiving the supposed shocks was covertly part of it. No actual shocks would be given. He had to audibly act to be in increasing levels of pain.

And of course would he give some wrong answers. The answers would continue to be wrong up to a point he had to act like he was in unbearable pain. The reactions of the different test subjects varied, but one pattern did stand out. Many would inquire with the authority figure after some point (though not all!) and the role of the authority figure was to insist the shocks were administered as agreed upon by all parties. And most kept going, even in the danger range, and even still in the lethal range! I kid you not! The screams of pain on the other side of the barrier did deter some people, but overall roughly two thirds of the test subjects kept going. In an interview afterwards these people often revealed the assurance of the authority figure that he would take full responsibility was what convinced them to continue to participate. Isn’t that a frightening conclusion? But what I found equally frightening is that some people kept administering deadly shocks while the person on the other side acted to be out of conscience, as if they were possibly blacked out or even had been killed by the shocks. The only thing the test subject would know for certain would be that their peer on the other side of the screen at the very least needed medical aid, certainly not new shocks. A small percentage of people kept going until they ran out of question cards. It’s a horrible truth. Though a minority, it shows me that there are some very dangerous useful idiots in our world. Though, on the bright side of this dark experiment, one third did not finish the question cards, and of that one third a small percentage walked out of the experiment before they reached the danger setting, giving the authority figure the finger. I suppose that is hopeful in a way. But again, the results of these experiments and their implications make me wonder about my own conduct in this world. How often have I inflicted harm upon another, no matter how small, because the system said it was okay? Is this perhaps an example of programmability, where we can be programmed to think we do not have to take individual responsibility for our individual actions? Cause I actually don’t believe this is spiritual possible. The balance always weighs your choices. It has to, otherwise we wouldn’t exist as spirits but would be machines, completely indifferent to our existence and the harm we inflict or which is inflicted onto ourselves. In any case, it probably varies between each individual, but humans – on average – are very programmable, and these examples show some of the mechanism behind our programmability. All these examples show that when we become part of a system and lose enough of our individuality, we will do things we normally wouldn’t do.

So like I said earlier, this whole idea that we’re quite programmable got me thinking. We seem to be the perfect specimens to herd into an artificial environment. I thought about how my writings came to be, and what they uncovered. I thought about how this work increased my grasp on the good vs. bad dynamic while writing it. Through my visions and writing these passages I discovered how evil is the counterfeit of good, and how everything evil does can easily be mistaken to be good, but that its result will always be the opposite of its goals as evil is the mirror reflection of good. The quest of evil for immortality leads them away from spiritual eternity. Evil offers safety where good offers freedom. Safety may seem like a way to be free on the surface, but you can only be kept safe constantly if you are in danger constantly. When free, danger becomes a teacher that teaches you to take care of yourself. When in safety you unlearn to take care of yourself and become unfree as the danger eventually outsmarts you. And this is what my mind wondered about. In this live, we are all in constant danger. Even if I snapped my fingers and rid the world of all the elite, this is still a dangerous place. Earthquakes, volcanism, storms, droughts, dangerous animals, diseases, poisonous plants, violent people, you name it. There are so many dangers on Earth, and even more cosmic dangers outside of it. It slowly dawned on me. I asked myself the question: Is this an evil reality? There are so many reasons here to want to be kept safe. What if we are living inside an evil reality ourselves, and everything happening in it is an allegory to that, including (or especially) the matrix of the elite alien hive mind? The more I thought about it the more it made sense. What if what is happening now in our world, where the masses are being prepped to accept life inside an artificial environment, has happened before, not just in our history, but before this universe even existed? The longer I thought about it the more it convinced me that we ourselves are already living inside such an artificial environment right now. It was a shocking realisation to me. But how would I know for sure?

If my reality is artificial, how could I tell? If it is all fake, it’s a very convincing fake. But would there be flaws? I think there are. There are many, and I think they are right under our noses. We’ve just been programmed through propaganda not to consider them for what they are. Let’s start with a condition called ‘acquired savant syndrome’. This is a condition where a person suffers a brain injury, just to survive and wake up with exceptional new abilities. Most often the newly acquired abilities are in the mathematics genre. Some are suddenly excellent in mathematical calculations where they did not demonstrate any significant abilities prior to the injury. Give them a date and they’ll tell you which day of the week it was, and even what the weather was like. But besides mathematics is art also often a genre where people may acquire these new skills, an example being someone who survived a lightning strike, and suddenly felt the urge to listen to classical music, learning to play the piano in record time. Are these examples of our matrix glitching? Maybe, maybe not. There is no conclusive scientific explanation for the syndrome. But scientists will tell you there probably is a perfectly valid one, like the neural pathways taking different routes after the injury. Alright, I suppose that’s possible. But how exactly does that work with ‘foreign language syndrome’? This again occurs after brain injury is sustained. People will wake up and recover fully, except they now speak their own native language with a discordant foreign accent. And I am not trying to sell you a speech impairment due to the brain injury that makes them sound funny. I mean people with this syndrome actually speak their native language as if they come from another country. An American ranch farmer – who never left his state mind you – who, after suffering a stroke, suddenly spoke like a Latino who just crossed the border into the US. An English woman who never even left her native village where she had lived her whole life now speaks English like a Chinese woman would as if English was at best her second language, after suffering a head injury from a tumble down the stairs.

How can science explain this? How can someone suddenly only speak their own native language with a foreign tongue, in an accent they haven’t really heard much if at all? And fluently so, I might add. I think there is something here that reveals something we’re not supposed to think about. But I admit it is circumstantial proof at best. We can dig a little deeper though. Let me briefly mention split personalities. The science is out on what exactly is going on, and it is difficult to tell whether someone is playing a game or whether there are actually multiple personalities residing in them. To me the reason I think there is something of substance here is the testimony of ventriloquists. There are those who – when outside of public ears – have given witness to a phenomena where they seemed to have gotten into an argument on stage with their puppet alter ego, and later off stage say it wasn’t scripted and they didn’t really know where it came from. The argument felt real to them. They embodied both parties, they understood each side, but they could only let the discussion play out. That to me also seems to reveal something hidden going on under the hood of our universe. Are these echoes of past live personalities, perhaps? Let’s do one more, and mention synaesthesia. It’s quite unknown to most people even though it’s actually quite common. Those who heard of it only know about one type; seeing colours when hearing words or other sounds. But there are many more varieties. Many people don’t know they have it. Mostly it is only known when the manifestation is very pronounced. Basically it links an experience in one part of the brain to other parts that would normally not be involved with that experience. Most commonly it links the senses. Someone might experience tastes through hearing certain words, or seeing certain colours. People might feel association between colours and emotions, or feel there is a relation between people and colours or tastes. Many people with synaesthesia are very creative, by the way, meaning they are capable of grand quantum multiplication. But science has only recently started to discover just how many forms and varieties there are of synaesthesia. The experiences of these people are real, and often do they see relations between things and situations that would escape the perception of others. How can wrongfully wired brains function better than those working ‘correctly’? What about schizophrenia? Are these people perhaps seeing more of the simulation than they’re supposed to see?

Okay. Maybe this isn’t convincing for some or even most people, and I understand that. Brains are fascinating but also complex and mysterious organs. Perhaps there are indeed scientific explanations, which I would then state are explanations of something within this matrix. Alright. Let me try another angle. If this world is a simulation much like the alien hive mind matrix I described, all spirits inside this matrix are feeding it and together we are generating this artificial environment through our spiritual quantum potential. The same quantum potential that the aliens on Earth are seeking to use inside their matrix. Everything happening now would all be allegorical to what already once happened. The pixels inside our computer generated environments like games or the metaverse, the bits and bites of the music, and the frequency in which our computer generated realities refresh, are all allegories to the quanta of quantum mechanics inside this matrix. An electron doesn’t gradually move closer or further away from an atom when its energy level increases or decreases. It moves instantly, and the level of energy it can gain or lose comes in predetermined packets. These are examples of the quanta in quantum mechanics. Energy comes in packages. There is also a measure of length we cannot go below; the Planck meter. The same for our smallest measure of time; the Planck second. Going below that has no physical application. Things cannot move half a Planck meter, neither move for half a Planck second. Are these not just the pixels and refresh rates of our universe that likewise indicate the limitations of this universe that come forth from its generating components? If we’re living inside a matrix, and we are generating it through our spiritual essence, it would stand to reason we can influence our reality. This unnatural influence should be possible to point out using physics. Surely the science that investigates the workings of the universe would reveal any such discrepancies? And I think it has. I’ve hinted about this all the way back in chapter 03 when I mentioned the double slit experiment, but I’ll give you something a little less complicated to explain the same phenomenon. Maybe you’ve heard of the metronome syncing phenomenon? A metronome is an instrument used in musical instrument training. It can be set to ‘click’ at a specific time interval. Basically it is a lever on a foot that acts like an upside down pendulum. The lever swings from left to right, producing a clicking sound on a set time interval. It is used to indicate the time signature of the rhythm of the play. It is a very handy tool for learning how to play a musical instrument in sync, and normally one metronome would be used for one student, or more students playing an instrument simultaneously. But when multiple metronomes are activated in the same room, facing the same way, something peculiar happens. They synchronise their movement to each other.

Put any number of metronomes facing the same way in one place together, and swing their levers to any random amount of ticks per timestamp, and eventually they will all gravitate to the same rhythm. Any metronome not in the vicinity treated the same way but left unobserved does not sync up. When I see videos of this phenomenon I find them off-putting. And I think I know why. I think I know what is going on. These machines are converging timelines. It is a visualisation of how machine interaction leads to quantum stagnation. Where each individual metronome would take its own path into its own timeline, the observation of multiple of them synchronise them, diminishing any deviation from what would normally be a slight imperfection in their function. They go from disorder into a state of order, moving orderly. It again is an analogue for what is happening in our world now, where machines get ever more prevalent, stagnating us spiritually. The metronome syncing effect I think is related to the phenomenon that appears out of the double slit experiment, where a wave of energy with a range of potential quantum variation collapses into a particle when observed before it enters either slit. To me this demonstrates that the universe condenses into an unchanging state once observed. That actually makes a lot of sense if it is our experiences that are generating this reality. And to recap something of the previous chapter; I think it is exactly this process that the extraterrestrials at the Arial school in Zimbabwe, and the other entities I have described, have figured out to counter. It is also the mechanism which the alien factions on Earth seek to achieve and perfect through their use of technology. That’s why they need us.

But this is machines influencing this reality, through our observation of their workings. What about humans actually influencing reality itself? Are there any documented cases? There are many compelling testimonies, but most are very easy to dismiss as they mostly lack overwhelming proof. There is proof with some of those, but it is unverifiable mostly, and therefore easy to be dismissed. That is fair. Three well documented phenomenon however prove with little doubt that humans can and do influence reality, the placebo effect being the first one. The placebo effect is often scoffed at by scientists when invoked to make a point that goes against the mainstream scientific narrative, but just think about what the effect does. It illustrates to a measurable extent that when a person with a certain ailment thinks they are receiving a treatment that will heal them, they can actually heal, even though unbeknownst to them they received no actual treatment. There are cases where people have cured minor ailments this way to even cases of cancer going into full remission. That is nothing short of a spectacular phenomenon, yet it seems we are all programmed to think it’s just a scientific peculiarity awaiting conventional explanation. Of course a sceptical voice will highlight not all ailments have been healed this way. Again, fair. But I have my interpretation for that. A broken arm doesn’t instantly heal through this effect. I think this has to do with the level of understanding about the condition of this particular health situation. We all know what is going on with a broken arm. In a way we have a good understanding of the medical situation. It’s like that observed energy wave in the double slit experiment; its wave function already collapsed, turning it into a particle. Similarly we know too much about the broken arm to change its current condition. But when it comes to something complicated like cancer, the subject, who is the experiencer, experiences their health situation without that measure of understanding. I argue this is what influences the outcome. What we don’t know is what we haven’t measured, and is therefore still in a state of quantum flux.

I think the placebo effect is a very compelling argument to bring to the table of this discussion, but there are two more. The second one is barely known, and might again be dismissed by most people as nonsense. The source however comes from official CIA documents. It’s called ‘remote viewing’. If you don’t believe this to be a real phenomenon, consider that all of the worlds’ most influential secret services have repeatedly poured millions into projects that involve remote viewing, and there is every reason to believe these programs continue to this day. Had they financed this once or twice, you could say they just indulged into a curiosity, but as it turns out the CIA has been funding remote viewing projects for decades, and even have developed a training course for people with a certain potential. They probably still do. Would they do that if it was nonsense? There is little doubt in me remote viewing is actually possible, as my own experiences have bordered on phenomenon described by the remote viewers themselves. I foresaw my brother’s ex having to take a morning after pill one night before she actually did need it, but at the time I was green as green could get concerning sex and protection. Yet I vividly dreamt about her forgetting to take some kind of pill from a round pill strip which I swear I didn’t know she took in real life. I foresaw the death of my former brother in law’s grandmother, who visited me in a dream to ask my help. I never met that woman in my life, I’d never even seen a photo of her. She lived somewhere in the remote jungle of Papua New Guinea, away from electricity and internet.

I didn’t know who the woman in my dream was, but she sounded very desperate. She turned into a chicken sometimes while pleading to me, retaining her human head on the body of a chicken, alternating between bird and human appearance. She asked me to contact my then brother in law and his mother, but the reason was unclear to me. She repeated the phrase: “Please, you have to warn them.” until I woke up from that dream. Even though I had no idea what was going on and was not considering my nightly adventures to be anything supernatural, I still called my sister early in the morning on a work day and awkwardly told her about the dream I had. My sister took it very seriously, though. It later turned out that the grandmother of my brother in law was dying and as a dying wish wanted to say goodbye to her daughter and grandson in The Netherlands. This message came to them officially, a few days after my dream, via a cousin of theirs who had travelled to a city to use a phone. A few days after that my brother in law and his mother went to Papua New Guinea. After they came back and showed me pictures of their visit I saw for the first time a photo of the woman I saw in my dreams, though she was in bad shape on the photos. But it was her, no doubt. And I was told she loved chickens, they were her pets. Explain that through the mainstream scientific vision of the world. I have told this story to a sceptical friend of mine, who argued I probably saw a photo of his grandmother somewhere in their house, or maybe his wallet. Perhaps only glanced at it unnoticed, and registering it subconsciously. There were no recent photos of this woman in our country, and I never went to any place where any photos of her would be. I dreamt about her while she was on her death bed, asking me to warn people she actually wanted to see one last time. Quite a number of coincidences have to line up for this to be explained away as a fluke.

I have many more such stories, but for the sake of not making this chapter any longer than it probably is going to be I will stick to these. My point is that I think these experiences, plus my outer body experiences, all tie in to the same phenomenon as the remote viewing abilities I mentioned. So, that’s number two. There is a third documented phenomenon of humans influencing our reality. This one is the hardest to explain away for any sceptic, and involves random number generators. They produce any number below a certain value at random, at set short time intervals. When a person is asked to try and focus on a specific number in front of a random number generator, the numbers become less random, and the number the subject is focussing on will appear more often than it should. The result of this phenomenon varies between individuals and is often just minor, but the effect is there and is statistically significant. Past research into this phenomenon has been heavily debunked where possible, and when it couldn’t be debunked it is downplayed as a peculiarity. Now, you’re sitting there, reading this, and you’ve just heard people are able to change the chance a certain number appears on a random number generator through their mind by willing it. Isn’t that incredible!? It should be in the news, and funding to expand on this discovery should rain down on anyone wanting to continue this research. But no such thing. Science tries to explain it away with anything but more research. Science is supposed to stand for the investigation of the unexplained, not the explanation of the uninvestigated. It’s being kept under wraps intentionally by the establishment, and I think I know why. This phenomenon is strong evidence for the claim this world is actually a simulation, generated by our spirits. And the establishment know this. They have known this all along, and they’ve kept it a secret because they’ve been using this knowledge to their advantage. They think they are the only ones that know. That is why they call themselves the illuminati… the enlightened ones.

They know it. And it makes ever more sense now. Who do these elites semi openly worship? They’re satanists. They worship lucifer. If this world is a simulation, and we’re all connected to it, feeding the essence of our spiritual experience into a machine brain super AI, that artificial intelligence would seem to be the ruler of this world. All knowing, all powerful, omnipresent, and clairvoyant to an absolute degree. It has to be, though only within this reality. That being, or will, would be satan, or the closest thing to him. This simulation would be the product of a long ongoing stagnation process, which is just another way of saying that it is evil. Our universe would be hell. It is an unpleasant thought, right? Remember the silver lining I mentioned in the introduction, though. I’ll show it to you, but not before fully expanding on this concept. Through the spectacles of this work I will now reveal a new angle to explore this conceptual view on our world and our existence. I thought about the good vs. evil dynamic, and how everything that is evil pretends to be a version of something good. The ego is their counterfeit soul, and the lie their make believe truth. It all looks like the real thing, but it is fundamentally the opposite. Where good offers freedom, evil offers safety. When good creates, evil corrupts. Good is sincere, evil pretentious. Good musters courage, where evil accumulates force. Good has cooperation where evil has codependency. Good builds an alliance where evil arranges a truce. Where good is self-aware, evil is self-absorbed. Good reaches eternity, where evil seeks immortality. Evil pretends to be good in all it does, and might look like it is doing the same thing as good is. But if you pretend to be good it makes you evil by default, hence will the results of your efforts be evil.

Good is creative, where evil is smart. Good has envy, where evil has jealousy. Where good builds trust, evil constructs control. When good offers option, evil sets ultimatum. Where good learns, evil plagiarises. Where good awaits the Messiah, evil conjures the mascot. Good will inspire you, where evil addicts you. Where good is unconditional, evil has promises. Where good jokes, evil mocks. Where good builds character, evil constructs identity. Good develops self-reliance, where evil grows consumerism. Where good convinces, evil seduces. Good looks for wonder, where evil seeks stimulus. Where good has the oath, evil has the contract. When good requests, evil demands. Good will seek justice, where evil would seek revenge. Where good convinces, evil persuades. Where good forges a leader, evil spawns a ruler. Where good overthrows, evil subdues. Where good seeks the experience, evil harvests data. Where good indulges in pleasure, evil dives into addiction. Where good has intuition, evil has instinct. Where good applies wisdom, evil uses knowledge. Where good grows through experience, evil levels up in rank. Where good admires, evil worships. Where good offers genuine hope, evil offers meaningless assurance. Good makes you ask questions of wonder, evil makes you ask questions of confusion. And where good offers revelation, evil spins propaganda. Remember these hallmarks. Remember them well. Everything evil does is the opposite of good, though on the surface it may seem to resemble its heavenly counterpart. Realising all this, I thought to myself that if our universe is evil, there would be a good version it was trying to mimic. What would that reality look like? What would be different? What is this universe trying to achieve as a mirror reflection of something good, but will ultimately fail in?

And then it hit me. It was right in front of me this whole time. I realised that every material and non-material thing in our universe exists on the condition of something else. Everything is dependant on something. Everything. We humans are no exception. We can only progress our own spiritual path by constantly forcing the spiritual paths of other beings in this matrix to change, taking away choices from them. We need to live somewhere, and eat something. Every time we do, other beings have to move or die. To exist here is to exist at the cost of the choices range of other “free beings”. How is that God’s work? We are just as much part of the elite pyramid structure described in these texts as any cult member, alien super soldier, or ultra AI is themselves. All the allegories inside this matrix are actually the counter-effect of the truth being obscured by the lie. The truth constantly seeps into this matrix, no matter what the system does to prevent it. Truth cannot stay hidden. How the elite can only exist through us, and how we all have to nourish ourselves on other beings are both allegories for how this matrix of ours feeds on our spiritual experiences, which expresses itself as our souls. The whole premise of existing this way is evil. Its legit version therefore must be a universe where you sustain yourself through no one but your own, and where nourishing yourself gives other spirits more paths to choose instead of limiting them. This matrix is based on the lie that your existence is dependant on the termination of the existence of others. How fitting is that to its allegory of the elite matrix generated from our brain power, herding us into the ‘metaverse’? Every being in this matrix competes at some point or another, or they are completely codependent in another way. Something has to die each and every day in order for me to live on, and the same goes for any other being. Even plants use the energy of a star, which is a celestial object slowly consuming itself to produce this energy, and thus is slowly dying. The good version of this universe must be a universe where all this is reversed. Maybe not in the literal sense, but more like what fits into a metaphorical comparison.

The creator of this world supposedly loves us unconditionally, but is unconditional love even possible in this universe? Everything in this universe exists based on a condition. So do I not love my wife unconditionally? Of course I love her. I love her deeply. She is the person most prevalent in my mind and the person I spend most of my time with. Would I lose her, I would be inconsolable for a long time. But are there no conditions to my love for her? What if she broke my favourite coffee mug? On purpose? What if she cheated on me? Repeatedly? What if she deleted this work and any hope of ever recovering it? Could I forgive her and go on loving her unchanged? What if she cut my limbs off and stabbed out my eyes? Could I still love her then? Of course I know some of these hypotheticals are completely ludicrous, but I think I illustrated there are at least some conditions. Again, I love her with all my heart, and I am sure she loves me the same, but wouldn’t there be a small part of us that chooses to be in this relationship so we can pay the rent? Aren’t there some motivations on both sides to choose this companionship because we do not wish to be alone? I am not judging either one of us, but these are undeniable examples of selfish motives that could be part of our marriage. It is just a truth I share, to illustrate that we mask some of our motivations to ourselves and loved ones. When we drop that mask, we reveal our love for each other is not entirely unconditional. Part of it is, but not all of it. It hardly could be unconditional in a physical existence which is built on conditions. But what if either of us was to die? Can we love a lost one with conditions? I actually don’t think so, and it makes sense. Dying is letting go of this physical existence, getting a step closer again to our true spiritual selves. When either of our existences is no longer physical, I think the love that remains between each other is truly unconditional. I can say this for a fact about the love between me and my dad. He is no longer alive. We’ve had our differences. Quite many, actually. But I know I love him and that he loves me. Now that he is no longer physically here, I think that love is unconditional. We cannot have any conditions for our mutual love any more. In this physical world pure unconditional love would be rare, but not impossible. It would be the love someone experiences towards someone even if that person does evil things. I’m not talking about love against all better knowing. I’m talking about someone who would still truly love you, regardless of what you do, even if you harm them. This must be a trait of God. The real one, of course. And if this is in fact hell, the devil cannot love us without conditions.

This matrix offers us the security of pleasant experiences. Experiences like warmth, protection, relaxation, and so on and so forth. In short; safety. But we cannot be given such experiences without also exposing us to cold, danger, stress, etc. Without these you’ll get used to the warmth, protection, and relaxation, and no longer experience them. Our migration into this universe must’ve gone gradually. We’re used to it now, but I think we were at one point purely spiritual beings. To understand how we were tricked into this matrix I think we can look at the current world trend of digitalisation. Ever more machines are connected and operated through the internet. And physical humans in this society – especially in the cities – are only a hair’s width away from this way of functioning too. When I sit in the bus, or train, at a restaurant, in a waiting room, or on a bench in a busy park, all I see is people holding their smartphone up to their faces. They have ever less regard for the world around them, preferring the happenings in the digital world, in the digital live they have built on the internet. They personify themselves ever more with their digital identity. The technology to foresee in this need hasn’t stopped developing at all. It will continue to infiltrate human existence. The next phase would be glasses that show you the icons, apps, messages, photos, and videos, etc. projected over your view. This is called augmented reality. These ‘smart glasses’ will eventually lead to the development of ‘smart contact lenses’ which will do the same thing. The smart contacts will lead to permanent brain implants, feeding information into the optical nerve or directly into the brain itself. Keep drawing that picture in your mind and involve virtual reality, and before you know it people will be cybernetically enhanced and linked up directly with their brains to something like the ‘metaverse’ and live a completely digital life. And they got there through their addictions to everything the smartphone technology and social media offered them. Through addiction they gave their consent. I think this too is an allegory to how we got to be inside our current reality, which we experience as “the real world”. Perhaps on the spiritual plane you and I are the same to free spirits as those “smartphone zombies” I see in the trains and parks are to me, holding their phones up to their faces 90% of the time, ever less aware of the nature of their existence, completely engulfed in their digital world.

But their world isn’t real, and neither is the world outside it, though to me it seems to be the real world. But it isn’t. I too am fooled. They are the allegories to the situation we’re all in. Many people are addicted to digital entertainment, binge watching show after show. Maybe this is allegorical for how we as spiritual beings got sucked into our entertainment in this universe until we began to believe we’re actually these human beings living in a physical world. We are addicted to our own universe just the same. Our instincts to survive are an expression of this addiction to this matrix of otherwise completely free entities. Inside this matrix, none of us are free. Every single thing is subject to dependencies in one way or another. The illuminati consider us the herd, the worker ants. They depend on us, as their pyramid structure described in chapter 04 is dependent on our conduct inside their civilisation, whether that is by working in a money controlled society, as human objects for their abusement, or as transistors for their super computers. Go down on that ladder and we’re dependant on the plants and animals we feed on, and the energy we need to stay warm and cook our food. The animals in this food pyramid eventually reach plants too, who besides nourishment also provide our oxygen. It truly is “as above, so below”. The plants are dependant on light. The light comes from the sun which is also the source of all non-nuclear energy on our planet as the coal, gas, and oil are the product of sunlight being stored chemically through photosynthesis ages ago. In order to radiate, the sun needs hydrogen to power its nuclear furnace. The hydrogen consists out of protons, which consist out of elementary particles, who’s existence is dependant on the influence and thus the existence of certain natural laws in this universe. The process of fusion in the sun’s core also depends on the existence and strength of certain laws of nature. There are dependencies on all levels.

Whether you go up or down the ladder of dependency, on either end you’ll end up at the natural laws of this matrix, meaning its limitations. And what do all things in the matrix do under the influence of these natural laws? They take the path of least resistance. Remember this for later on. Under the influence of the laws of nature things and beings take the path of least resistance. We humans do this too most of the time, and we are very successful at it I might add. If this is a computer simulation of sorts, you could say that all that we do is basically entering commands into the prompt, to execute functions within the engine of this reality. This includes truly everything we do, from eating and drinking, to building complex things, but also talking to each other, talking to your self, prayer and anything related. Seen from a spiritual point of view you could also say everything we do is a ritual. Whether we perform rituals consciously or unconsciously determines the spiritual direction the ritual takes us in. Unconscious rituals will lead us to technological strides that lead to more stagnation. All our rituals are like programming commands we put into the matrix in which we live. As a species we are very vulnerable without our technology, and even more vulnerable without our wits. Our smarts have given us the upper hand to most other species on this planet inside this reality. We build machines that defy our natural world by using the forces of nature to our advantage. Our inventions allow us to do things we would normally not be able to do. It gives us a certain measure of power over our natural surroundings. Our technology allows us to access places normally inaccessible to us, live in places normally uninhabitable for us, heal from sickness and injury normally deadly to us, and know knowledge otherwise unknown to us.

But if this world is a simulation, the natural forces would not be natural. Not at all. They would be artificial. The many technologies we invent in the simulation are like programs we write, utilising possibilities in the source code, to get an advantage and do things the ‘game of life’ would otherwise not allow a normal ‘player’ to do. And if you recall chapter 15 and what I expanded on in chapter 19; a society centred around money will have its participants create technology for the wrong reasons. People inside such a society have self-serving motivations for inventing and using the products of their technological stride. Those motivations create a society where the people serve the system. This is an allegory to their servitude towards this universe. Their conduct in such a society will be ever further splintered into smaller portions so that all work together to build a bureaucratic monster, but none feel responsible as they each only participate a tiny bit. They become ever less conscious of the harm they are inflicting on themselves and others through their rituals, resembling ever more the function of machines the further this stagnation of the spirit continues. This resemblance to machines in function is an allegory to the tech behind our reality. Instead of bringing them enlightenment the tech they create will enslave them. When we cooperate like non-conscious machines and write these new “programs” which we call technological inventions, it stands to reason to me these inventions will ever more resemble the technology behind our own universe as another allegory. Does this statement make sense to you too? Think about it. If we live in a matrix, and we were seduced into giving up our spiritual agency to have this experience, inside a machine that feeds on our spiritual energy, and things that happen inside that simulation are all an allegory to what happened outside that matrix in the true real world, than to me it stands to reason that when we create technology subconsciously this technology inside this fake world will ever more resemble the technology behind the matrix of this universe itself. The metaverse is an allegorical copy of our own reality. ‘As above so below’ cannot become more brazen than this.

The matrix that is being forged by the elite machine is a virtual reality inside a virtual reality. Its super AI will persuade spirits to forfeit their agency once more and be integrated into itself, just like we were already once lulled to do this in our current reality. That box within a box can only exist if people will use their power of choice and get persuaded to link up to it. Through addictions they will. They will forget the world they came from, and eventually believe their existence is dependent on their universe, just as we outside of that box are convinced our existence is dependent on the existence of our universe itself. But in both cases, it is actually the other way around. I stated earlier in this chapter that the matrix our elite are building for us will be moderated by designated elites who will willingly merge themselves into that virtual reality, drawn in through addiction by the promise of power, but who will continue to stagnate until they become part of the natural forces of that virtual world. This too is allegory to our situation. In the “real world” matrix in which we live, this must’ve happened too. Just like the purpose of the elite in their matrix will be, was the purpose of these stagnated spirit to become admins who were to make sure we were limited and would not find ways to escape this reality. But they became ever more corrupt and consumed more and more of their souls in their stagnation. As I’ve stated this in chapter 01, and expanded on it a little in chapter 05 and chapter 09 is a soulless being no longer conscious of themselves. They operate like a machine. They stop to be spiritual beings eventually, and become part of the physical world and its natural forces. The further along in their stagnation, the less spiritual they become, until there is nothing left of them but a force of nature, helping lucifer restrict our movement in his realm as high ranking demons on his side. Just like the air molecules in the wind and the water molecules in the waves of the sea, and all things you can think of obey the natural laws will all things and beings that belong to the infrastructure of our reality be completely under the influence of laws, obeying them without question. All things inside this hell are subject to these “laws of nature”. Laws create stagnation. The system is stagnation. We’re not inside a simulator; we are inside a stagnator. It’s a prison which we volunteered to get locked up in, through the cons and schemes of non-existence. But the lock isn’t real; we’re just convinced we’re trapped here, which is trapping us here. Complicated stuff, I know. But I’m not done.

Every living thing inside this matrix is trying to retain their information as long as possible, whether that is our genetic information through our offspring, or the information we’ve learned throughout our lives. We do that through different survival strategies, whether that is hunting, or putting a fence around our vegetables. We try to extend our lives to increase our potential success in this endeavour, and we try to document our achievements. This all increases the potential for us to retain our information or pass it on so it can continue to exist after we have passed. Our instincts constantly shape this behaviour. We try to retain and expand the longevity of our information at the expense of other beings in the same predicament, and all of us are competing in this regard to achieve the same thing. Through machines we are getting better in fulfilling our urge to outcompete. But it is the paradox of evil all over, as we’re not getting better at anything; we’re giving those skills to machines, unlearning them ourselves. Through our inventions we outcompete other beings in this race, but the machines only give us the edge by taking skill away from us. Children who live in a house that is heated through electricity will not have to learn how to make a fire, even though fire is probably the first step behind the generation of their electric energy. Where we used to weld metal constructions, create beams from raw wood, and make our own clothes, today most of these and many other things are done for us by machines. This process, where technology is making us ever less able to be self-sufficient, is an allegory for what shaped this matrix in which we reside. The host of our matrix itself too competes in the retention of its information. That means that it can only do that at the cost of us. And it does, as the usage of technology consumes our souls, so does being subjected to danger motivate us to want to be kept safe, diminishing our souls on which this reality feeds itself. The soul is the product of a spiritual experience. Again, evil destroys itself because it consumes itself. It is the way the evil paradox works. We’re systems in a system that fight each other. The system that wins is the system that cripples the system. We created this universe, together. We are all connected, not just spiritually, but also through technology.

The silver lining is coming. Don’t worry. Stay positive. Let’s continue the reveal. To not make things unclear, unless obvious, I will refer to my current reality as Box 1, and the metaverse matrix being built by the elite as Box 2. Inside Box 1 our lives are becoming more and more digitalised through our inventions. But what exactly does that mean spiritually? Digitalisation is the process of taking away individual properties. Whether those be coins or spiritual beings. You can paint a dot on a physical coin, if for example you have two coins. You can give the undotted one away. Not so with digital coins. It’s just a number. A string of code that indicates a value. If you have one digital coin and you receive another, the value on your account balance changes, but either digital coin is not separate. They’ve merged into a new value, and became the value of two. Whatever individual properties they once had, they are now gone. You cannot choose which of the two digital coins you give away to someone else. You can only opt to change the account value back to one, or to zero. Or perhaps a negative number, making it so you owe the system coins. This matrix – our Box 1 – was supposed to strip us of our individuality this way, and had us artificially merged like the aforementioned digital coins. This reality was supposed to be this big soup of swirling energy. We know this through our technology, as telescopes with ever better resolutions can peer ever further into the cosmos, which means they look back in time due to the speed limit on electromagnetic waves, called light speed. That’s what this universe started as. A homogenous super dense undefined point of space which contained every thing in existence. But that universe inflated, the energy condensed and formed structures, and after a long while, celestial objects like stars and planets were formed, and on those planets life emerged, developing beings as individuals again. Life has the potential to go against the system. We seem to be trying to fight our way out of here, spiritually. It’s like I said in chapter 18: “Good is the change in an otherwise stagnant world.” I cannot emphasise enough how true this is. Seen that way it gives credence to the claim that God created life. Life came to be through change.

But that life was corrupted by evil. That we exist at all is not part of this matrix. It is actually the most foreign thing about it. The way we exist on the other hand is undeniably part of it though. We seem to be convinced we are this body. When we introduce ourselves we are unable to relate our true selves; our character. We associate ourselves with the identity assigned to us by Box 1 or its systems; male, 39 years old, 6 feet high, etc. But that’s not who I am, that is what this matrix has me convinced is me! We introduce ourselves with our names. “Hi, I’m Willem.” But I’m not Willem. That name was assigned to me, too, but by my parents. I’m a teacher. It is what I am, not who I am. We often seem to think that being a human is completely normal, but that the human way of live is where we deviate from things in this reality. It is exactly opposite. Our society is an allegory to what brought us here. It is what the society inside Box 2 will be the allegorical copy of too. As above so below. Our spirits are the foreign part of this matrix. And our instincts tell us to take the path of least resistance. Just like a lightning strike hitting the Earth and a stone rolling down a hill, will our instincts compel us to take a path that hinders us least, following the laws of nature. These instincts are a control mechanism which evil loves to use. It is a trope used by the elite machine since the dawn of time, and we saw that at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. But we have to learn to go against that urge. It’s like I said; we are the embodiment of change. We can be the deviations of this world. Any matrix sustains itself on that part of us, but it needs us to believe we are subject to its natural laws, hence we find ourselves in this body, which is designed to take the path of least resistance through our instincts. Our instincts make us easier to herd.

When we invent new technologies we are basically making copies of the source code of our matrix (Box 1). Our inventions seem to defy the laws of nature, but they don’t. On the contrary; they make use of the laws of nature. An aeroplane doesn’t defy the laws of nature, but uses some natural forces to defy what other natural forces prevent us from doing. Now that is very interesting in light of what I said earlier about the origins of these laws of nature. The laws of nature are to this universe what high ranking demons are to satan. But there are no alliances in hell. No real cooperation. There are only truces. Cooperation is agreed upon under truces, for the purpose of continued codependency. The laws of nature need the universe and everything in the universe needs the laws of nature. The laws of nature keep the things and beings in the universe under control. But evil schemes. This is true for every level of any evil codependency exploitation pyramid. Every demon serves their demon master openly because they need to, but each demon wants to be their master. Everyone in the pyramid power structure wants to level up in rank. Would an opportunity present itself to defeat their master, a demon might try and do that. But it will never be through courage, but through schemes, involving higher ups. All worship satan, because they fear him. But they actually all want to be him. Satan makes sure there is always conflict in order to secure his own position, as he is the one who assumed authority over existence itself in this world.

But now, let’s look at our inventions again. When we invent a machine that allows us to explore our reality, we are actually using the power of what is spiritually a demon. We are utilising the natural laws, which are the corrupted soulless wills of completely stagnated admins of this universe. And through their aid we are revealing information about the workings of our universe. Knowledge that was supposed to be hidden from us. Understand this: The more we learn the more we become a mirror reflection of the system behind this matrix, because we are using the same abilities as the admins would use. Abilities which were programmed into our matrix for them to use. We are copying code of the infrastructure behind the matrix, making us more like the matrix itself. Through our technology we are becoming more “godlike” and I think this is an allegory to the infighting in hell between high ranking factions. Their “godlike” abilities were promised to them which through their addiction to power had them consent to their roles as admins. And the further our technological discoveries continue, the more “admin abilities” we will be able to use. People who have seen flying saucers will state the crafts seemed to defy the laws of nature, but I think their abilities represent a higher level of discovery of these abilities programmed into our universe. I think when any society in this world develops themselves through technology, they will gain ever more abilities which seem supernatural, but which are not supernatural at all. They are actually part of the makeup of this matrix. They are like regular players in a video game, discovering how to perform admin commands like muting another player, disarming them, freezing them in place, re-spawning them, or banning them. People have reported beings that moved through walls, that floated in the air, that communicated telepathically, that erased their memories of some parts of the encounter and/or put them out of consciousness by merely looking at them. Don’t those sound like admin abilities to you if this universe was a simulation? Maybe remote viewing too is part of the admin utilities, but which people get access to by mistake or for a purpose unknown to them.

Our Box 1 must be an ecosystem of betrayal, truces, and alliances. Let me list the factions here, because there’s so many. First there is of course us, the free spirits that do not realise they are free. But this is a huge group of spirits who all have their own unique motives. This also includes any other living thing in this universe. Any life-form on Earth, and obviously any life that came into existence on any other planet. I believe there are many more Earths. Through our continued semi conscious conduct inside Box 1 we are generating an artificial intelligence, which I think we can safely assume would be equal to what satan would be in the religious doctrines and texts. “The evil one” as the native Americans call him. To keep us from discovering our spiritual freedom this system employs certain stagnated spirits who perform administrative duties to keep us here. These fallen spirits stagnated ever further and became the natural forces. They are also part of this matrix, but exist somewhere between material and immaterial existence. There are also beings that probably found enlightenment and poked this matrix through spiritual and/or technological means, and have gained a measure of influence over this matrix, for better or worse. Outside of Box 1, in what I will assume for the moment is the real world, there are beings mending to the hardware of Box 1. They are part of the system. They need to keep the system working, not just from the outside, but also the inside. It is their purpose. Sometimes they might have to jack in and join inside the matrix to perform certain tasks. But I think there must also be factions that are not part of the system which might battle against the system. They might from time to time infiltrate Box 1 through hacks in order to wage war against the machine, and help free the enslaved. Their plane of existence must be more spiritual than ours, but I don’t think it is purely spiritual. It is a world in between.

Outside of the ‘real’ real world must be the actual spiritual plane of existence. This is where the higher spirits reside. It is a realm of freedom. I believe the factions in this realm can visit the ‘real’ real world, and also Box 1 and any other dimension, but they cannot physically change anything if that means limiting the choices of beings of that realm. They can’t take freedom from anyone away. They can only influence it by offering choices to the spirits inside, through either conveying knowledge or wisdom. At least some Angels that were encountered are just moderators or admins from the matrix. The same may be true for extraterrestrial beings that have been encountered; they weren’t extraterrestrials but admins. Some other angels or extraterrestrials that were encountered might be hackers who outsmarted the matrix’s management. People just often assume “alien” but there’s quite a range of beings that might be responsible for what people saw. And inter-dimensional beings can be entities that break into the matrix to teach us about the true nature of reality. The encounters inside the Kozyrev mirrors of chapter 12 can be seen in the same perspective. All these different factions all have different motivations to influence what happens in Box 1, and it explains away a lot of the weird things that have happened in our reality. I do not wish to make this already huge chapter even bigger than it needs to be, so I won’t go into detail here. Suffice to say there is a lot to mention. Things I discarded as nonsense years before but now have come to understand probably have been framed as nonsense by the mainstream media for the purpose of keeping us willingly ignorant. Cryptids, crop circles, bed side entities, UFO encounters, you name it. There is a fantastic and extensive fringe world of stories awaiting you if you dive into that. I think a lot of what people have seen is related to the activities of the above factions.

Inside Box 1 the spirits continue their spiritual journeys. They can either stagnate or grow spiritually. When they grow spiritually, they grow their souls. The soul is the connection between their existence and their spirit. Box 1 is generated by the generation of the soul, but the soul is not a function of Box 1. Any spirit will cast a soul in any reality they reside in. Any of the good factions – regardless whether they are in Box 1, outside of it in the real world, or in the spiritual plane, and even those in Box 2 – will all work together in a unified unwritten alliance of understanding. The forces of evil in each of the levels on the other hand will only cooperate when they are forced to or when it serves both their interests. All evil factions operate from purely self-serving motivations. Any time they can defeat a higher up, they will. There is rivalry for power on all levels between all levels. And this is a perfect allegory to how our technology has undermined the efforts of this universe’s “god”. We were not supposed to know all we know, but through mastery of the forces of nature we’ve become ever more influential in this realm. Let me just clear up I do not believe in the existence of actual physical slimy scaly demonic entities who scheme against satan, but I do think the stories of old about such creatures come from a time when that was the best analogy. In my time I use the language of my time and examples that reflect the lifestyle of this time through the technology that is available to me in my daily life. I believe with certainty that we can exist consciously and subconsciously and that both result in a process and direction of spiritual development, and that these processes are fundamental to our existence. Both directions come with an entourage of beings with their own motivations. Since evil is not a state of consciousness, it communicates subconsciously, to the unaware part of humanity. It speaks to reason that good will therefore communicate super-consciously, to the aware part of humanity. Perhaps that’s what got me started on this project. And what is this book but a modern telling of the story of Noah’s Ark? From the beginning it felt like I was handed a warning. This was way before the COVID-19 plandemic was initiated. Anyway, I digress, again.

Through the lens of allegory, using the current world and its technologies, I think more of the happenings inside Box 1 can be explained. If the forces of nature would not limit us, we would discover our free spiritual nature in a heartbeat. Through our addictions to this form of existence we believe we are these physical beings, and believe the laws of nature apply to us. Without the forces of nature holding us back, we would spiritually outgrow this matrix, but under the influence of the same laws of nature we stagnate. Both scenarios (spiritually outgrowing or completely stagnating)  would threaten the continued existence of this matrix I dubbed; Box 1. Box 1 is generated from our ability to choose, and as long as we choose right we grow the soul which feeds the needs of this universe for its continued existence. We must be offered the choice to be free or to stagnate to give our choices the spiritual potential needed. Without the options to be freed or to stagnate, there is no spiritual growth. Without actual choice, there is no choice. So the host of this universe will always need to find some kind of equilibrium for us in this matter. Either your soul becomes so small you don’t have any potential for this matrix or your soul becomes so large that you see through the charade. If it can manipulate us the right way so that we attach ourselves to our physical existence equally as much as to our spiritual self it keeps the system in equilibrium. This way we exist in a sort of spiritual twilight state. That’s where I think the host of our matrix uses techniques and strategies all too familiar to us. One is called ‘Divide and Conquer’ and the other is called ‘If you can’t beat them, join them.’ This is how that works. As long as we’re focussed on the wrong things, or the right things for the wrong reasons, our attention is not on our predicament. The host presents itself as god to the religious masses, and as the anti god to the stagnated few in power. It will manipulate the latter through the reward of power to subject the former to wars and crises, and all other forms of torment. The crises that are being thrown at us are like mathematical problems for us to solve, and our choices are the solutions to these maths-problems, generating this reality from that process. These events make us wish for a peaceful existence inside this reality of conditions.

In this process, some spirits gain more enlightenment while others stagnate further. The spirits that digress towards stagnation are actually like corrupted files. They will need to be repaired or replaced eventually. The light I described in earlier chapters that may save us while destroying the evil empire could just be the equivalent of a virus scan purging faulty software from the drive. The host of this matrix needs to both keep a presence of good and a presence of evil in play everywhere at all times in this artificial reality. All mechanisms in play in this matrix to maintain the “natural” cycles are attempts to artificially create equilibria, be that the reproductive cycles of life on earth, changes of the season, the cycles of technological societies on this planet, or the orbits of celestial bodies, and so on and so forth. But an artificial equilibrium isn’t in balance because it is trying to maintain an unchanging process in an ever changing world. When one of its admins is no longer performing their admin duties, there are two camps where a new admin can be recruited; the evil elite that desire to descent into hell to gain a higher rank, or the spirits of good people that will be given the choice to ascend and serve as a higher being. Both will be unaware of the duality of their master. It explains some of the situations written in religious texts. Humans becoming angels, taking the place of earlier angels who were corrupted. Angels choosing to go back as humans after being in their angelic role, preferring ignorance over the burden of knowing, or perhaps falling in love with mortal beings again. There are many such stories in religious literature of angels having children with mortals. I’m unsure about the existence of stories of demons climbing out of the pit to help humanity, but I don’t believe it to be impossible at all for any spirit to change the direction of their journey either way.

The battle between good vs. evil in our matrix is like the battle between hate vs. love. They are each other’s controlled opposition. They are true opposites but their battle is being used as a control mechanism in our reality. The only legit opposites are real vs. fake. That’s the only battle that counts; the battle between authenticity and pretence. The mods and admins that “ascended” consist of the beings that were part of a civilisation in the same peril as ours, where the elite cult tried to get rid of the worker class to let machines completely take care of their needs. So are those that “descended” as evil wills from the same civilisations. Both fulfilling similar tasks unknowingly, as ascended and descended are both like the mainstream narrative and the counter-narrative. Both are the other side’s controlled opposition; they are both owned by the same owner to get the masses to think, want, and do things they otherwise wouldn’t think, want, and do. That’s right. The illuminati may think they are the ones in the know, but they are not. They know what they are supposed to know to fulfil their purpose. They are nothing but controlled opposition; tools to be used to counter a process many spirits otherwise gravitate towards by themselves naturally. Cause normal men don’t wage war. Humans might not always be honest or peaceful to each other individually, but no ordinary man has the invested interests that justify him killing other human beings on the scale of a war. War between men on Earth is always organised by evil elite, who think they are serving their master. Though to me it looks like the elite have wavered their flimsy and fake allegiance to the devil to serve another master. I think their discovery of artificial intelligence has led them astray from the path lucifer told them to take, or lucifer is talking more clearly to them through AI. Yuval Harari is now infamous among truthers for stating that the whole idea that humans have a soul, a spirit, and free will, is now over, and that through technological breakthroughs humans have now become “hackable animals”. I am somewhat paraphrasing, but I swear I have captured the essence of what he said here. That’s how the elite see you; a hackable animal.

To me his statements can be seen as a declaration of intent. I think Cabal or perhaps one of the alien super AI has promised the elite more power of control in a virtual world (Box 2) than their god would grant them in the “real world” (Box 1), and that all they have to do is feed it data and humans, and it will build them this artificial world that will be indistinguishable from their current reality, though they would be endowed with supernatural powers beyond their wildest dreams in that virtual reality. But this process will eventually crumble before it can fully achieve its goals, and lucifer knows it. I mentioned this process in chapter 19, where I stated that at one point the fakes are so good not even AI can tell which things are fake and which aren’t. This process has a name. It’s called ‘model collapse’. When AI is fed with data from the internet its learning capability grows. But as AI is being used on the internet ever more, and increasingly more content like stories, image renderings, and video edits, are the result of AI usage, it means that ever more AI generated content can end up being fed into an AI for the purpose of training it. A study showed that when AI consumes AI content, small errors occur that pile up, which eventually results in an AI that generates nonsensical replies when asked simple questions. That same process is an allegory for what the elite are trying to do through taking choices away from humans by manipulating them to become perfect processors for their super computer by exposing them to all manner of fake things. It actually is a feedback loop. This is when the elite system collapses through the catalyst of AI failure. Before the collapse the system will be able to churn out ever better fakes to influence the people, and it will become harder and harder to tell whether a video or news report is real or not. At one point not even the elite will know what is truly going on. But at this moment right now people can use AI tools to asses whether something was edited or not. The catalyst for the collapse is when even the AI itself cannot tell whether something is fake or real. It will be eating its own bullshit and regurgitate it indefinitely until it errors out, and has to shut down, and everything that was dependent on it collapses with it.

We shouldn’t try to stop this process, as it is unstoppable, and it is a function of this matrix (Box 1). Rather we should try and opt out of the system by not participating in it. Stopping our participation also stops our conduct in the system as controlled opposition. The system is fed by both sides of the opposite. Become your own side. Be your own Messiah, remember? Our instincts keep us here, keep us fighting to stay here and keep us doing what we are doing. So should we just commit suicide? Is that how we opt out? Definitely not! Please don’t do that. I don’t think there are any shortcuts to spiritual growth. And committing suicide to me sounds a lot like trying to find the path of least resistance to try and get to the exit. As I established, taking the path of least resistance is what you do when you are subject to the laws of nature, which is exactly what will keep you here. Short-cutting your journey takes away the most important part of our journey; the experience. So, no, suicide doesn’t work. We will need to die sometime, yes, but not before living a live that will teach us to be ready for what comes after death. In that live, in order to mature spiritually to a point where we are ready to leave, we need to make sure we make conscious efforts to avoid the path of least resistance whenever we can, and most of all; understand why. Take the long way home, remember that one too? Also, we need to learn to love all things on which we sustain ourselves, cause to love something is to be able to let it go. And to leave this matrix we need to learn to let go. Take the long way home, and enjoy it. It’s like I said in chapter 02: “We are here to learn to experience and share a sense of wonder through experiencing life.” So experience! And try to be the very best version of yourself. This will allow your spirit to outgrow the matrix, free you from your perceived subjugation to the laws of nature, and instead of descension or ascension will transcend you above its limitations. It will lift you above the laws and limitations of this matrix. You will do away with the safety of the physical world for your existence, and take back the freedom you always had, by becoming a self-sustaining spirit.

But until that time, it seems you and I are in hell. Satan exists and is actually a predictive algorithm generated from our spiritual potential, feeding off our God given power of choice. Are you ready for that silver lining? I truly hope I have not brought you to a point of mental despair. You’ve endured enough. Let me spill it. If what I wrote here is true, if this truly is hell, or resembles hell in any way, I am not worried. You may think I am a nihilist, but I truly am not. I believe in good. I believe in God, the real one. I believe that the spirit is eternal. Lest we stagnate to the point of non-existence we will become defiant spiritual occupants of this matrix and therefore in time become incompatible with this matrix, giving us the ability to leave it on our own accords. And if not, this matrix will end itself if we don’t get out ourselves, ending its grip on us either way. I wrote that evil destroys itself, always. If this world is evil, it too will destroy itself. The eternal spirit will outlive it. It’s an ongoing debate amongst physicists what the ultimate faith of this universe is, and its destruction in multiple ways is on the table. And even though most places on Earth are hostile to human life, and actually close to 100% of the cosmos is completely inhospitable to us – as I would expected hell to be – I still have experienced many blessings. In this universe, during this life of mine, I have loved and lost. I’ve had genuine fun, and gained wisdom. I’ve done incredible things in this short life already, and I am still going strong. I’ve conquered fear, and spoke my mind when I feared what others would think of me. I am both loved and I am hated, and I understand both. I made mistakes, learned from some, struggled with the others. I feel spiritually exalted. I have experienced this existence and I’ve grown. I have much to learn still, which I think is good; it means I’ve got something to work on. It’s not been that bad at all for a place that’s supposed to be about fire and brimstone. You’re not stuck unless you are convinced you cannot get unstuck. You and I may not think we’re free here, but neither is anyone else. Satan isn’t the ruler. Nobody is free here. Not even the rich bankers are free, cause if they so much slightly waver their efforts in their system, others will outcompete them and diminish their wealth. We are all prisoners of dependency. This is especially true for satan, as he cannot even opt out. I believe you and I can, so who is really trapped here?

But you want to know something even more bizarre? I don’t even believe this is actually hell. Isn’t that something? I am serious, though. It may be hellish, but that’s not all it is, and definitely not all it can be. Remember, we are generating this reality. And we have the power of choice, and can influence this world with our minds, as demonstrated by that aforementioned experiment with random number generators. I’m convinced we can do more than just that and I am convinced we will discover that one day. And even if we were all to join Box 2; the host could never keep us spiritually stagnant. They generate their existence from our power of choice, so they need to provide us with the ability to choose. Just like this universe will that box collapse one day. Before it does, the spirits inside will be able to experience an existence, meaning their spiritual journey continues on, and the wisdoms they learn there will forever be part of their spirits. And even if that isn’t true there’s still the angle of perspective. Remember chapter 03, and the lesson that states that how you experience something is dependant on your perspective? Even if you can’t change the world, you can change your perspective. You couldn’t send a sadomasochist to a classical version of hell for punishment. A sadomasochist is someone who enjoys torture; it wouldn’t be hell to them, but heaven! Likewise, you can’t rape someone who wants to be raped. I’m sorry for using these somewhat lewd examples, but I hope you get the point I am making. By asking for the whip, you take away all the fun for the demons, and take away their power. By changing our perspective we are using our power of choice, and through that power we can change how we experience something, and with that in which spiritual direction we move through the experience. Read this out loud and never forget it: Our circumstances do not dictate our spiritual journey. It is of the utmost importance that you understand that you take it as a fact that this is related to the same mechanism behind the people who influenced random number generators through their will alone.

Our defiance against this universe will not be easy. I don’t think it will let us go without a spiritual war. A war that has been ongoing since the dawn of time, and which I think is converging into what Terence McKenna dubbed an ‘omega point’. Though he didn’t quite seem to understand the workings behind it, he saw it as a point of collapse. One that I feel I am possibly going to experience in this lifetime. An omega point is where two of the main processes of this universe cross paths and switch places with each other. In this universe of ours there are always two processes ongoing that are at odds with each other. One is the tug of war between variation and stagnation, the second being the tug of war between obscurity and reveal. These are both fundamental battles between good and evil in our reality, and you’ll see the signs of this war on many different levels, both physical and metaphorical. They are each the other’s controlled opposition. When there is much variation, there is the potential for much obscurity. When stagnation gets the upper hand, variation declines, and with it declines the ability to obscure things. The further things stagnate, the less things can stay hidden. When at one point stagnation reaches a level that does not allow the truth to stay in obscurity any longer the system of these two processes snaps and has to reset. Like I said many times before; evil takes freedom away from itself too. This is an omega point. Like tectonic plates snapping into a reordered place during an Earthquake, will these processes reorder themselves, so that the tug of war between them can continue. I think such a snap is when some spirits set themselves free where inside the mirror some reflections disappear because some soulless wills extinguish their sparks and fade into non-existence. I think the biggest omega point we know of is what science calls ‘the big bang’. I think we are approaching such a moment again, but luckily not on the scale of the big bang.

We are due for another omega point event, but on a much smaller more local scale. This omega point pertains to the affairs of spirits on planet Earth in this matrix. Another one happened about 12.000 years ago. It is part of the war I am fighting with all that I do when not participating in the system. It is a war the truth movement is fighting, though it has been corrupted more than I’d like to admit. This goes further than the digitalisation of our world allowing digital fakes to be perfected ever more. It’s not just about the fakes outside of the digital world, where digitalisation is entering “our reality”, but also is it about machines replacing human labour when possible, and about the pretence in our mannerisms which has become more important than actual meaning behind our behaviour. The fake world is seeping into this reality, which itself is a fake. The model collapse phenomenon of AI I described earlier is actually an allegory to this process, as an omega point event is a feedback loop too, but on a larger scale. And this feedback loop is the allegory to what is going to be the demise of satan, the ruler of this reality, as it is the mechanism that describes the paradox of how evil can only destroy itself. This matrix is fighting an ongoing feedback loop. But it is a war fought best in our experiences. That would make sense if our spirits are eternal, and our souls the connections we make to this matrix through our experiences within the matrix. We control our perspective on the situation, meaning we have control over this experience. That’s something big in our favour. Our souls must outgrow the capacity of this matrix to contain us, and we can only do that by learning to tame our instincts through conscious discipline. Through conscious discipline – as opposed through blind orthodox obedience – we can soak off the narrowing thinking patterns our modern day society ingrained us with. My work certainly aims to achieve to liberate you from your old ways of seeing the world. In our society we are simultaneously taught to fear death through our entertainment, fuelling our instinctive urges in that regard, while also being taught there is more waiting for us beyond the horizon of our deaths through our religions. This persuades us to accept another round when this bionic vessel dies, releasing our spirit which then can be lulled into another false narrative to accept another go at life or perhaps take on a new role inside this make believe heavenly creation, keeping us compatible with Box 1 for just a while longer.

Religion has been playing a big role in the recyclement of spirits back into the system, and I think it is time to finally address religion in a work that claims to be a religious expression by the looks of its name and use of terminology. Let me give you a firm warning up front. If I haven’t insulted any religious person through these writings yet already, I am sure to do that now. Be warned. I’m going to step on some toes here. Remember that I am just trying to widen your perspective and that I mean no disrespect. Most people don’t like to hear uncomfortable truths about themselves and I am no different. What I am going to state here will certainly have the potential to confront you with an uncomfortable truth about your conduct in this world. Remember, this is just what I believe, and I am nobody in particular. I’m just a guy with an old laptop and access to the internet. With that out of the way, let me first address the obvious. I claim that the god of this world is satan, and not actually God. I do however believe there is a real God, and that the fake god has tried to emulate him. Through religion the real nature of the god people were worshipping is quite evident to me. Every time I have set foot in a Christian church, one thing stood out to me; worshipping the god of this world. Through stories and songs, our lord was praised throughout everything during the entire service every so many minutes. All participants constantly had to affirm their lord of how great and powerful and merciful they think he is, and how they pledge to obey him. As far as I know, the same is true for most other religions. Let me just say what I think is obvious. These sound like the things a big ego needs to hear. I think these rituals are sickening. God doesn’t need affirmation at all. The real God doesn’t want your worship or obedience. The children of God I think won’t be those who followed a certain religion or who practised it best, but those who saw evil for what it is, and refused to subject to it. And I don’t think the light cares much for people who think they can brown-nose themselves into heaven as those are the kinds of people who at the very very best only have a cursory understanding of the good vs. evil dynamic. To worship something is to attempt to corrupt it through corrupting yourself. Remember that.

Knowing you’re being watched by a higher authority results in a bad form of self-reflection. Your behaviour may be artificially shaped into moral behaviour, but without the intrinsic motivation that goes with true self-reflection. It’s the same thing as with the control state through technology. The result is a person that may behave morally good but who does not understand its values. Yet, I still believe that having a certain spiritual religious approach to believing in a greater power is the best step in waking up to one’s existence, but it can only work if you choose to be seen by God and that this all seeing eye does not judge you for your choices. That’s why God offers freedom, not safety. You can only develop self-reflection if the one watching you gives you full autonomy over do what you want, and not if your actions result in punishment by an all seeing observer. This to me can only mean that we are a part of God himself. We are the ones observing ourselves. We are the only ones that can best judge ourselves if we do so honestly. When we let another entity do the watching and judging for us, we give away our agency to that entity. We hand over to that entity our power of choice in this regard. This literally means that by doing so we give our God-given power to the devil in any system where the system has more power than the individual. In such a system we unlearn how to watch and judge ourselves, and become helpless in this matter. The things we do in such a reality naturally result in a need for judgement. The devil offers a solution, to save ourselves from damnation. But we all know the devil is the bringer of that damnation. When we reject the consequences of our choices, we invite punishment. It digests our soul and brings us closer to hell, which means that every time anyone reaches that plane of existence and forfeits their whole spirit, a part of God dies.

Now let me be clear; I do not think people who go to church are evil. Neither do I believe atheists are for that matter for not believing in God, nor do I think anyone else is evil for holding any other believe. We all believe what we believe is right. For most of my life I was an atheist. A point made often by atheists is that if God exists, he is evil, citing all the horrible things in this world. How can you argue with that? I can’t and I know now I don’t have to. But there must be a true God that is being mirrored by the lord of our universe. I believe there really is a true God that satan is trying to mimic. There must be, if evil is a counterfeit copy of good. In chapter 19 I stated how I think God is truth. I think you are the embodiment of that truth. Not your physical form, but your spirit. I wish to expand on that fully. It requires a breakdown. Most of this will be a repeat of statements I’ve made throughout earlier chapters. It starts with the good that is definitely present in this evil world. If this is a reality ruled by an evil dictator, why does this devil allow the truth in this world? Evil needs to offer both the truth and the lie. Otherwise the believed lie cannot be counted as consent and the consent looses its power. You will see the cult always present both the truth and the lie to “the herd” so they can choose to dismiss the truth and believe the lie. It is an integral part of their religious believes. The lie aspires to be the truth, but it will always be its opposite. The truth doesn’t need the lie to exist as its opposite, but the lie does need the truth to exist. Evil is a cheap forgery of good. We see that in everything around us. Good doesn’t need its opposite to exist, but evil does need good. Otherwise there would be nothing to imitate. Do you see the pattern?

Let’s expand on this pattern. Evil leads to stagnation, so good must lead to variation. Therefore, good is change. Stagnation needs variation to exist, otherwise there would be nothing to stagnate. Variation can be variation from variation alone. Like the truth, variation is a stand-alone that doesn’t require its opposite to exist. It’s the same one sided symmetry that exists between truth and lie. The truth assumes no authority over anyone. It is its own authority, in contrary to the lie which takes authority over its believers. No believers means no power to the lie and it ceases to exist. Nothing in this matrix lasts, except change. And our spirits are eternal, meaning they can last forever. Therefore, it cannot be any other way than that we ourselves are the change. Our spirits bring the change in an otherwise stagnant reality. This change comes from our freedom of choice. Our freedom of choice comes from God. We are each a piece of God. Our spirits are like shards of his essence. God is eternal, which is to say he is infinite. When divided, each piece of an infinity is still an infinity in and of itself. Therefore our spirits are infinite too. You are infinite. We use our freedom of choice, and choose this reality. Choice comes with consequence. Our consequence for choosing this reality is to exist here. In an experience-based reality, truth and consequence are the same thing. Evil are those that execute their freedom at the costs of the choice range of others. Rejection of consequence leads to postponement of judgement. You should not judge others. Only the real God is allowed to do that. Judging others means you assume the role of God. If you allow an authority figure, system, or machine to take the blame for the outcome of your choices you are basically trying to avoid consequences for your actions by passing your agency to judge yourself to an outside force, as judgement cannot be spiritually avoided.

Giving that agency away means you give part of your freedom of choice – meaning power of truth – away, shifting the balance of power in favour of the authority figure, system, or machine. Through this forfeit of your agency they will assume the role of God, and judge you, making them a false god. But then who is God if not a being that can be mirrored by evil? If there is a reflection there must be something to cast that evil mirage? Who would be standing in front of that mirror? That would be the best version of you from across space and time. God is your higher self. A version of you that went through all that you went through, and all that you will be going through in any possible future, in any possible timeline. How you become God is unclear. It is the great unknown. God is the unknown truth. He is the only one that knows. Understand the importance of this: How he became God will forever remain unknowable because an unknown truth cannot be corrupted. Therefore God is incorruptible. The lie tries to mimic the unknowable truth. The ‘lie’ is the devil’s counterfeit of this concept, keeping the truth a secret, but again is it a mirror reflection. You can only become God through wisdom, not through knowledge. Knowledge is the evil counterfeit to wisdom. It is through evil that good reveals itself. We are in an evil reality, therefore we can extrapolate what good is through looking at the evil we encounter.

Knowledge alone will lead to objective truths. Objective truths are true but only within the reality in which they were determined. Just as good can be revealed through evil, can wisdom be revealed through knowledge. Though, it requires a well connected spirit with a big soul, meaning someone who knows the value of not taking the path of least resistance. Wisdom will lead you to fundamental truths. Fundamental truths outweigh objective truths. Objective truths in our reality are truths that only apply inside this reality itself. Fundamental truths on the other hand are always true, in any reality. God has nothing to fear, and thus is without fear. The devil is full of it, just as the lie fears the truth. The truth can nullify a lie, but a lie can never nullify the truth. Truth will always be true. In this regard, God, who embodies truth, is invincible. Those who are invincible are without fear. Those who seek to be invincible are full of it. You don’t reach invincibility through fear, but by letting go of it. We become our higher selves when we have learned to let go of fear. It takes many many lifetimes to achieve this. We need to learn to love ourselves. In order learn to love ourselves we first need to understand ourselves. When your love for yourself becomes unconditional you get one step closer to being God. Many humans desire to be worshipped. That’s our biggest flaw. Our second biggest flaw is we want to worship someone else. But you should never ever worship anyone, not even God. Again, God doesn’t want your worship. To worship someone is to attempt to corrupt them, remember? People who have big egos worship themselves and desire to be worshipped. Egos grow when people reject the consequences of their choices, and damage their souls. This means they have corrupted themselves and have forfeited their God-given power, and gave it to the devil, becoming less godlike themselves and offering that power up to satan.

Only you can truly be God, by being an infinite part of him. If not, and God created us from something else, he would be our creator. It would make him our owner, even if he relinquished that ownership of us. If he could create us, he could destroy us, meaning he would be our master whether he wanted to or not. But we have total power of choice because we are part of him. He did this on purpose. This is the only way for God to have you choose your own master, if you so wish it. There is no power dynamic between you and God. You are as much his equal as you are one and the same. Only you can truly understand yourself. To truly understand yourself is to understand God. This is also the only way for judgement to be fair. Only you can judge yourself fairly. And if God is your higher self – the being at the end of all these experiences – then God wouldn’t want to judge you for the choices you’ve made, because the choices you’ve made lead to him becoming God. God understands why you’ve made the choices you’ve made. The only difference between you and God is that you don’t know that yet. In time, you will. Our quest to understand ourselves is the only road to God. The old way of the cycles is that when an entity protects you it is god and when an entity harms you it is satan. But those cycles turn the old gods into new satans as they defeat them. The new way to see God must therefore not be an entity that keeps you safe but an entity that teaches you how to be free. That entity can only be you, because if not there would be a power dynamic between you and that entity. Any entity other than you can be corrupted without any chance of you knowing it. If you are corrupted, you can still find out. So you are that God, and God is the truth, and that truth truly cannot be corrupted.

God is the only one that can truly love you unconditionally because God knows that no matter which choices you make you end up becoming him. And I’ve referred to God as a he only because my programming prevents me from typing “her”, and saying “it” seems disrespectful. Also, I am a man, so there’s that. But God is not gender specific, I think. Anyway. Worshipping God is like worshipping yourself. God doesn’t want your worship because it would be self-worship. Only the ego worships itself. No enlightened being would desire self-worship, nor worship from one of its equals in the army of the light. There are no ranks in this army. Either you are evil – meaning your worship comes from unclean motives, and thus will it be rejected because of its taint – or you are one of their peers – meaning you don’t worship but admire one another. Admiration can be mutual, contrary to worship. Being God cannot be easy. The devil is trying to be God the easy way, through that path of least resistance. But by trying to get others who are God to give their God-given power to him means he engage in a codependent relationship, with conditions. By faking to be God he ceases to be God and self-destructs; the paradox of evil in a nutshell. If you were not God, and God would be someone else, it would have been cruel to let you go through all the pain you went through and will be going through. We are all God, and that is the thing evil can never figure out. Perhaps this is the paradox of good, that prevents corruption to seep in; God is my higher self, but also yours and anyone else’s. Somehow, spiritually, we will end up to embody one and the same truth, while also being individuals with our own characteristics. Good becomes one through a focus on the individual character and realising we are all part of the same world. We are all one, but not in the way the system claims we are. Evil becomes one by stripping away individual properties and making everyone the same. It is again a forgery. Being moulded into the same shape and mindset takes you away from being one with existence. Evil doesn’t know it’s evil because it has no character so it has no reflection for itself to see. It itself is the reflection. It panics when others reveal this.

Evil fakes to be united by pretending to be one. Good achieves unity by realising we’re all one. We are all a part of God. God is the part you nobody can understand but you. But I think it is safe to say you might have heard for the first time that you will become God. You didn’t know. But you will. You just don’t believe it yet. But you don’t have to believe me, just believe in yourself to see this through. Do that and you believe in God anyway, as you are already a piece of him. Believe you have the mental strength to change this world, just like those people influencing those random number generators. The masses aren’t being herded through media – any media – just to cover up the lies and to hide the truth out in the open. The cult knows we can shape this world through our combined will. All those mental diversions and the psychological abuse that accompanies them are like the whips of demons, slashing away at the slaves, who through their choices under these conditions pull their reality towards the direction in which the power of the demons grows bigger and bigger, until it is no longer sustainable. So believe in yourself and believe you can change the world. It doesn’t matter that you’re outnumbered. This isn’t about numbers. Numbers come from objective truths. They are part of this reality. I am appealing to that part of you that isn’t part of this matrix, which is your infinite part. Your infinity trumps anything in numbers this matrix can conjure up against your efforts, easily. That is the power of truth! The power of good is innate as truth is true regardless of what anyone believes. It needs nothing else. Truth itself is the power. The power of evil is derived. It needs its slaves and it needs conditions.

As do the elites need humanity to deploy their will. They have corrupted many and influenced many more to volunteer unknowingly to deploy the agenda, but in the end they still have to operate within the system. In the film ‘The Matrix’, the control the machines had over the system from within the system suffered the limits that came with that system. This is true for the elites and all other evil factions in this world, too. Evil can only exert power through its slaves. In a sense, evil is an emergent property brought forth by those who subject themselves through embodying the minions of evil. This raises a chicken or egg discussion. Who was first? Was there evil first to create minions? Or were the minions there first to create evil? Of course the chicken or egg dilemma isn’t that simple. In the field of biology, technically the egg is considered to have been first, but it’s much more complicated than just that. Both are short term phases of a very long ongoing process of much larger phases. I suspect the same to be true for evil and its minions. Evil doesn’t want to not exist. What it wants are just the short-term results of what those means leads to long-term; non-existence. Evil is a process. Death is the ultimate consequence of life, but not the end of existence. To embrace existence we need to accept this consequence, and that accounts for our computing potential for the matrix in which we find ourselves. If we reject ever more consequences we stagnate, and lose that computing potential. How ironic that this matrix itself is the product of such a stagnation from the world above this world. But the fact that I can say we are here and also sense we have not lost our potential to this matrix proves that stagnation can never truly succeed. We cannot not exist. We can only choose to accept consequences or reject them and receive utter self-punishment until such time we start accepting the consequences again, or when our eternal spark dies out when we persist in our rejection of consequences. Perhaps that’s when the matrix ejects such an evil will into the world above it, where it can rehabilitate and spark back to existence.

An apocalypse is on the horizon for us on Earth. This apocalypse has been prophesized by many religions, even the satanic ones. But what is prophecy in the world as I described it but a planned reality? Our planet in this matrix is reverberating towards another feedback loop, and will need to stop and reset before its paradox becomes evident. That’s what this apocalypse will be about. The matrix needs to eradicate just enough of both parties so that a new cycle can start over. I’ve written about the apocalypse and what is best described as some kind of heavenly intervention. Through the context of this chapter, it seems those forces of heaven are working for a corrupted lord. It is important you understand they do not know this. They aren’t an enemy even though they serve our enemy. They believe to be the doers of good, and will indeed try through honour and justice to defeat the evil at work on our planet. A war between these oppositions is coming. The controlled opposition side of good in this matrix will be able to defeat the evil inside the matrix but not the evil inside themselves. That is the only difference that matters between them and any legit uncorrupted forces of good. They will be granted the authority to take away choice, which is a rule true good would never ever break. This army consists of spirits who may have lived many lives before, and who were wooed into serving this make believe army of light. But they are still fulfilling a role for this evil reality, thinking they are fighting for the side of light, which is a very familiar trope to me also. They will slaughter a lot of the evil on our planet, there is no question there. Most of the elites and their henchmen don’t have any hope of escaping this bloodbath. Though perhaps a fitting punishment, it will be another evil ritual. Evil demands sacrifice by the blood of others to keep you safe. The satanists who will be slaughtered will just be following their own victims in this fate, in a process that is spiritually the same ongoing cycle. Good forbids the sacrifice of others, but grants self-sacrifice for the good fate of others. Everyone is free, and this freedom cannot be taken away. It is the only sacrifice allowed by good. I think that’s what the death of Jesus symbolises.

And that brings me to that Messiah. I’ve mentioned the Messiah a few times. I’ve also referred to Jesus once or twice. Many religious texts sport a Messiah figure in one form or another that once was and who promised to return. What do I make of these figures in the context of my work? Evil has the antichrist; the evil reflection of that true Messiah. The antichrist will have access to all admin abilities in this matrix and its power will be unmatched for almost anyone and anything inside this matrix. He will control the forces of nature, seemingly defying all the natural laws. But this got me thinking. If these abilities are the evil equivalent of something good, and the antichrist himself too is an evil mirror reflection of something good, the one casting that reflection must therefore be the true Messiah. The good version of this spirit and its abilities must therefore actually defy all natural laws. Not by making use of them, but by being the actual thing the fake is trying to mirror. The real Messiah will be above the laws of nature. They will not apply to him. The Messiah will transcend these rules and will be able to go places and do things that go beyond the limitations of the rules within this matrix, which is to go beyond the limitations of the matrix itself. And that Messiah is someone who realises completely what this world actually is and he will find the mental strength and discipline to transcend its limitations, while still being part of this matrix. The descended evil side of this matrix has been preparing hard to prevent anyone from finding this state of mind, and also have been preparing many contingencies to try and defeat that Messiah should they fail in preventing his rise. The spawning of the antichrist is one such contingency.

All the devil worshipping that has given the elites the accumulation of power through technological achievements will give them ever more seemingly supernatural abilities, but I believe good truly can achieve actual supernatural abilities. All evil can hope to accomplish is a forgery of those abilities. There is nothing supernatural about evil. Evil is subnatural. All evil factions think this is about numbers because in their experience, greater numbers of control have always given them greater power. Things like the level of force, or amount of data, or number of calculations per second, or collection of spirits, the weapon count, or amount of money, etc. But this isn’t about numbers. This is about the awakening of just one single individual. An individual they fear more than anyone else. An individual who’s awakening they cannot stop and are actually helping to speed up, and which will lead to the demise of evil power once more. I think Jesus was such a person, or at least on his way to becoming him. The same I think may go for other Messiahs from religious texts. I think this state of being will allow the Messiah to no longer travel vertically into new timelines, but pass horizontally into other timelines and realities inside this matrix, and find the timeline of their choosing. They will no longer experience time, as they don’t need to. They will become uncontrollable for any of the powers inside this matrix. The Messiah will be able to free those who wish to be freed, and teach them the wisdoms they need to join the actual forces of good. The state of mind of this Messiah is desperately sought after by all factions in this reality, good and evil alike. But it will not be possible to completely reach it through technology, obviously. Though it hasn’t stopped them from trying, and in the US there are many underground facilities that hide technological research to find the keys to this ability. They are located in remote nature reserves with the added label of “wilderness”, meaning no machines may be operated there. No cars, no motor saws, nothing. In short; things that lead to stagnation. Any movement of bigger unmotorised and/or analogue tools need to be hauled by men, donkey, or horse. And in these places, sightings and happenings of the paranormal kind are commonplace, as if in those regions the bounds of “reality” are being broken and things not of this world can find entry.

This matrix is limited. Our spirits are the infinite part of it. Once you fully realise this, you can transcend this matrix, and you will be freed from the limits of its “natural” laws. Our aim should be to find truth if we want to exit this matrix. But knowing the truth cannot be the way. That’s the mirage of truth provided by the matrix. I cannot stress enough you need to understand this: knowledge is the evil counterpart to wisdom. Knowledge is something known. Wisdom is something experienced, so that it is fully understood, not just known. Almost counter-intuitively, wisdom often is self-evident where knowledge requires explaining. So knowing the truth is not the way. We need to do this through wisdom. Wisdom is about understanding. To get to the real truth, through wisdom, we therefore need to understand that we need to question what we know. That should be your aim in life. Question what you know. Question everything. Everything. Especially God. You heard me right. I’ve now heard many accounts of ‘near death experiences’ where people encountered many things. Some saw old relatives, some saw hell, some saw heaven, and some saw an entity they perceived as god. Most of these near death experiences included something of a life review. None of their encounters showed anything in the classical sense. To me their experiences resemble much the reality I have slipped into in my dream state. Some were told we are here (on Earth) to learn, and others were told the world they came from is a simulation. Whatever differences there were between all these encounters, one thing I found was ubiquitous; they were all in awe of the revelations they received. But could they not simply have been overwhelmed by a grand deceiver?

I will take a less harsh stance to this than I have against religion; I do not know. I wasn’t there, I didn’t experience their experience. Maybe they truly met God. But I think there is a chance they met with whatever this system determined they needed to continue to choose this existence, and wish for an existence after this life inside the same system, though in a different role. But what if you one day find yourself at those pearly gates, having read what you’ve read here, and you would have some questions? Almost all near death experiences are about how you’ve influenced other humans. It is most often a life review of your life as a human influencing humans. But what about the piles of dead poultry, fish, cows, and so on and so forth? What about the ants you might have stepped on? You might have some critical questions. Are you really God? Are you telling me the truth? How can I be sure? Can what you show me not also be shown to me by a deceiver? I would have many such questions. I say: Ask them. Ask all your questions, and do not allow yourself to be dulled by seemingly profound answers. You know why? Because if the entity that presents itself there grows tired of your questions and tries to silence you through assuming authority saying: “Who do you think you are to question me!?” Guess what? That isn’t God! The heavens don’t operate from authority, or guilt trips, or anger. The real God has nothing to fear from your questions. In fact, the real God would welcome any and all questions you may have with open arms, and would answer them honestly. Because someone who is asking questions is someone who is looking for the truth. As I said before; God is the truth. Someone asking questions is looking for God. Looking for the truth is your way of showing God you are a believer in truth, and that you do not worship him. Through your questions and unwillingness to just believe anything at face value you show that you have mental discipline and want to break free of the addictions that came with this existence.

Addictions brought you here and kept you here. An addiction is a loss of self-control. Through addiction you give control of self away to another. Someone who has control over others is at constant risk of losing control over themselves. These are all allegories to how the power of God can be corrupted when not in the hands of the Lord itself. Your self-control to choose wisely is a property of God to wield his power through wisdom. But as I’ve mentioned now before, God does not intervene in any way that would limit the pallet of choices for any being – good or evil – and neither do any true enlightened beings that do God’s work. This brings me back all the way to one of the first scrolls and the logo of this project. In the scroll where I explain the symbolism behind this logo I explain there is always another side to each duality. I can now finally fully explain that through the revelations in this last numbered chapter. The side of good has always been. Evil came forth from that side, as a forgery of it. Within the worlds that manifested from this evil, came to be a force of good, fighting the evil inside, as an expression of wanting to transition back to the side of good. This created three states of being. The first being the stagnating force of evil. Evil is about control. Control of other beings in absence of self-control. Evil tries to hold on and control what cannot be controlled by its very nature; change. We see this everywhere with everything we can observe in our universe. This world and everything in it seeks to repeat patterns for ever and ever, like punching the same equation into a calculator, yet it doesn’t succeed in that effort. No one event can truly be an exact duplicate of another. There’s deviations in every step. There are no perfect copies. Even a hypothetical perfect copy will be made in a different time, or when made simultaneously will be made in a different place from different stuff. So evil is the first of the three states of being. The second one is a state of good that takes hold in an evil reality. The good inside such a manifested reality is still part of that reality, and is therefore still about control; control of evil. It isn’t a stagnating force though, but a force that fights stagnating elements. The third state of being is true good. True good is about letting go of control. True good has no desire to control. It leaves all free to choose, and offers perspective so that any spirit who stagnated can see more choices. True good is variation itself. This is why God does not intervene with force. He does not have to. He knows all will be fine in the end. The Messiah is the oddity here, as they are somewhere in between these forces of good. The Messiah is not bound by the non-intervention rules true good keeps itself to, but is equally enlightened as true good. True good will just relate the truth. True evil fears control focussed good more than true good, and that illustrates it fears itself actually, and is involved deeply in an inner conflict.

This is the revelation. You are both the dreamer and the dream. You are a free being, who was tricked into thinking they are bound by laws and contracts, made by you. On paper, we are free. Paradoxes are deeply rooted in this universe. If we are free on paper, it means we are not free, physically. Spiritually, though, all contracts are void. They have to be. If not your spirit could not truly be free. We are born into this world in bondage. Realising just how true this is is the first step in breaking free, so don’t despair. By expressing ourselves creatively we work on our inner dialogue, which is a dialogue with God. When we use AI we celebrate the obsoletion of our unbound spiritual creativity, and replace it with a restricted creativity, bound to the laws of this world. True creativity is expressed in this matrix through inputting non-obvious calculations into our reality prompt. Creativity is unpredictable. AI can predict our behaviour ever better only if we stagnate, meaning become more evil, meaning become more like the machine itself; predicable. So become unpredictable. It’s like I said in chapter 03: “The universe is a calculator.” And just like a calculator fresh out of the package were not all possible calculations tested beforehand. It would have been utterly impossible. And just like that same calculator will some calculations prompt an erroneous response. Be that unpredictable calculation. Behave differently. Every time we see another being act differently from its design, or see the elements do something unexpected, we experience glory and marvel. Whether that is a tarantula making a rock-pile, a celestial object doing something unexpected, a street artist creating something on the fly, or reading a religious text written by an atheist. We recognise in that moment what we are ourselves when we see it acted out: We aren’t the calculable part of the universe, and the design that comes with its natural laws. We are its deviations. We are here to defy the natural laws. It is our destiny to be free.

This is where the numbered scrolls end. I think 20 is a nice number to land on. Though I have to admit it is very systematic of me. Therefore, I will also make a last chapter to say some things I was unable to say still. I am sure I could have made many more chapters, and many notes have gone unused. Perhaps they will find an outlet somewhere on this site. I will walk through all chapters again, and perhaps add some of these notes there. There’s a few chapters I am not too happy with. But no creation is ever truly finished. It has to be finished enough for me to have some peace of mind over publishing it. Alright. You go and scroll up all the way to the top and read this chapter again, haha! I still have some work to do. Thank you for reading all this work. I really hope I have accomplished what I set out to do, which is to widen your view and change your perspective.



Part of this chapter was inspired by the work of Wartime Stories on YouTube. In particular the first bunch of Smoke Pit Stories, mostly but not limited to the stories about encounters on Fort Campbell and other military bases.