17. The Second Wave

Published: 20-03-2021
Updated: 21-03-2021

The second wave is nearing us. The dangerous virus narrative has been let go for now, and slowly governments around the world are dropping mask mandates, mandatory tests, and QR identity. In its place has come a war in Ukraine. But the new laws for a next pandemic are being put in place, and that must have its goals. But for now, the eyes are on the new war.

Apparently Russia and NATO have started to legally or illegally (depending on who you ask) annex Ukrainian soil. News coverage about this war now completely dominates any media – mainstream and alternative, alike – and has completely flushed out any news about the coronavirus and any of its related topics. While from the mainstream media the message is conveyed that president Putin of Russia is a dictator set on conquering the free country of Ukraine, on alternative platforms the prevailing consensus is that anti-globalist Putin is destroying Nazi bio-labs where the NWO had been experimenting with many deadly diseases, of which also coronaviruses, in the corrupt country of Ukraine. Regardless of what is true, many Western countries rely on Russian fossil fuel in the form of gas and oil, so prices of these have gone through the roof. Also do Ukraine and Russia produce much of the worlds grain, so the future looks bleak if the conflict cannot be resolved quickly. But what is the true nature of this conflict? Is Putin a hero and last bastion that stands against the globalists, or is he just another dictator set on control?

What is important here is to take a step back, and see a wider picture. When you do, you’ll realise that the answer to this question doesn’t matter for your circumstances. Regardless of what’s true this war was planned. It will generate more fear, it will further destabilise the economy, which will lead to hyperinflation, which will lead to shortages in food and essential supplies, and also will initiate an influx of refugees into the Western nations. It is also a great excuse to invest millions in weapons, and it allows the elites to have us consent to hyperinflation because “we need to make ends meet to stop evil Russia.” The message from the politicians and the media: “Gasoline and gas are going to be expensive, but it hurts Russia’s economy.Also have civilians in the West donated money and supplies to Ukraine. Money and supplies that people themselves would really need if civilisation would grind to a halt, especially when the season of winter comes knocking again. I have little doubt that the containers of donated stuff don’t even make it to Ukraine, but will end up in a landfill or an incinerator. The real goal behind all these aid initiatives is to pull wealth out of the Western civilian populations. None of our aid is supposed to help other people. The ultimate goal here is death by means of impoverishment. An actual all out war would lead to death, but the globalists prefer death by circumstance. It’s more sneaky that way. This war gives the elites all the excuses they need to further deploy their agenda. The mainstream media is hinting at cyber attacks from Russia, for example. To understand truly how this war will help the process of crippling the world economy, you need to understand the part of chapter 04 on how the worth of money is derived from the excess production of essentials. One of those essentials would be Ukrainian grain. Right about this time of year grain need to be sown on Ukrainian soil to produce next year’s supply of flour. Stifling this process will help to ensure a future with not only famine but also financial collapse. In a short time food will suddenly become unaffordable, but in actuality the money will just have become worthless and the things that give money its worth will regain their actual value.

While we are now all to focus on those poor Ukrainians the laws in many countries concerning future pandemics have been permanently altered, meaning the war also serves as a diversion. Whether Putin is pro or anti globalist elites is irrelevant; this war is being used against us either way. Regardless of what you believe is true, you have to admit the timing of Putin to invade Ukraine is implacable. Either he was easily provoked or he is part of the elites, timing this invasion in lockstep with the globalist agenda. I think Putin could be part of the globalists, but I could of course be wrong about him. Let me explain why I think what I think though. We know that, whatever SARS-CoV-2’s origins are, the virus isn’t dangerous and a vax for it is completely nonsensical. And so are lockdowns, social distancing, and mouth masks. We have not been able to cure any respiratory viruses by vaccination ever because of their highly mutating nature. Now, here we are to believe that Russian scientists in a Russia that is not controlled by the globalists somehow didn’t figure this out? The COVID-19 pandemic is in essence Western propaganda, so if Russia is truly independent they wouldn’t have welcomed its rhetoric into its borders, and they would therefore not have implemented any restrictions at all nor any censorship about the truth surrounding the coronavirus. Yet they did all that. We know the elites worked closely together with China in manufacturing the pandemic, so why wouldn’t they work with Russia? China seems to have no problem with what Russia’s doing concerning Ukraine, so how come the pro-pandemic West is against Putin but pro-pandemic China is now on Russia’s side on this issue? And let us not forget the events of 2009; There was a sudden “pandemic”, which only existed on paper (Mexican swine flu), vaccines were rolled out, which turned out to have very damaging side effects, meanwhile there was a financial economic crash, and a looming conflict in the Ukraine involving Russia. Sounds familiar? The only thing that didn’t take was the fear of the virus, and very few took the swine flu shots. But it’s a copy of the COVID-19 saga, and I bet you similar things preceded both world wars. To me it’s a clear sign the global elite have been working from the same playbook for a while. I think all global players are in cahoots with each other, and any real conflict between them could possibly only be about rank in the new world order, and definitely not about freeing the people of any nation. But again I stress; I could be wrong.

The goal regardless is to reduce the population and create a structure of control for the remaining civilians. With this war the elites have all that they want in their hands. There’s millions of Ukrainians. If those people flee to Western nations in huge numbers statistically the food stocks in those countries will empty out faster, and the more people there are in one place to clash violently against each other when riots start. This war also serves as a great opportunity to create a nuclear disaster, whether real or faked. I assume the globalists will milk the threat of such an event for as much fear as they can, and they might even organise duck and cover drills for when we see a sudden flash of light, just like those during the cold war. They want to keep people in a state of perpetual fear. It’s plausible the governments will use hunger as a means to distribute food rations through the population. This food will have circumvented any quality controls and could be laced with mildly poisonous chemicals. Any new deaths caused by this could easily be blamed on the war. The mainstream media consumers will blame Russia for using weapons of chemical and/or biological nature. The alternative media consumers will blame the globalists and will attest the claims of chemical and biological warfare to the destruction of the bio-labs in Ukraine by Russia. In the end, people will just be fighting each other, and that’s exactly what the globalists want. Division is the trademark of the devil and serves as the prime diversion so that the true instigators of all the misery escape most of the accusations.

I think the threat of war will be kept alive as long as possible. I also deem it possible they’ll announce an uneasy truce between Russia and NATO. If that means that on “the awakened side of the board” people will get access to the Russian version of the jab, and in the west the digital ID makes a comeback, perhaps the system can persuade those that haven’t taken any jabs to take a Russian one if they believe Russia is not in on the scheme. What I mean to say is that any and all outcomes will be used to progress the elite agenda. In order to not fall victim to narrative we must be able to see the bigger picture. That’s the first step in breaking this circle. If one thing has become apparent to many more people now it is that when something disappears from the news it also disappears from the minds of the people, and thus the news dictates what people think about and what they fear. The sudden hyper focus from COVID-19 to the conflict in Ukraine on not just the mainstream media but also on alternative media platforms seems to me indicative of just how successful the propaganda machine of the globalists is. There’s only 24 hours in a day, so there’s a limit to how much news you can assimilate as an awakened person. The globalists have made sure they outproduced true news and true conspiracy revelations with fake conspiracy theories and fake news. They have successfully outcompeted the truth and flushed it out with lies. Truth and lies have become indistinguishable because they all sound equally preposterous now. Everyone who shares anti narrative messages about the war on those alternative media platforms has perhaps unknowingly volunteered to play their part in the rollout of the globalists’ agenda. I weep for us all, cause many just don’t see it.

But what is the real news then? I think a good way to distinguish the truth from the lies is to see which revelations were suffocated through the methods of outcompeting and silencing. There are three revelations I’ve seen languished in the constant shit-storm of news focusing on unimportant details concerning the political puppet show and wild conspiracy theories. Again, I realise the irony of this last statement in light of the source you’re reading this from, but this is where I find myself and what I’ve honestly come to believe. The first revelation by independent research was the discovery of nanoparticles in the face masks and on the test tips. These nanoparticles resemble organic worms and even move about in a worm-like fashion when exposed to warm moist moving air. They are however not organic in nature. They don’t decay under a slide and retain their form and properties over time. Whatever the true purpose of these worms, the globalists don’t want the herd to know about these. Their discovery is low tier; anyone with access to masks/tests and a microscope can find these things. When they were discovered, I saw the introduction of black coloured masks and found that it was much more difficult to isolate the synthetic worms from those. It’s clear to me these nanoparticles have a part to play in the agenda. Maybe they initiate coughing? Or perhaps they accumulate in the body where over time they’ll cause damage to vital organs? Or are they perhaps an ingredient in the effects of the jabs? These are all guesses, but whatever their purpose is, it’s nothing good, and we’re not supposed to think about it.

The second revelation by independent researchers was the warning of the potential of a cytokine storm in jabbed individuals. The premise of this warning is that the inoculation fluid does not stay inside the arm muscle at all. Instead it will travel around the body through the blood circulatory and lymphatic systems, by which means the mRNA in the lipid particles or vectors will find its way into the cells of many different tissues. This will cause these tissues to express the viral spike proteins on their surfaces. At this point the bodies of these people have effectively been turned into bombs waiting to go off. The trigger will be an infection with any coronavirus, including the mundane ones like the common cold. When this happens, their body’s natural immune system will mount an immune response. This physiological response will fight off the virus in the airways, but the body’s immune system will also suddenly (by lack of a better word) discover the whole body is laced with viral proteins. The immune response that will be initiated will destroy the “infected” tissues of vital organs where the spike protein is being expressed. The more jabs the person has received the slimmer their chance of surviving this attack by their own immune system on their own body. In a somewhat morbid poetic similarity to what caused them this harm, it is their own actions that lead to their suffering and perhaps ultimate demise, as their own body thinks it’s doing well to take this action not knowing it will result in damage and possibly death, just like they themselves took the jab thinking it was going to be the right thing to do and would safe their lives. And this is assuming all the vials contain the same thing, but like I stated in chapter 07, the vials could very well differ from each other in content to create a host of different effects. But all negative effects are in the end the desired outcome.

The third revelation by independent researchers is that of the apparent undefined nanoparticles present in the jabs, that, when exposed to in vitro conditions similar to that of the human body, expressed self-assembly properties, building themselves up into complex structures. This revelation should shock even the awakened, yet nobody seems to share these revelations much if at all any more, and the researchers have been mostly muted by many conventional means and the means listed earlier. The purpose of these structures is completely unknown. When I saw the evidence, I considered whether these are made with the alien technology I dreamt about. It isn’t a stretch in my opinion that humanity does not have the technology to create this, at least we don’t openly. If we do it’s been kept a secret, but with that level of secrecy it could easily also be alien in nature. The purpose of these structures can only be nefarious. Perhaps they are to aid in death, but since the spike proteins already facilitate that, I believe it could very well be something else entirely. If it’s alien technology I think it’s safe to say the function of them is something incredibly sophisticated, like a bionic implant. I can only guess, but it worries me deeply this was discovered and seemingly quickly forgotten. It shows us that the counter-narrative machine is working in overdrive to wash away the truth.

Think about how this all started. Two years ago we were to believe a virus came from bats on a market in China, then it was “leaked” the virus escaped a lab in China, then we were to believe the Chinese were weaponising viruses in those labs, then it was revealed the labs were actually US funded and they were experimenting with gain of function on coronaviruses, then they claimed they tried to create an HIV/corona hybrid, and now fast forward to today all of a sudden there were labs in Ukraine too that were also funded by US money and where they were also conducting experiments on coronaviruses. What a coincidence! I think they’re bombarding us with so many conspiracies that we grow indifferent to hearing them and cannot distinguish what’s real from what’s fake. I said it before and I will say it again: I think all of this was planned, because it serves the goals of the new world order. It’s all a stage. Don’t fall for any propaganda, whether that is anti-Russian or pro-Putin, or Frankensteinian virus or statistical pandemic on paper. It’s all propaganda to try and get you to think, want, and do things you would otherwise not think, want, and do. Step away from the fear. We are all addicted to fear porn, and whether we get our fix through the mainstream media or from supposed awakened platform makes no difference to the globalists. They want us afraid. When afraid we are easy to control. Humanity needs to go on rehab for its addiction to fear. Free yourself from this addiction. My work should not function as a means to get your dose of fear. It should wake you up to the reality of existence and teach you to accept consequence. You cannot change the world, no one can. You can however change yourself and with that change a small part of that world. I ask that you have faith and believe me when I say this change in you will initiate a rippling effect which will end in a cascade that will defeat the demons of our world.

But let me take you back to the main topic of this chapter and share another prediction with you. A prediction I will make not to instil fear in you, but to empower you to face the future because it will prepare you for what’s to come. So here goes: The war may have been planned but the elites seem to use the war mostly as a major distraction for now. The focus of the elites still seems to be that of diseases. They’re getting ready for pandemic number two. Which disease they’ll introduce or whether they’ll continue with SARS-CoV-2 is unknown, but I predict one possible candidate for a future pandemic to be HIV. I did not know this until recently but HIV is a virus immersed in controversy too. Would you read a biology textbook or government pamphlet about HIV you will read that HIV is a virus that causes the disease called AIDS. The official story is that HIV spreads through sexual means, or through blood contact, or when certain mucous membranes come into contact with blood. The HIV virus then enters the bloodstream and infects a certain type of white blood cell which are part of the body’s immune system. The virus can supposedly linger for many years inside an unknowing host until one day it will spread and infect more and more of these white blood cells. Eventually your white blood cell count will drop so much that your body becomes vulnerable to any disease. You won’t die of HIV but by any other disease that infected you. The HIV virus supposedly mutates so fast that your immune system cannot mount a successful attack on it. That’s the official story. When someone’s white blood cell count drops under a certain level, they have AIDS, but they don’t necessarily carry the HIV virus. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Roughly explained; a shutdown of the immune system. It is claimed that the HIV virus can cause the condition we call AIDS.

But recently in my search for information about Dr. Kary Mullis – who incidentally is the inventor of the PCR method – I found two documentaries covering another take on HIV and which both featured him amongst many other medical scientists. These documentaries both essentially destroyed the notion that HIV causes AIDS. Quite a statement, no doubt. What convinced me this could actually be correct though were not just the many testimonies of the scientists featured in the documentaries, but also the many similarities between the forced insertion of the narrative surrounding what was dubbed “the AIDS pandemic” back in the day, and the same thing concerning the “COVID-19 pandemic” two years ago. They are incredibly similar in many ways. So let’s dive in. AIDS was first discovered within the homosexual community in the United States during the late 70’s. Many homosexuals were addicted to what were called poppers back in those days, and strangely enough it was already known at the time that the active substance inside poppers could cause the immune system to fail. But all that was sidelined and one day on April 23rd 1984 – exactly one week after I was born – there was a press announcement in the United States. In an almost comical manner it was announced that Dr. Robert Gallo had discovered the cause of AIDS. It was a new virus, never seen before in humans, dubbed HIV. No scientific evidence of this claim was provided beforehand nor afterwards. No peers looked at his research, and everyone who wanted to study HIV had to go through Dr. Gallo. Shortly after the announcement a doctor from France got international attention, claiming Dr. Gallo had stolen the conclusion from his lab. Allegations Dr. Gallo denied. This doctor was Dr. Luc Montagnier.

I believe this conflict between these two doctors was part of a swindle. Neither of these doctors is to be trusted in my honest opinion. The fight between them was created to give the claim that HIV causes AIDS credence because two doctors in “conflict” with each other still agreed on that. Both Dr. Gallo and Dr. Montagnier were from that time forward the leading experts when it came to HIV. They were involved in some way or another with all official research. But when fellow scientists questioned the claim, they were met with brutal unacademic resistance. They were shamed, shunned, sometimes fired, or risked having their medical license suspended – something very unscientific to do as science is about discussion. It was soon claimed that the virus was believed to have jumped from apes to humans. Thus far, things should already sound familiar to you, and we’re just getting started. Tests were produced rapidly that supposedly could tell you whether you were infected with HIV or not, but the tests proved truly unreliable. People could test positive one day and negative another day. Whether you were HIV positive depended on the result of a highly inaccurate test. This should also sound eerily familiar. HIV also made it to the A-list of deadly diseases quite fast. Drugs were introduced. A controversial chemotherapy that was deemed too dangerous for cancer patients called Azidothymidine (AZT) was prescribed for HIV positive people. AZT was cleared for HIV patients temporarily at first, circumventing clinical trials. The drug had severe side-effects that coincidentally were partly identical to AIDS, namely a shutdown of the immune system. Even though doctors treating HIV positive patients noticed that those who took the drug died within years or even months, while those that refused treatment lived long, the drug was still prescribed by the authorities. Even to this day AZT is still part of the drug cocktail given to HIV patients. Sneakily this controversial drug was approved through various schemes. In most poor nations in Africa, South America, and Asia HIV was supposedly a very big problem. The virus was rampant. All of a sudden it was everywhere.

Because of poverty, poor nations did not have much of a medical infrastructure. There was no money for tests, so doctors would make an educated guess whether a patient that came to see them was HIV positive or not. The patient had to fill out a questionnaire about their daily habits, whether they had unsafe sex, or had received a blood transfusion. Based on the answers and the symptoms the doctors were to base a diagnosis whether someone was HIV positive or not. Besides this being completely inaccurate there was another factor in play here. The globalists had arranged for a money incentive to be part of the equation. The more HIV patients a doctor treated, the more money they would receive in the form of third world aid. I’ll let you guess what doctors in poor and possibly corrupt nations might be more prone to choose as to whether their patients have HIV or not. And can we really blame them? Because of these factors the numbers of HIV patients were inflated incredibly, and the people who died due to the drugs seemed to have died from AIDS. Through faulty tests and shady diagnoses made through a construction that mimics bribery, many countries reported record numbers of HIV positive people and AIDS deaths year after year. Numbers skyrocketed. Another important part about the HIV pandemic in all the poor nations of the world (most notably continental Africa) was that people came in with symptoms of known diseases. AIDS doesn’t have any specific symptoms; you get ill with another disease which supposedly your immune system couldn’t fight off because of the HIV virus. Very convenient, wouldn’t you say? And when a patient dies while on drugs, it would be attested to HIV nonetheless. Now, testing has become normal in many countries. When you’re on a train station, you can go into a tent while you wait for your train and receive a test to see if you have contracted HIV since the last time you tested.

The rabbit hole goes a lot deeper still, but let me stop here and compare what you have read thus far about the AIDS pandemic to the COVID-19 pandemic. SARS-CoV-2 appeared quite rapidly on the world’s stage and spread at an incredible rate globally, just like HIV. The announcement that SARS-CoV-2 caused COVID-19 was done similarly to that of HIV causing AIDS, with no public scientific papers backing the claim. Not before, not after. The discovery and research was immersed in controversy after controversy, with all kinds of news leaks. Anyone questioning anything about the virus was made a pariah and risked getting fired or even got their license taken and funding cut, just like with HIV. SARS-CoV-2 was claimed to have jumped from animals to humans, just like HIV, only this one supposedly originated in bats. For SARS-CoV-2 we also were introduced to highly inaccurate tests and the governments pushed for testing to be normalised, just like with HIV. Whether someone’s death certificate would state if someone had died of COVID-19 was also left up to an educated guess by the coroner, with also a money incentive behind it. The same money incentive was put in place for hospitals who took in COVID-19 patients. Whether you came in with a sore throat, a broken leg, or stomach pain, you were subjected to a faulty test and when the test rendered a positive outcome you were labelled a COVID-19 patient and the hospital would receive extra funds for you. The same money incentive exists for HIV treatment. An experimental drug that had not passed clinical trials was offered to patients, just like with HIV. This drug called Remdesivir circumvented clinical trials the same way AZT did and coincidentally its side effects are that of severe respiratory failure, which sounds a lot like acute COVID-19. So the official medication causes symptoms that are the same as the illness it should counter, just as with HIV medication. If you look at the symptoms of COVID-19, none of them stand out in any way against other respiratory diseases. All symptoms are exactly the same as most other known viruses that infect our airways. The same is true with AIDS; you get symptoms of diseases that have been around thousands of years. SARS-CoV-2 was rushed to the A-list, first temporarily, later permanently, just like HIV was.

All the statistics of infections and death tolls were highly inflated with both diseases. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is a pandemic of false statistics, and it supposedly spread like wildfire, just like HIV did. It’s easy to see just how similar these pandemics are. It’s the same basic modus operandi that was deployed for them both. It involved key scientists and the media machine. And just like HIV and its supposed relation to AIDS was rushed to the school books, so was SARS-CoV-2 and its supposed relation to COVID-19 quickly added to the school curriculum. There is also much similarity to how humanity was guilt tripped for irresponsible social behaviour to explain the rapid spread of both viruses. I have to stop somewhere, so I’ll leave the comparison here and tell you how I think this ties in with the elite endgame. Much wealth was spent creating the HIV pandemic and its aftershock of measures and research. I think HIV was a perfect excuse to experiment with extermination through medication in poor nations of continental Africa. I suspect that the treatments that were introduced in the coronavirus pandemic are the fruits of that research. Right now it is instilled in two generations that HIV causes AIDS, and that it is a very deadly and incurable disease. What struck me as odd was a recent remark of Dr. Montagnier who stated that if people took the (COVID-19) jab they should take an AIDS test, because the result would surprise them, and that when they saw the result they should then sue their government. A remarkable statement from this doctor. What does he know? At first glance this seemed to be the remarks of a doctor that is on the side of truth. But remember that the fall of governments is one of the globalists’ goals, so I became highly suspicious of this statement, and it is actually what led me to the exposure Montagnier’s true intentions and involvement. It tells me that somewhere in the future people that took the jab might express AIDS symptoms. If the COVID-19 jabs cause the immune system to fail, why would induced AIDS cause them to test positive for the HIV virus? It’s nonsense!

You should know that Kary Mullis suddenly died shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic started. He’s dead, and so is a host of other AIDS researchers who were supposedly sitting on the downed MH17 airline that was shot down over Ukraine 8 years ago. I wonder if they were going to spill the beans on the true relation between HIV and AIDS. Besides all this I’ve also seen claims that the labs in China and/or Ukraine were also experimenting with HIV, that the jabs were made using part of the HIV virus, that the jabs actually contain HIV, and so on and so forth. It looks to me like the elites have all they need to take any route they want now to explain a future HIV outbreak. They can follow the narrative that Ukraine, or the west, or China was experimenting with HIV, they can claim SARS-CoV-2 was Frankenteined with HIV, they can say people were infected through the jab with HIV, etc. Every venue has been primed to be deployed. Their decision which venue they’ll take is based on which one they think will work best when the time is right. The next pandemic will in fact not need as much statistical tampering but will actually render enormous death tolls. This is the second wave; the introduction of a new pandemic and an influx of deaths blamed on it. I’m also going to guess that a cure in the form of a vax is going to be produced in record time. For those already infected they’ll receive the deadly AIDS medication. They will try to make the vaccine mandatory, and those who refuse will find it hard to explain why they wouldn’t want to become immune to HIV. They’ll be accused of allowing HIV to spread more easily. It’s going to become very difficult for those who know not to trust the jabs. Together with the controlled digital currency and the social credit system that will be introduced more easily through the new pandemic, those who refuse to participate in this new system will be tortured by it. It’s so unfair. The downfall of society will be blamed on those who warned for this downfall and who prepared themselves for it.

But don’t give up hope. There are so many things that can go wrong with this plan. One of those things is now in play. I think their hyper focus on Ukraine is a mistake on their part, as it is such a big shift from their hyper focus on COVID-19 in a very short time. Just mere weeks ago they were still brazenly trying to vilify those who did not take the jabs, and were on full throttle to push the severity of the virus. Now all of a sudden that is all gone. And at one point in the future they are going to have to make that shift again, switching from the war to the new pandemic, regardless of which disease they’ll use. The globalists appeal to the subconscious part of the brain but operate on a subconscious level themselves too. They cannot operate their propaganda machine with two or more things to focus on. They are mediocre jugglers, only able to juggle with a single ball. Subsequently, the subconscious consumers of their fear entertainment can also only focus on one ball at once, too. But the sudden shift from one ball to another is a moment when people can see that shift as a single event. One event, so they can even notice that shift subconsciously. And soon another shift needs to be made. We can use that to our advantage by listing and pointing out in advance the similarities between propaganda campaign 1 (coronavirus) and propaganda campaign 2 (war in Ukraine). They are bound to have more similarities then just “it’s in the news a lot”. Both campaigns originate from the same minds. They have identifiable fingerprints and that is something that runs the risk of revealing the man behind the curtain, and they know it.

Regardless of what’s coming we need to stall the rollout. The more we stall the more they panic. The more they panic the more mistakes they make. The more mistakes they make the more they have to resort to violence. The more violence they’ll use, the more collateral damage there will be. The more collateral damage there will be, the more people will see how out of proportion the measures are. The globalists introduce fear and offer safety through control as a solution. When fear diminishes and they start to lose control they’ll introduce real catastrophe. But real catastrophe is a last resort, as it disrupts the efforts towards controlled demolition. It may sound strange but catastrophe will be what can save us. It is in that moment of catastrophe that they don’t have the control they had. In that moment we can take back the reins and make our own future. But the elites will have more obstacles for us to overcome. When the elites are ready, they’ll initiate a phase to pit the people against their political leaders, to instigate the last phase where the world leaders are sacrificed by angry mobs. They’ll rely on whatever media is left by that time but will also have planted instigators throughout many communities around the world. These people are meant to rile us up and will try and steer us towards violence against our politicians. Whenever this time approaches, look for people trying to whip up humanity to act aggressively and who will call for violence. Those are the real dangerous people, and we can either let them do what they suggest, or raise a voice of reason against their hatred. We should not call for the violent execution of anyone. Rather we should protect our old politicians. Yes, of course they deserve punishment, but if we can allow our anger to subside we can realise that they are the ones that can offer us insight into the truth of what happened. They can give us the real perpetrators behind all these conflicts and crises. If we offer them more punishment the more they confess we are hindering the truth and will incentivise the lie. Ask yourself this: Does that sound to you like something Angels would do or would that be the hallmark of demons? Isn’t that exactly the way the elites ran the world, incentivising the lie? We should not start a new world by acting out the sordid violent fantasies of those that ruined the previous one. I ask you to find your maturity and love for knowing the truth, and become a beacon of tranquillity when this moment comes. Become more than the sum of your parts and surpass your design. Call for peace and reveal of truth.

I wish to end this chapter with a message to those reading this in my day and age during these crises. Yes, I am sure you will soon come across an article or video clip that exposes Ukrainian Nazi’s worked together with mutated Japanese ninjas to create a fleet of Soros and Gates funded corona-planes that will spread nano QR codes through their exhausts, which will initiate global warming and will melt the icecaps on Antarctica, causing the sea levels to rise and destroy all the coastal cities, and which will permanently attach a digital ID to anyone who survives these events. You will come across that or something perhaps less, equally, or even more preposterous. But ask yourself how it helps anyone by sharing it. Will it do anyone any good? Are you sure it’s correct? Can we stop it? I want to suggest you stop sharing the fear porn and find ways to contribute in a different more positive way. Sure, keep exposing the truth, but don’t hang on the details. They’ll make sure there’s a dozen fake truths out there that sound just slightly less incredibly unbelievable than the real truth. Expose the truth they cannot hide; they want people dead, they want one currency and one world government, and they want the remainder of humanity under total surveillance and control. Raise awareness to the bigger picture, not the details. Most sleepers cannot cope with the real details regardless of what they are, so introducing them to any details won’t wake them up. So what can you do? The globalists want us to abandon all hope, so if we really want to throw a wrench in their plans we can do so by being hopeful about the future, and instilling that hope in others. People who are hopeful about their future can let go of fear and are inspired to take action. If we spread love and positivity we make ourselves more resilient against their means. Remember that we are the world they want to get rid of. But they want us to get rid of ourselves. Gates isn’t going to put jabs in anyone’s arms, Soros isn’t going to throw rocks at the police, and Schwab isn’t going to stop the farmers from producing food. They want us to self-destruct. Simply refuse to do so, aim to survive whatever they have planned, and inspire as many as you can to do the same. Their power over us is a mirage. Once enough people realise that, it’s over.



Part of this chapter was inspired by two documentaries about AIDS/HIV, namely ‘The Other Side of AIDS (2004)‘ and a follow up documentary ‘House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic (2009)‘. Try and find the extended interviews of those and you’ll see even more revealing details, especially given by the late Kary Mullis. God rest his soul. Thank you for standing up to the machine, Dr. Mullis.