14. The Tribunals

Published: 28-11-2021
Updated: 28-11-2021

Tribunals are in order. But the globalists are master manipulators. They are losing ground but they know perfectly well how to get the narrative back under their control. They’ve done this for centuries and through each cycle they’ve built contingency plans into their agenda. These contingencies serve to take the narrative by its reins again when it seems to go astray from the desired path and then lead it back into the direction they want it to go. They are masters at re-curbing the narrative. If all fails they have more drastic contingencies in place but if the globalists can reach their goals through a controlled demolition they prefer to it that way over something more rigorous.

The Nuremberg trials were one such contingency. After the second world war many people went on trial, but the real masters behind the dogs that’d shed all that blood were kept off the stage, or were even unknown to most onlookers completely. Both the USSR and the USA made sure they offered sanctuary to the German scientists who were behind all the high tech weapon systems, and we have probably never heard of the true instigators of the war. We’ve been told that Switzerland remained neutral throughout the war, but this is narrative spinning at its finest. Even I find difficult to understand how I could’ve believed this throughout most of my life while I vividly recall being absolutely confused as a child when I was told Switzerland had just opted to stay out of the war. It just didn’t make sense back then. It makes perfect sense now. The reality is that rich and powerful people resided in Switzerland back then – just as they do to this day still – that were behind the war and who probably financed it. The same tricks that were successful back then are being used again now, only this time the world is a different place. They may have learned from their mistakes but because the world has changed new mistakes are being made. These mistakes ask for an appeal on their contingencies.

The resemblance between the second world war and the current cycle are undeniable. A state of emergency is created, a group of people is being passed the blame ever more for the situation, increased military on the streets to “help out”, the legal and tangible implementation of increased control measures, a “green pass” to control movement, more power to government through legal and military strong arming, economic collapse, increased poverty and famine, and eventually starting a devastating war while rounding up all those who saw through the narrative. The German concentration camps weren’t just filled with the scapegoats like Jews, but also artists and journalists. I know not everything on this list has happened and things are still in motion right now, but I have no doubt they are all on the menu, and that is only the beginning. But the question remains if the elites can actually pull this off again the way they want. They need the cooperation of a much larger majority to execute their plans. There isn’t enough consent at the moment. The internet has brought ways of communication that has escaped their control. Ever more people see through their scheme and are getting better at understanding the plot. They’ve battled this opposition by framing them while also bombarding the people with fake news that fits the counter-narrative, but bits and pieces of the real plans are still known in the public domain. The comparison with the Nazi’s has been made time and again, and the neutral Switzerland fable seems to be dissolving because they’ve made no secret of where their WEF (World Economic Forum) headquarters are; Davos, Switzerland.

So how do they take control of the narrative again? It’s actually quite simple; give the opposition what they think they want, but do it in such a way that they control it. I fear that we’re heading down that road. I fear we will see another fake tribunal again, just like the Nuremberg trials, perhaps before a war has even started between which ever parties. The facts are out there and the question is whether the opposition is truly able to see through the fakery or if mere bloodshed of a few minions will satisfy them enough to let go of this rope they’ve been pulling. There’s probably a few minions the elites wouldn’t mind sacrificing, or would even like to get rid of. They will have to stand trial, and those that know too much will most likely be found dead in their cells in staged suicides so they cannot incriminate any of the supreme shadow elites. This happened many times before in history. Difficult people that know too much have a tendency to die. Now I won’t say nothing good came from the Nuremberg trials, and neither will I claim all that were involved were actually in on the scheme. On the contrary. I think most were honourable people that wanted justice. They just didn’t know the full story and were just lured into another false narrative in which they unknowingly played a part that was meant to be played.

Those that were convicted deserved punishment but true justice for the victims was never served as the real perpetrators of all the horrible events were never put on trial to be confronted with their deeds. And even if they were they would’ve just washed their hands clean of any wrongdoing because they never did much that could quantitatively incriminate them for the harm that was done. But the truth is they knew exactly that what they did would lead to what happened, and so they would have deserved the full wrath of the tribunal. That’s why the tribunals had to be organised and controlled; to make sure none of the prime instigators went on trial. Again, I think we’re headed down that road again this time. In my dreams I was warned that fake tribunals are being organised. How can we tell these are controlled? It won’t be too hard to see if you know what to look for. If the tribunals are well organised and come from authoritative roots of the standing court systems they are most likely fake. Real tribunals will be spontaneous and not just done for the people but will also done by the people. None of the old authority systems like judges and attorneys can play a part in it from within the system they sat. That system has to be brought down first because it is part of the reason this all happened. A former judge may play a part in a tribunal, sure, but not if they do it from the seat of that old system. Our current justice systems are rotten to their cores.

But the world is in need of tribunals. If fake tribunals are taking place, it is up to those who are awake to influence them and push for true justice. Because the world really is in need of true justice. For once let us please have true justice. Though I think we have to be careful what punishment we lay upon those that the tribunal finds guilty. I believe that in the end we will all be judged for our conduct in this world. By trying to implement a punishment that we deem fit for murder we will definitely find ourselves in the realm of sins, and we should never presume to sit on the throne of God when it comes to our judgement of others besides ourselves. But perhaps not everyone shares the same faith I have in the balance of the universe, and we can’t let those that are guilty to go unpunished completely. I think the consequences in this life for those guilty of evil deeds should at least be to have every property they’ve ever laid claim upon to be taken from them, and never be permitted to have anything but the basic things they need to stay alive. Their living life doesn’t have to be made a hell by us, because I believe this punishment will already do that for them. Who knows, they might just learn the purpose of life this way if they can discover they can live this way and enjoy it. That is something nobody has the right to take away from anyone. The things they did to us are an allegory for the things they deep inside feel they themselves deserved. We should frightfully try to never become them in our verdicts.

When we get to the real tribunal stage, I hope we will do so with divine help. We need to know all the relevant facts. Those facts are too well hidden right now and they will remain hidden in the darkness unless we can shine the brightest light on them. We need help to cut this sickness out of our society, and right now we don’t know where to cut. Soulless beings have no place in the new world that will be built out of the ashes of the old world. Everyone needs to see their own share in this debt. We all played our part. We need to be able to know the whole story if we want to be able to come face to face with ourselves and reality. We need to face our own conduct if we want to overcome this madness. We need to know how far down this rabbit hole goes and how truly demonic the plans and actions of these elites were in order for us to make sure we learn this lesson for good and make sure that history will never repeat itself ever again. The truth will set us free. Whether you believe this divine intervention is by God, or Jesus, or superior enlightened aliens, or trans-dimensional beings, or something else, is up to you. For me it’s all semantics. It’s the same universe. We all live in the same reality, and I wish to take no sides when it comes to religion. I am only here to explain to you my believes in the hopes it can strengthen yours, because I believe we need that for the new world that awaits us.
