55. The Harvest

Date: 13-04-2022

The dream began somewhere on the streets, in a city I do not know. It was dusk, and a lot of people were on the streets. Something big had happened. My wife and my brother were there too. Something significant had changed in the world. Extraterrestrials had intervened in our affairs. Not just a few flying saucers, no; an incredibly advanced civilisation did. Apparently humanity had been under the influence of another less advanced extraterrestrial force that ruled our solar system, and this incredibly advanced alien race had saved us from them.

We did not know how yet, but we soon found out. While looking over the horizon, I discovered there was an Earth-like planet visible in the sky, about the same apparent size as would be the moon. It looked just like Earth, but with differently sized and shaped continents. It was so surreal! There it was, a second Earth. I told everyone around me and pointed out the planet. Other people soon started discovering more planets, and so did I. I tried to find higher ground and scanned the horizon, and discovered more and more. Many looked like Earth, but some were different. They were all closely similar in size, but there was some variation.

A voice in our heads conveyed what happened. They – whoever they were – had moved Earth in orbit of a Jupiter mass black hole, around a sun-like star. We were now the newest addition to their community of planets with other races who were rescued by them as well. It was an astonishing message. These aliens must have incredibly advanced technology if they can move a planet to another star system. The prospect of now having many alien worlds within travelling distance was quite thrilling, but something felt off. Something wasn’t entirely right, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Maybe it was the fact nobody was asked and this decision was forced upon us?

Night fell, and we were at a friend’s house now. An old friend who in real life I cut ties with; T. He was now married to S. We were at his new place. It was a house but it also had a balcony, where me and his friends marvelled at the new night sky full of different stars and constellations. In the far distance low on the horizon we would discover the occasional pinhole sized planet that orbited the far side of the black hole, and which was dimly lit by the sun. But we couldn’t find the moon and it was supposed to be up. One of T’s friends knew this for a fact. It dawned on us they had moved just the Earth, without its moon. I thought to myself how this would wreak havoc to our wildlife and all reproductive cycles of all the different animals that rely on the moon’s effect, it’s light, it’s gravitational pull, etc. Was this an oversight? How is it possible such an advanced civilisation would overlook something like this, or would possibly not care even?

It was the second reason for me that gave me the feeling something was not right. But everyone around me was absolutely thrilled. Especially my awake friends. “We were saved!” I tried not to be a buzz-kill and went along with it. I suggested we went out to the forests, far away from city lights, so we could better examine the new night sky. It took some time, and for some reason the others were a bit reluctant. They liked the idea but somehow nobody took the initiative to grab their coats and go. After suggesting it a few times more, subtly inserting the idea in the conversations, finally we were going. But now it was already dawn. We had missed our chance. Next night we would, it was agreed upon.

As morning came, many people gathered on a nearby square; a large field of grass in the city. Scientists had organised an event there. These were friendly well meaning scientists, eager to demonstrate something to the masses. We were now in a different part of the universe, perhaps not even in the milky way any more. They wanted to test whether the laws of nature were still the same here. In a small electric vehicle they came, and they opened the back. In the back of the vehicle were crates with test-tube racks with glass test-tubes. The tubes contained certain chemicals and they were labelled to note which chemical each contained. Their plan was to test the properties of these chemicals and compare the results to the known properties of those chemicals to see if they differed.

They were about to get ready and many people had gathered around them, but the event was abruptly interrupted by the same voice in our heads as before. This time though the voice was angry! We were to immediately cease our experiment! “Stop what you are doing!” Everyone on the field dropped to their knees in agony, squeezing their eyes shut and putting both hands on their left and right temple. They were in incredible pain. Everyone but me and a few others. The people who were “awake” about the schemes of the elites and who did not get jabbed heard the message but did not feel that much pain. The message conveyed was that we were not following the path laid out for us. “The answers will come in time! Patience!” We weren’t supposed to stick our noses into our new world this way. We all came by, and as kids slated by the unsuspected disapproving hard hand of a parent, they all dispersed.

Now I knew something was really fucked up. We weren’t freed from an oppressor; we were taken away from our old oppressor and now under the rule of an even stronger oppressor. There was no way we could hope to defeat these beings. They moved the Earth to another star system, and could stun us with a thought. The only hope we had was that their “path” for us was one that had our best interests in mind. Many people tried to down play what had happened, and referenced the bible. This was in a way our garden of Eden now, and we attempted to eat from a forbidden tree. I disagreed. We should have the freedom to explore our world. There were no terms we agreed on. We were forced to be in their community and forced to adhere to their rules. And those rules weren’t even transparent! We found out by doing what we humans naturally do; exploration.

We sat in the park. My wife was watching Doctor Who on her phone. I sat down with her and watched a bit of the show. It was an episode where aliens were using humans as a resource. They were being used as transistor chips for a computer mainframe. When I saw it I realised something similar had to be true for us here. We were a resource for those aliens too. Why else go through the trouble of transporting an entire planet of people to another star system? What was there to be gained for them? Cause it was absolutely clear to me it wasn’t about freeing us. But what did we have to offer but ourselves to beings that were so advanced? We were the only unique thing of this world. Surely if they can move planets, they could do a lot more. I told D my conclusion. We are a resource to these “saviours” too. She didn’t disagree, but I could see in her eyes she wanted to, yet, could not think of any counter argument other than it was very horrifying. But she could not deny the reality of what she already knew and how my conclusion fitted those observations perfectly.

Night fell the second time. We were now all sitting at T’s place again. All of us were sad. There was a certain tension in the room. But I wanted to go to the forest and see the stars. I wanted to explore! So I suggested it again. Many responded very reluctantly this time. “What if it isn’t allowed?” My response was something along the lines of: “So? What if it is? How would we know? And if it’s not allowed, why wouldn’t we do it? Isn’t this still our planet? Are we going to change who we are because some all powerful entity tells us to do it? I don’t want to sit here and wait to be told what to like and how to behave. If it’s forbidden to go to the forest at night, let’s see if we can find out why!

My speech sparked some enthusiasm and valour into their hearts. We were going. Outside were two cars in front of the house. All T’s friends got in the bigger car, S and I got in the second car. T had said he didn’t want to go but he appeared outside apparently having changed his mind. But S drove the car away from him and made him walk all the way to the street. I didn’t understand why. T looked angry and yelled something. S looked ahead with a dead serious look on her face. On the other side of the street she stopped the car and waited. T had to walk a considerable distance to get to it, and when he did he opened the door and asked S what that was about. She replied something along the lines of: “You told me the other day I shouldn’t park on the side walk because it blocks pedestrians.” Apparently T had pulled a “T” on her, in another of his typical rants criticising her, and she saw her chance to throw that back at him. I could see their marriage was feeble and was beginning to crack. (I had suspected something like this could happen in real life outside of this dream.)

But somewhere here this dream ended here and transitioned into another dream where me, my wife, my brother, and I believe my in laws, and perhaps even my mother, took residence inside the house of the neighbours of my mother (R and J’s house). It was dark outside. The house was abandoned. Outside lurked dangers of unknown origins. It could’ve been dinosaurs or drones or both. I don’t recall. This dream was really vague. I mostly remember a sense of fear and dread. We had to keep quiet and not walk past the windows casually. I also recall taking charge. Nobody questioned my instructions. They all seemed to agree this was the best way to proceed. I also recall looking outside of a window on the first floor and watching things or creatures flying in the distance over the horizon, searching for people like us, and some black figure lurking through the street. This was a terrible world, but I planned to make life liveable there.

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Science Teacher and Aspiring Amateur Philosopher