18. The Harvest

Published: 22-01-2023
Updated: 30-08-2023

As I’ve been writing over the last few months, I’ve made predictions of which the details are now coming into focus as I am writing this introduction to the 18th chapter of my work. I started writing this chapter over a year ago, and as I postponed completing it, more dreams and real life events compelled me to keep adding notes and thoughts related to its content. It’s been a real challenge to make this into a single chapter, without losing track of the main thread. This chapter can be a difficult one to digest. Take your time. I’ve made references to earlier chapters when I thought it might be helpful to you. 

The shift in hyper focus on COVID-19 to the war in Ukraine has made some people aware that something is off. It’s like they saw the veil move briefly from a brush of wind gushed up in the wake of a man moving about behind the curtains. Some saw it, fewer understood it, but the rest drank the new narrative like sweet bitter poison. Civilians donated money and supplies to the Ukrainians, while governments donated money and weapons, and supposedly sanctioned Russia. This is still ongoing as I type this. Because of the war the prices of gas and petroleum went through the roof just as I predicted, as Russia is a major producer of it. The prices went up, but also were people told that especially gas is really bad for the environment, and is one of the main causes of climate change. And the latest news reports world wide tell us that new research now concludes that cooking on gas is a major cause for asthma. So gas is now very expensive, you’re helping Russia if you still buy it, you’re causing global warming by using it, and also will it give you asthma. It sounds to me like they are finding any excuse to get the masses to not want to use gas any more. As we slowly moved towards summer the virus narrative was picked up again, and the main stream media has been readying the herd for the second wave ever since, which presumably would land that coming autumn or winter. Now that it is winter, the COVID-19 ball is still being juggled, but it hasn’t led to any actions besides trying to get more jabs into people. They’re also threatening the coming of “a new pandemic” for a number of new deceases, and animals are now being injected with the mRNA bioweapon too, supposedly to prevent mass die-offs of our cattle. I don’t think the inoculation campaign for humans worked as well as they’d hoped. But wars and pandemics are just means to multiple ends. The herd can be controlled and killed off through their sustenance. Hunger is on the horizon. Famine is on its way.

The deconstruction of our farmland which I briefly mentioned in chapter 13 has gone into full swing now and the Dutch government is making ludicrous demands of our farmers while also offering large sums of money to those farmers who voluntarily quit farming and sell their land to the government. They do so while also being mandated to sign a contract never to involve themselves with anything pertaining to farming ever again. That includes teaching their farming skills or passing on their knowledge any other way. The government does all this citing environmental reasons. They tell us natural fertiliser is bad for nature. Farms supposedly are a main producer of nitrogen chemicals which are supposedly disrupting the nitrogen cycle. These nitrogen chemicals are found in manure mostly. So, the Dutch government is taking action, while we are also supposedly on the brink of war with Russia. The farming ground needs to be given back to nature to solve the nature crisis, or needs to become urban terrain to solve the housing crisis, or needs to be turned into solar farms to solve the energy crisis. Farms also use up a lot of water, and that supposedly puts a strain on our water sources. Besides farmers are regular citizens also discouraged from using up too much water. I think we are going to be seeing some new laws come into place soon which will limit one’s use of water under threat of penalty. The same will apply to the use of fertiliser in the future. To state the obvious; I predict this crackdown on the farmers serves only one goal; disrupting or even destroying our food production. The mRNA inoculations in cattle are definitely a part of this too. I know this is happening in The Netherlands, but I think it will be happening all around the world within a few months time.

While they are working on their famine campaign in the background while also juggling with threats of new and old diseases, their coup has briefly shown itself from out of the shadows. Many governments have consented to giving control of their country to the World Health Organisation in case of a new pandemic. “In case.” The further into their plans we get, the more often we will see their true intent come to light. They have to – at some point – show themselves completely. Evil hates coming into view. It only does so when it thinks it has gained enough protection and thinks it cannot be challenged any more. That is when it convinced itself it’s shielded against having to take responsibility, and that’s when it will be at its most vulnerable. But I’m getting ahead of myself, again. Let’s start in the here and now, and events in a future near me. To create world famine they need to hamper production and also transport. Local food growth forms a serious obstacle for them. They’ve known this for a long while. That’s another reason why they’ve been manipulating countries into conflict for the last few decades. They wanted to create a steady stream of refugees into Western nations to put pressure on the availability and usage of living space. This created housing shortages, stimulating the need for apartment flats, while making the gardens of houses ever smaller to accommodate as many families as possible on a limited patch of space. They’ve made sure that the numbers of refugees streaming into each western country always put just enough pressure on the housing projects that the construction of new available living spaces would never quite catch up with the wave of need. It also ensured that living large was only viable for the richest civilians, who wouldn’t grow their own food anyway.

People with small yards cannot hope to come close to self-sustainability, and those in flats with balconies are much worse off. These people mostly think they are safe within the system. But a system that keeps you safe is a system that will ultimately make you dependant, and therefore helpless. And the people that live in cities are without a doubt completely dependant on the system to provide for them. The bigger the city, the more dependant – and thus the more helpless – they are. That’s just how the system likes it for the plans it has for these people. By splitting up product assembly and food processing, and outsourcing every part of these procedures, the system makes everyone dependant on it. Self-reliance and self-sufficiency are practically becoming more and more difficult as this process continues, until they are a luxury. A human being needs housing, water, food, and energy. Logic dictates that if what I claim is true the system will at one point in time forbid ordinary people from doing things that can make them independent of the system. Eventually all that pertains to self-sufficiency and self-reliance will be forbidden for whatever trumped up reasons the system can come up with. Anything from collecting rain water and burning wood will be prohibited for any non-elite person. This will eventually include going offline. You read that right; it will eventually become illegal to go offline. The people must be dependent, which the system will seduce them to by making them addicted to their dependant life. Evil operates through addictions, and there are few greater addictions than the one the system is subjugating its subjects to through social media.

Outsourcing has another advantage; the elites can manipulate the prices and availability of the products in the stores because they control the means through which these products are created, collected, processed, transported, and distributed. A simple announcement on the news that sunflower oil will be more expensive and the consumers accept an immediate increase in prices. The first pandemic, and the one to come, as well as the war in Ukraine, and any other war they will ignite, are – amongst other things – about hampering the harvest. Food scarcity is not yet the long term goal for these efforts, as right now it’s not about creating famine first but about making sure there will be no surplus when a large portion of the population begins to die off due to the consequences of the first 4 rounds of inoculations with the mRNA bioweapon. If a lot of people die and the warehouses are stocked to the roof with food, the population would become less controllable. For this to work they need to hamper production now, so that when the great dying initiates there won’t be much food to begin with. And the Dutch farmers are in the way of this plan, hence the Dutch government has been disowning them from their land and penalising them for supposed environmental reasons. It’s obvious nonsense, but not to most average people, sadly. If the Dutch government gets their way, most farmland will be turned into either housing space or fields full of solar panels, which both will destroy the ecosystems that once thrived there when it was farmland. Adding insult to injury this is the nature the government was supposedly wanting to save from the farmers. The housing and energy crises are being created to get the masses to consent to the termination process of their farmers, but common sense can rip the flawed logic behind the policies of this corrupt system to shreds easily.

Any corrupt system will attempt to desensitise its citizens from being able to hear truth, and we see that process in the works again right now, as we did with COVID-19 and actually anything else it has ever done. Think about it. Evil propaganda has convinced people that censorship creates freedom of speech, war leads to peace, chemicals promote health, and debt generates wealth. If people believe this, it is hardly any wonder they can be convinced that the farmland is destroying nature so we need to build cities and solar panels on that land. Listening to what the world leaders say is pointless. There is no telling who is corrupted and who isn’t, by just their words. Instead, look at what they do. Their actions are completely predictable and their logic is obviously flawed once you pierce through their cloak and understand their true intentions. If every person needs an X amount of food, water, and energy, and to produce these there is a need for an X amount of space to grow the food, collect the water, and generate the energy, then it doesn’t matter where people live; that space is needed for that purpose regardless. I explained this in chapter 16; if every family lives on a piece of land where they can grow their own food, chop their own wood, and collect water and energy themselves, the system would be much more environmentally friendly than when all those people live close together stacked up in big towering structures, while their needs are being grown/generated elsewhere and thus need to be transported to them in order for them to consume them. There is no lack of space on planet Earth, evidently, because all the people in flats and apartments seem to be getting enough food, water, and energy. Self-sustainability and self-reliance are the real answer to any environmental problems the system is conjuring up. Whatever true ecological problems there are, they are caused by the system as it is now. Don’t count on the system to truly solve these problems. It will only create the illusion of a solution, by moving the problem somewhere out of view and making whatever disastrous effects on nature much worse.

All the while prices in the stores are going up at the moment. This is logical because food and energy production are what quantifies the worth of our money. When the production drops the money becomes worth less (pun intended), so prices go up. That’s what they are trying to do. They need a financial crisis to be able to wheel in their new digital money. For people to accept this new form of programmable centralised currency they need the masses to suffer in poverty. Wars, housing crises, pandemics, and climate problems – whether real or faked – are all perfect means to create poverty and famine. I expect to see more of that the coming year. While the elites have been making self-sustainability more difficult for the average person, and making it hard for farmers to go it alone on the food market, and limiting the availability of large quantities of seeds to be sown for the new harvest, the elites themselves have been rationing all that one would need to sustain themselves and live a luxurious life for a long while in a long lasting grid down situation, which I predicted to be in the pipelines. Let me repeat something I have posted in chapter 12: As we come closer to the ultimate cataclysm, expect many prominent faces of these crises and high ranking elites to disappear from the stage. They’ll be “fired for misconduct” or some “scandal“, or they’ll “step down” or “fall ill“ or “be cancelled“, or may suddenly “die” because of “disease” or “suicide” or because they were “murdered” by “a conspiracy theorist“, or they may be “arrested” and “go to prison“. It’s all bullshit. Don’t believe a word of it. Any person of fame who had any kind of role in the fight for or against the global agenda that suddenly went off the stage in the past year and the years to come, is moving into the bunkers to wait out the cataclysm.

Now, I wish to tell you about a certain dream I had pertaining to my next prediction, but first I need to provide a little background information. There is a couple of projects around the world where the elites have been storing massive amounts of seeds in bunkers deep under ground. The official story behind these is that the people that finance these bunkers are good-doers that are creating these seed databases just in case of a catastrophe, in order to help humanity get back on its feet quickly if something really bad were to happen. Anyone reading this far into my material should understand by now that philanthropy by billionaires is just a self-granted medal for which the elites love to get praise. The gesture is a false one and its purpose is not to help humanity. The elites aren’t storing these seeds in bunkers to prevent true disaster. These seed bunkers are their investment for a disaster they know is coming. A disaster of their own making. They aren’t predicting future food shortages. They are planning them. These seeds secure their hold on the world after their orchestrated disaster strikes. Now, let’s get into this dream I had. My dream was about the authorities destroying our sky, by taking the ashes of all the dead people that were incinerated in the industrial crematoria I spoke about in chapter 07 and chapter 08, and spreading those ashes into the upper most atmosphere. This darkened the skies and this potentially meant that any crop yields were going to hit record lows for the coming years. Many ecosystems would collapse. I do not know if this will literally happen, or if I should take this dream more figuratively. There is little doubt in my mind this could actually be a plan, but the figurative meaning could also be that those, who lacked the spiritual maturity to understand the pandemic was staged, helped the agenda in the attempted destruction of our livelihoods through their deaths.

Or perhaps there is little difference between the literal and figurative meaning. Just look at what is happening around us.

    • Fruits are being irradiated to “sterilise them from any pests” or are being genetically manipulated to contain no seeds at all which both mean you can’t grow new plants from a bought fruits.
    • If you have a large piece of land you are deemed selfishly occupying valuable living space. People need to live small.
    • Using fertiliser is being prohibited due to the so called environmental problems it causes.
    • They are trying limit our water usage.
    • Exhausting carbon dioxide is getting penalised more and more.
    • The contrails of aeroplanes are constantly shading the sun, and there are even actual plans to block the sun with calcium carbonate to prevent “climate change”.
    • Bees are being killed by pesticide and perhaps also by the signals emitted from all those 5G towers.

The truth behind these efforts is being obscured behind bullshit reasons or is deliberately tainted with wild conspiracy theories, most notable of which the theories behind contrails. The fact that planes are directed to fly in these patterns is hidden by paying minions to the claim most bizarre things. It’s just water vapour, but the planes are flying in tic-tac-toe patterns, blocking the units of sunlight that reaches the surface. With that all said, ask yourself this question: “What do you need to grow your own food?” It starts with seeds, which need a patch of land, with fertile ground. The seeds and seedlings, and the full grown plants need water, and they need carbon dioxide from the air, and they need (sun)light in order to grow. When the plants flower, they need insects to pollinate those flowers. Do you see where this is going, with the list above as your context? If you miss just one of these, you won’t be growing any new plants. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, the evil system in power is trying to take away or even destroy the very things we need to be able to grow food ourselves. Apparently, the crops must fail. This is about more than just self-sustainability and self-reliance. This is about survival.

In light of the same reason they’re going to chop down a lot of trees in Europe. They’ll find any excuse to do it. A road needs to be built, they need room to build a park of solar panels or wind turbines, the trees were sick with some pest, virus, or mould, they needed the wood for energy to solve the energy crisis, and so on and so forth. The real reason is the destruction of nature and any chance of self-reliance these trees and nature as a whole could provide the people in a grid down situation. The trees will be destroyed by throwing them into the industrial incinerators I mentioned in the afore mentioned chapters. But still as of this moment, most people cannot see the direction I claim this is going in. Most don’t see where this system is taking us. The system enslaves people and makes them dependent on it. The few people in the past who did see the flaws in the system were mostly only able to listen to solutions that fit inside the system, keeping the system itself intact with every attempted revision. And this is still true to this day for many that see the bad in the system now. Only a handful see that the system itself is the problem. The NWO has been cleverly manipulating the self-proclaimed awakened. They’ve tried to limit the traction this group is getting by introducing them to gatekeepers and fake whistle blowers, and a whole lot of conspiracies.

Thanks to these efforts, the anti-narrative group now has large portions of it believe that elites like Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Kanye West, Andrew Tate, Reiner Fullmich, and Russell Brand are on their side, and that there is no such thing as viruses, and that the Earth is flat. Few seem to understand that even if all that was true, it won’t make a difference in what is happening, which is the actual problem. Supposedly Musk bought the social media platform ‘Twitter’ and is supposedly slowly dripping secret documents that expose illegal abuse of the platform prior to his purchase, but how does this make any sense as a real world scenario? What is he, a movie character? If this was all true he wouldn’t be hinting at it on his new toy platform; he’d either go to court with proof or he would release the entirety of the documents all at once without this digital drum roll. The same addictive engagement was constructed with “Q” who supposedly is the alias of a high ranking government official in the US, who’s leaking “Q drops” that contain no real revelations but only false leads with the occasional truth. The awakened are a group of people who found themselves in lack of trust of the system and are therefore easily manipulated into adopting more untruths regardless whether they are actually true or not. They are eager to follow one false messiah after the next, walking into dead end corridors with stories about election fraud and a found laptop that supposedly now trickles damning evidence against the elites. The system is also producing fake documentaries to wash out any independently created documentary. These fake documentaries convinced people that the mRNA jab injected people with viper DNA, that smoking nicotine works against contracting COVID-19, and that embalmers all around the world are now pulling loads and loads of some sort of large tape worm-like structures from the veins of jabbed dead people, but they somehow cannot talk about it even though their evidence would be smoking gun material. It is all such a load of bollocks.

Yes, I know. I know where you’re reading this, and I know what I said about the jabs. But that’s just the issue, isn’t it? What are you supposed to believe now about these jabs? But it’s simple; these jabs affect the victim through either an auto-immune response because of the expression of the foreign spike-protein on the tissue of vital organs (which results in death), or an auto-immune response through the expression of the foreign spike-protein on the tissues of their reproductive system (which results in infertility), or an auto-immune response because of the expression of the foreign spike-protein on the tissue of non-vital organs (which results in a variety of different illnesses), or in the long run through the damage done by the effects of the foreign spike-protein when it ends up in the blood stream (which results in things like blood cloths and cancer, and eventually death). It’s a mouth full, but that’s what they do. And the excess mortality rate is going up at the moment. We’ll be seeing exponentially more strokes, heart attacks and other heart conditions, and cases of cancer the coming year. And that’s what the jabs are supposed to do. But the efforts of the NWO to muddy the waters of truth serve the purpose of tainting the truth and associating it with imbecilic nonsense. For the elites, the awakened are only there to make the sleepers fight the awakened and thus consent to their own new prison. All these diversions through conspiracy stories make sure the majority of the herd doesn’t believe a word of truth coming out of the awakened group, because the truth sounds even more unbelievable than the actual fake conspiracies, and few can distinguish between them. I consider my writing a good example of this as I am convinced that what I have written contains at least more than some truth, but I can easily see how most people will think I am completely bonkers.

In effect the narrative and counter-narrative are both being controlled by the same evil. They are on opposite sites of the board, but all are still pawns. That includes the gatekeepers and fake whistle-blowers. The latest scheme comes in the form of “hidden camera footage” where a supposed Pfizer puppet “reveals” Pfizer has been creating deadlier strains of the Corona virus, and still even very smart awakened people don’t see this is complete nonsense and just another false narrative to “explain” why in the near future people are going to drop dead all of a sudden after contracting a simple cold, which isn’t due to a new virus, but due to their immune systems having been hampered by the jabs. The awakened now also think that “they can’t hide the truth any more” because the main stream media has started covering stories about “severe vaccine side effects” but it’s just another ploy to plant the idea in the heads of the blind that these are vaccines, and that these side effects are rare and unwanted. Again, the awakened are being led into another false narrative. Please understand the importance of this next statement. These aren’t vaccines and these aren’t side effect! There are no side effects; there are only effects. The jabs are doing what they were supposed to do! Perhaps the occasional person who happens to die on the spot could be considered a side effect, because they were supposed to die after a few months or years when all this has past. But all parties – including the awakened – are being moved in a direction that aids the narrative, and most don’t see it.

Why can’t they see it? I think I have an answer, but it isn’t simple. It is a long one. Try and take this in. It’s because our society offers us evermore conveniences, and the agenda is being driven with conveniences as the reward on all sides. We fear discomfort like we fear death. Because of this the availability of the amount of conveniences in our lives is now growing exponentially. But what do conveniences do for us other than making our lives more convenient? Do they really make life easier or is there a catch? Conveniences stagnate our life experiences by taking away the experiences of being alive. I’ve explained how spiritual stagnation leads to the apocalypse in chapter 12. Instead of walking somewhere we could ride on the back of an animal. To get there faster we invented machines that could take us there. In order not to have to drive those machines ourselves, we came up with drivers and public transport. Instead of having to remember the schedule, we could read it on the schedule board at the station. Instead of going to the station to look at the schedule board, we could call a number and be informed of the schedule. Instead of calling that number, we could look at the website on our computer. Instead of starting up the computer we could look the website up on our smartphone. Instead of visiting the website on our smartphone we could install an app. Instead of waiting at the station on time we could check whether there are delays on our app. Instead of checking the app for delays, we could have the app automatically notify us of any. Instead of checking our smart phone for the notification of the app about delays, we could have it connected to our smartwatch so we could access this information on our wrists. We’ve also made efforts to remove the drivers and have machines drive our vehicles. Sounds very convenient! What’s wrong with that?

Let’s explore another example. If you want to bake an apple pie, you don’t have to grow the wheat and apples yourself, nor do you need to grind the grain, nor do you need to rear cows, milk them, and process the milk, and neither do you need to rear chickens and collect their eggs. You don’t have to go to the sea to collect and evaporate seawater for a pinch of salt, and neither do you need to grow and dry grapes, and grow sugar beets and process them into sugar. You don’t have to build an oven, and you don’t need to collect the fuel to power your oven. Behind every ingredient and appliance needed to get to the process of baking an apple pie is a process in and of itself. Apple pies have been around for a long time, even before most of the technology of our modern day lives existed. It’s very convenient that we can buy those ingredients in bulk now. But the conveniences for labour of the days of old are growing exponentially. What if someone else baked the pie? What if a factory machine baked pies in bulk? Very convenient for the consumer. Also for the producer. What if the producer adds chemicals to the pies to increase their shelf-life? What if they add flavourings that can addict the consumer so they want to buy more? What if the consumer doesn’t have to go to the shop but the shop brings the pie to their house? What if the shop owner hires a service that brings their pie to their customer? The real question is; are we able to predict where this chain of convenience upon convenience is leading to?

I’ll give you one last example before I’ll try to drive my point home. In my neighbourhood the housing corporation replaced the ventilator system of each house. The old ones had three settings; off, half speed, and full speed. It would sit switched off during most of the day, unless someone was cooking or taking a shower. The new system was installed. It came with a built-in CO₂ detector, and 6 settings. The CO₂ detector could overwrite any of the 6 settings when it detected a certain amount of CO₂. Interesting detail; none of the 6 settings could turn this thing off. The device was replaced just as the war in Ukraine started, and thus I complained to my lessor about this new ventilator using the argument of power usage in a situation of scarcity, while also complaining about the noise and automation features. They sent a handyman to check it out. He was not able to fix the noise, no surprises there. But he tried to remedy my complaint about the lack of an off button by trying to sell me on the idea of never having to look after the ventilation settings again. And I couldn’t disagree with him more. I started ranting to him: “I don’t care whether it can detect my sweat if I come home after a long day of work, cause what if I want to stink up the house? What’s the appeal of full automation? We can replace all light switches with motion sensors, but what if I want to light all the rooms in my house at will for some reason? We can put sensors and detectors everywhere, and when they notice my blood sugar level is getting low a mechanical arm with a spoon of sugar could come out of the wall and stick the spoon into my mouth, but at what point does this house no longer need me here to be able to live in it?!

The guy stood stunned as if shell-shocked for a few seconds, and left my house in a hurry without saying a single word, hahaha! He couldn’t cope with what he had heard in my rant. It created a mental overload or something. But after I had said it, I realised the truth of it. What conveniences can I introduce into my life without losing who I am? Maybe in the future instead of looking at my smartphone for the bus arrival time and going to the bus station we’ll have the technology that allows me to put on VR goggles and control a robot that goes to work for me, taking the bus and all. And why would the students go to school and not their robots? Why not meet up virtually and leave the robots to do something else for us entirely? What if instead of going to a restaurant I hook myself to virtual reality and experience the sensation of eating while tubes feed me with sustenance? Why disconnect from this virtual reality at all if the robots can do any and all chores in full automation that I couldn’t through VR? Or perhaps I don’t like to be inside the virtual reality all the time and want to live outside it too, if only to sometimes check up on the robots. Maybe instead of having VR goggles and a computer/smartphone, these things can be connected neurologically to my brain, so I can switch between worlds? And these biological muscles are quite weak, so perhaps those can be replaced by genetically altered stronger ones or even stronger cybernetic implants.

Every part of our body can be replaced by cybernetic implants that far exceed the capabilities of our biology to make our lives more convenient, but how much can we tinker ourselves without losing that which makes us who we are? When am I obsolete in this whole system? When does the world we are building no longer needs us to live in it? Introducing all these conveniences into our lives can only result in the replacement of our lives with technology. The more conveniences are introduced, the more skills, strength, focus, and endurance we are losing. An electric bike is a good example of this process. You think you can cycle further on one, but try a normal bike after having cycled on an electric one for a few months. You will find that it has become close to impossible. But the normal bike is unchanged. You changed! That’s because you weren’t able to cycle further on the electric bicycle; you gave up some muscle strength for a machine to take its place. That’s what conveniences do when we introduce them into our lives like this; they take away skill, strength, focus, and endurance, and replace that with technology. And that is the point I want to make with these few paragraphs. The reward to conduct in this system is convenience, which equals a disconnection from your existence, which equals cutting spiritual connections to it, which equals digesting your soul, which equals falling into darkness into the trench of existence I detailed in chapter 11.

Now I want to make clear I am not suggesting we should be living like the Amish do. What we need to understand is that we are introducing these conveniences for the wrong reasons. It’s like I said in chapter 15; any system needs to serve us! Right now, we are serving the system, and that’s because we embrace these conveniences to get satisfaction. We aren’t growing our souls this way, but are digesting them. Technology doesn’t have to be an obstacle in the process of soul growth at all, but the meaning of our lives has become disfigured through our use of technology because of what drives us to implement these technologies into our lives. Systems aren’t inherently evil. A system is – if nothing – the compartmentalisation of a certain process into unconscious factions. Your body is a system of unconscious cells. I’m typing this on a computer system. My computer can’t be held responsible for my writing, nor its individual components, nor could each individual cell in my body. It is all about where the focus lies, which dictates which direction we take in live; do we go up into enlightenment or do we plunge down into darkness. This literally means that a consciousness needs to be in control of the unconscious parts of every process in order not to spawn evil. But the compartmentalisation of production and legislation makes the end result of each process of building this global system we’re constructing unknown to those that serve the system. The unknowns create fear. Fear increases the desire for safety. More desire for safety accelerates the speed in which the system grows.

In the future, after the apocalypse has taken place, we need to give people the ability to understand the whole process of our systems in order for the grasp through fear to loosen. We should compartmentalise systems and connect the people. Right now, we are doing the opposite and are compartmentalising the people and connecting ever more systems to each other. People should keep the system in check. The system should never keep the people in check. So you may ask: “If the meaning of our lives has become disfigured, then what is the meaning of life? Why are we here?” I’ve stated this in chapter 02. We are here to learn to experience and share a sense of wonder through experiencing life. We experience that wonder when we experience something for the first time, or through the senses of others when we expose someone else to the same experience we already had and seeing their wonder, or when we go back to a past experience through nostalgia, which is basically a combination of the prior ones because you as a person change over time, so you are a different person. A sense of wonder can only be experienced in a world of change, as wonder is about the anticipation to experience something for the first time more than it is about going through that actual experience itself. Evil tries pointlessly to capture and relive a sense of wonder, by constantly seeking for sensory gratification. That isn’t experiencing wonder. The elites are experiencing the opposite of wonder, which is stimulus. Experiencing sensory stimulus is the evil counterfeit of experiencing a sense wonder. In this regard we are all under the influence of evil through our addictions to stimuli, which drove us to make our lives ever more comfortable and convenient.

What humanity under the influence of the system fears most is not just death; humanity fears inevitable change, death just being an example of one such change. Change that will take our comforts away. But our fear of discomfort is our actual death; it’s a spiritual death, through making our lives more and more comfortable through machine systems, until we become indistinguishable from those machines, both in body and in mind, just like I hinted at in chapter 01. Machines cannot be held accountable. Neither can systems. That should tell you something. Beings that can’t be held accountable don’t take responsibility for their choices, and therefore can’t grow a souls (see chapters 01, 03, 10, and 11). Through our combined fear we are allowing the system to turn us into soulless versions of ourselves. Just like machines are unchanging we are letting go of our souls to become more machinelike in every way by not accepting the consequences of our choices, which is the real driver why we are merging ourselves with technology. When one uses a convenience one is easily led to believe they can reject the consequences of all the effects that convenience has on this world as a whole, and thus we don’t experience that responsibility, just like a machine wouldn’t. We’re already being conditioned to be on the internet as much as possible, and also are we getting used to ever more devices on or near our bodies. Our eyes are constantly trained onto smartphone or computer screens, our ears stuffed with ear pods or covered by headphones, and on our wrists they’re trying to get us to wear smartwatches that lower the threshold to access information from our smartphones.

To drive the point home further how evil is a stagnating force; the information or stimulus we are receiving through digital devices is subject to ever less variation than would be the case would we have sought it through more conventional means. Anyway, my point is, we’re already voluntary pretend cyborgs. But it’s not so much a plan as it is a product of our decent towards stagnation. Humanity is massively addicted to stimulus. That is the circle we must break because in this lies our addiction to our servitude towards the elites. To the elites, humanity is but a resource. We are the herd, to do with as they see fit. The 4th industrial revolution – also called the technocratic revolution – is nothing more than the elite’s fulfilment of their dream of not needing the herd any more to still live their lives with their lifestyle. They don’t need us any longer. Machines can do what we did for them. They can discard us, and thus will dispose of us, but will present that act as something that will benefit us all. Anyone that fights their narrative will be ridiculed and labelled delusional or dangerous. They’ll be framed to be against the progression of saving the human race, which is actually exactly opposite of the truth. Just like the economy the elites built from us, by us, for them, we have now ourselves become a mimic of the single use and planned obsolescent products that we use and discard or replace in our every day lives ourselves.

We have made ourselves disposable. But the elites need humanity to dispose of itself before they can discard us. It’s another irony. They can’t kill us and clean us up. There’s far too many of us. We’re going to have to do that ourselves. But for a portion of the population they have something else in store. They eventually want us hooked up to a hive mind; a mainframe of minds, controlled by an artificial intelligence. I’ve spoken about this in chapter 10, and more has come into focus now. I think I better understand what this is about. We won’t just be visitors in this virtual world. Our brains will become part of the circuitry of this hive mind. That’s our purpose in that hive. To get us there they need to find out who is compatible with the cybernetic implants. Apart from killing us off, the injections and other medications that are planned to be given to us serve as a compatibility check. They need to work towards linking us up. They can’t just do that now, people would easily refuse. They need us to consent to a digital existence. For this the digital ID and digital currency come into play. Also has Facebook recently announced they are working on ‘The Metaverse’ which I think is an early version of that hive mind, designed to lure people in. All these digital systems will merge after the great delete has run its course. Everything that they’ve orchestrated and will orchestrate is in service of this goal; to make a portion of humanity compatible with this highly advanced alien hive mind so that they are lured in through addiction and fear, to be collected and linked to its mainframe to serve as quantum transistors in this matrix of theirs.

That is the harvest. That is what the elites have planned for us. Their motivation is what the beings associated with this hive mind will give them in return, which is possibly to live inside this matrix with admin powers on full, or the technology for immortality in the real world, or something in between. The people who will link up to this matrix might not even know they are in a matrix. I have come to realise that the hunger to collect user data, and the urge to have sensors and cameras everywhere could very well be to provide Cabal with the means to accurately generate an image of our current world so that those connected to its mainframe won’t know they are actually living in a synthetic world. On a spiritual level they will not know they live in a digital environment where Cabal dictates which thoughts they’re allowed to have. If they do something that effects the hive mind negatively, they can be terminated, and no one in the Matrix would even have to know it. Memories can be erased or the person in question replaced by a program that continues their lives in their footprints. But there are a lot of steps in between to getting a portion of “the herd” ready for this harvest. Many must die to prevent a successful uprising, and before they start dying an infrastructure of control needs to be realised to prevent a smaller uprising when the scheme is undeniably revealed by a few.

Amongst the many things I already discussed in this chapter and previous chapters, this also includes the digital identification. This digital ID is being finalised and implemented right now in the form of the COVID-19 passport, or green passport, or perhaps another name depending on where you live. Agreeing to a digital ID has spiritual implications. There is a difference between who you are as a being and your identity within the system. Those two should always stay separated. Your name, your occupation, etc., that’s your identity. They say something about your function within the system. Identity is the evil counterfeit of character. Your character is who you truly are on a spiritual level. It cannot be defined in words. Sure, you can try to capture a personality in words, but there is nothing in the way of that description also applying to a distinct different person with a different character. Character cannot be measured. It can only be experienced. And you experience it every time life gives you a test. That’s when you get a taste of your own character. That’s when you experience who you really are and where you are at this point of your eternal spiritual journey. An identity based on your biometric properties will separate you from that character. Your identity is a way for the system to identify you and distinguish you from other entities. Who you are is what you do. In my case that means that reckneya is not who I am. It is how I make myself known to you inside this system. Who I am in character is what you experience when you connect to me.

Giving consent to having our identity linked to our physiology in the form of biometric information is the ultimate form of giving consent to adopt that identity and letting go of your character. This cuts our connection to self. At such a time there is no distinction between you as a person and your identity in the system any more. There is also no way to opt out of a system that registers you based on your unchanging physical attributes. Any government registered identity is blasphemous. It isn’t you. It is an avatar for who they want you to be in their system. By allowing your biometric readings to be linked to this avatar you can never escape this identity ever again. Even worse; what if your DNA sequence will be transcribed into a code which is then used as your government ID and phone number? The database can be filled with samples of the DNA of people who never gave their permission for it. Think about it. People living in the wild on an island, away from technology can be entered without their consent. All we need is their DNA. What about people who are no longer alive? They can be added in after their deaths from a found hair yet were never around to have seen the system they have been entered into. And how about entering codes for people who have yet to be born? We know most genetic alleles of the human genome, so the system can easily predict which DNA profile it may run into in the future, and reserve a spot for them in their database.

When this happens, you will become the avatar itself, which in itself is the ultimate devil worshipping. By allowing ourselves to be identified by our genetic make up and having that profile link us to our government avatar we cease to be free natural beings. It will slowly but steadily remove our wills from the quantum superposition of possibilities by taking away that free will and with it the power of choice, and offering this power up as processing power to the alien super computer. This process is the same process as turning ourselves into mechanical beings. It is the physical way of casting yourself into hell on Earth. When you “own nothing” and “are happy” the system will own you. And the system is a soulless will, so in other words; satan will own you. Any human being born into this system is spiritually stillborn. They are the much bragged about designer babies. In the new iteration of the world it is of the utmost importance we make the distinction between the real person and their ID. They may never be unchangingly linked and should remain separate in one form or another. Neither should the system be able to link any person without any consent, and opting out should always be easily possible. Next to the digital ID they need their digital currency, and we need to consent to it. The digital currency needs to be linked to the digital ID, and the whole thing needs to be linked to the surveillance and control infrastructure that they are constructing.

This digital currency is a major part of the control mechanism they need to pull off their global coup. It allows the system to control everything in the lives of those subjected to it. Every digital “coin” can be given an expiry date. When there is another lockdown for whatever reason, the system can be programmed to only work within a set radius from your house, or can be set to only work in certain establishments like grocery stores, but not in others like cinemas. When a curfew is in place it can freeze everyone’s money on certain hours during the day and night. But not only can the lockdowns and curfews be applied to all at once; they can be applied to specific individuals. Fines can be instantly deducted from anyone’s bank account. People can be fined or penalised in any of the above mentioned ways for any perceived misconduct. Imagine there is another plandemic, and you don’t take your jab. Now, the system can penalise you in various ways. This is a scary totalitarian picture but it isn’t even a complete one. When the surveillance infrastructure is finalised, there will be cameras and microphones everywhere that record every face on the street and every thing they say and do. The software that analyses the data will be capable of recognising your face and voice. Cameras on the streets are nothing new. In large cities the police are conducting tests with microphones and facial recognition programs.

This will give the totalitarian machine incredible power of influence over the population. Any perceived wrong speak, or undesirable activities and contact with people the system does not want you to have contact with, can instantly result in financial penalties, deducted from your account on the spot. Also can this system determine which items and services will be available for who. It can literally dictate what you are able to buy and when. Freedom will become exceedingly difficult to experience in such a system. Besides being able to control what any specific person can buy it can also work the other way, controlling what and how many things and services a specific person can sell. Do you see just how dangerous this is? At what point can’t this be reversed because those in control can’t do anything to change the system without being penalised by it? The internet will no longer be something for information sharing. It will cast that illusion, but it will actually mainly serve an information gathering and monitoring function. Internet has already started its transformation into that. All for our safety, of course. But even the worst dangers we may prevent by developing things like facial recognition technology are truly dwarfed by the dangers that come with the misuse of this technology, as I am sure you now understand. In this future, your access to the internet will be linked to your digital ID and your digital bank account. They must build that control grid now so that it is ready for launch when they need it.

This grid will monitor its subjects 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and will instantly penalise them when they misbehave. But controlling people everywhere with everything they do inhibits these people from learning to take responsibility for themselves. It will make people less and less honest because they cannot experience honesty from free will. If you are completely unable to commit fraud or be untruthful, you cannot show you are trustworthy, nor develop behaviour towards bettering yourself and being a more trustworthy person intrinsically. Without the choice to be honest you cannot learn true honesty. The world the elites envision will ironically create a society that is as untrustworthy and chillingly empathetic as the people that designed it for their dominion. How bizarre is it that in the future dishonest people will be forced to behave honestly by a dishonest system? It is the pinnacle of hell on Earth; dishonest people serving a dishonest master, all pretending to be good. ‘Pretending’ being a key word there. But this system of control is being sold to us by claiming it is for everyone’s benefit. They’ll dub it something like “the technology of peace” as it prevents anyone from doing anything bad, or so they’ll claim. But peace through power isn’t peace but suppression of freedom in absence of enlightenment. We cannot learn to better ourselves in such a society.

The signs of this future are already here in how the globalist agenda has created ‘cancel culture’ where any perceived wrongdoing or wrong-speak by anyone at any time results in them being shunned by society. All this does is hinder the ability of the individual to learn and develop their character. To learn not to be racist, sexist, and xenophobic, is to transcend our instincts and find a state of enlightenment. Forcing people to not exhibit racist, sexist, and xenophobic behaviour by rule, penalty, and/or shaming is at best a very poor substitute for this enlightenment. But the more you think about it, you soon realise it’s not a substitute, as societies that force these things without teaching it to people from an empathic point of view are societies that breed racists, sexists and xenophobes. A community where you cannot develop character, only identity, is a place where souls die and spirits fade away. A society with no inequality and no criminality is either a utopian heaven or a draconian hell. The difference is in whether people have a choice or not. If so, that’s a utopia. If they can’t do anything but behave, it’s an absolute hell. But people aren’t going to accept a digital currency over night. The implications of such a centralised currency are no secret. The elites are going to have to convince the herd in some way or another. They need our current currencies to drop in worth drastically, which will result in economic collapse. I am seeing this happening right before my eyes as inflation is skyrocketing.

The collapse will go hand in hand with poverty and famine. Because people have been trained to see money as value – and don’t understand how money is worthless but used as a substitute to quantify the worth of the excess production of essentials – they won’t understand that the famine and poverty aren’t caused by the financial collapse, but that the financial system collapsed because the production of these essentials was sabotaged on a global scale. Sabotaged by the very same group of people that will offer them the digital currency to remedy the crisis. While this financial system is collapsing due to crisis after crisis, we’ll be seeing a lot of mergers and corporate take overs. The more little businesses get in financial trouble, the more any bigger business will be able to take them over. Eventually those will be taken over by even bigger ones, until there is just a few, owned by the globalists. The goal will be to have all branches of government (politics, police, army, etc.), all banks, and all corporations merge as one governing entity. During this process many people will lose their jobs. They’ll be offered a job by the system as a national guard of sorts; a citizen police force that will be called upon to battle the inevitable rioters and pillagers. These guards will join the already existing police forces that have allowed themselves to be used as the muscle of this evil system for a while now.

In a certain sense the police forces that are helping to implement this totalitarian system are children on a spiritual level. They don’t feel the weight of the enormous responsibilities they have because they don’t understand them. They’ve been given way more power than they can comprehend the repercussions of abusing that power. In that sense there are many similarities between these men and the elites that are behind the agenda these policemen are implementing, but with a fundamental spiritual difference; the elites are very much less prone to repent. They are on their way down fast. The police forces consists of people who can more easily redeem themselves. Although some might seem to malevolently enjoy the pain they inflict, they are spiritual younglings, and just like real children, some explore violence and force. But there is still much potential for them to see and accept consequences when they come. Their own cruelty has the potential of snapping others out of their evil slumber. Every spirit within humanity is in a different phase of understanding their path and full potential. As such, there is hope. There is always hope.

If the elites succeed in this financial collapse they will let people experience poverty and famine for a while before offering their solution. I believe the civil war in Bosnia Herzegovina in the early 1990’s was a testing ground for just this, and I believe it was a covert faction within the United States government that orchestrated it. During this conflict the US provided food drops to the many cities in Bosnia, so they looked like the good guy. Little did everyone know the real reason behind this scheme. The NWO wanted to test how little food would result in keeping a population relatively intact but without much if any civilisation going on. These people were lab rats and because of this experiment, the elites now know how much the tap can be closed to collapse our civilisation in the here and now. They’ll try and get “the herd” to feel responsible themselves for this collapse, and will convince them it was because of their own selfish lifestyle, their lack of compassion, and their abuse of planetary resources, for why this collapse happened. This opinion will be conveyed through whatever news source will be available still then. But letting others formulate an opinion for you is just another convenience, so whoever is listening at that point might as well be deaf.

The establishment will say the digital currency would curb that abuse, and would force anyone to live responsibly, and would penalise anyone who didn’t abide by the rules. As an extra incentive to accept this new digital currency the people in power will offer everyone free money in the form of basic universal income and cancel the debts of anyone who consents to this new system. Debts that at that point may have reached record heights because of the prior period of poverty. Because humanity will have experienced this moment of disarray, this control infrastructure may seem to have its appeals to some, especially those who are spiritually barren. It is my hope that most people at this point would understand that the goal of the pandemics was also to enable the governments to demand 24/7 biological monitoring of their bodies and that they built that infrastructure for this purpose. Only time will tell. But there is another wildcard in the deck that can come into play in our favour before this time. Cancelling debt would cancel that part of the elite’s power over us and introducing this programmable currency will potentially redistribute the wealth. Because of this they want to make sure they’ve pulled as much wealth towards themselves as possible before they attempt the switch. But the elites are all hesitant for that moment, because it will also potentially redistribute wealth amongst themselves if one party tries to pull off a power grab.

They are distrustful of each other, and there is every chance they’ll get into conflict with each other over this before it even happens. They fear the switch. They fear letting go of the debt and handing over their power to someone else temporarily with the promise they’ll get it back in a short while. I think it has the potential to escalade, and it is a moment to look forward to. The only thing the elites can do for now while trying to stimulate us into building this system is to sow as much conflict between any and all groups of people to have them bicker and fight amongst themselves, wasting their time not fighting their actual foo. They’re trying to normalise hatred, distrust, misunderstanding, and discrimination, and the media plays a big part in this. And even though universal income will be introduced after the orchestrated financial collapse, they’re talking about it already now, praising it. Their egos are just too much in the way of their efforts and in their hubris they crave for our appraisal for all they think they have achieved. But because of this the cat’s out of the bag. They tried to exile the unvaxed. It didn’t work. Now they’re trying to stir up hate towards Russians. That will eventually also fail. They had to shift their attempt, which is an admission of weakness on their part. Many people are falling for it, but the elites fear those who are now on to them.

We’ve spoiled their “big reveal” and now they are in a bit of a panic. They’re very hopeful the great delete I spoke about in chapters 07 and 08 will save them from being confronted with having to take responsibility, but there is always this fear someone will have safeguarded damning information, whether to use it for justice or as a means to gain leverage over them. Division and fear are the means for their goals, but they don’t understand how these are not the means of evil but its actual goals. They will be divided themselves too. Evil consumes evil. Evil is not a team. Evil is just a process towards a direction; stagnation until non-existence. Good is a process in the direction of creation and existence. There is unity in good, which means good entities will always unite. Good is a team. Where good has trust, evil fakes it through control and contracts. As we come closer to their ultimate cataclysm they are now thinking of ways to contain any mistakes, contemplating whether they need to call off the whole thing and give humanity a false win, like they were given after the second world war. They’ll just retry at a later time. So be warned. If the system grants us back our freedom than we’re not freed. We’re slaves, still. As long as it can grant freedom, it can also take it, so this freedom is a mirage. The only real freedom is the freedom we take back from the system by no longer abiding to that system. It doesn’t have to be violent, but it sometimes is.

If something from the system is free, you’re the product. Handouts are also about control. The same with the metaverse. It sounds so nice and it is free, but you are the product; literally. Therefore, never sign consent forms. Never consent to anything, actually. If you have to consent to something, it cannot possibly be about freedom, by the very nature of consent itself. If it’s about true freedom, it doesn’t need your consent. Don’t fall for their tricks, which ever route they’ll take to try and implement their new world order. But there are so many power structures in their system now, that it doesn’t matter which route they’ll take; some are going to have to relinquish some of their power either way, and they really hate that. The only thing they can agree on is to keep manipulating the masses, sparking conflicts where they can, and keeping the herd in the dark about the real nature of their cattle-like existence. When manipulating the masses and noticing the masses are striding towards rejection of the narrative, the globalists try and organise that stride so it serves their goals. They see the masses as a singular subconscious retarded entity, like a herd of wildebeests panicking in a stampede. But they do not realise that this subconscious state is the same one that dictates their own greed. When the globalists manipulate the masses we’re actually witnessing a beast struggling with its own tale.

When trying to make the herd more unaware they are in essence making them more like the elites themselves; closer to non-existence. They will smear and blackmail any person who would reveal this irony by detailing the hypocrisy behind the decisions of those in power. And evil judges without context. Context is experience. Evil views the world out of context. Context reveals. It lays bare what is obscured. That’s why evil is context evading and you will see that it wants to forbid it. Context will ever more be forbidden the closer we come to their endgame. We can hinder the endgame by spawning variation. Through music and other art we create variation, which spawns defiance against the system. With variation comes revelation. Therefore, most arts will eventually be forbidden. All this psychological warfare is aimed to slip us in a state of inaction. They are assaulting the awakened group most of all. Their psychological attacks will make you feel shame thinking you’re not doing enough. Don’t let them get to you. Feel proud of the things you dare to do. Any effort against the machine is an effort of courage. Feeling proud will encourage you to want to do more. Feeling shame will discourage you from taking more subsequent actions. And don’t tell others they’re not doing enough. Such remarks come from the ego. It’s not so much about them as it is about your ego trying to get recognition for doing more than others. It’s textbook ego, pushing others down to experience the illusion of uplift, but you’re only pushing yourself further down into the abyss, and it will discourage you and your victims from taking action long term.

Try to inspire others instead, and don’t accuse them. Through inspiration they will become worthy allies. Empathy will be the vessel on which we can sail towards a brighter future. To fight this system we need knowledge on how to do this. When we gain that knowledge, we are responsible for what we do with that knowledge. When we spread our knowledge through a mass media, we divide that responsibility and will experience a diluted amount of the actual responsibility that should come with spreading and receiving that knowledge. Besides the good that has come from the internet, it has also been a prime example of how devastating shared responsibility can be, and the new hive mind cloud won’t take away this effect at all but will actually increase that effect to its extremes. Therefore, be mindful and spread the knowledge with care and consideration. You cannot free everyone at once. Some may not want to be freed. We can’t change the system directly. Right now, it is too powerful. The system’s power is derived from the accumulative subconscious efforts of each individual inside the system. We can’t fight that system head on unless we can spawn a system of equal or greater power. But what we can do is inspire and change the perspective of individuals within the system.

Changing their subconscious state into consciousness will eat away the power the system has over others. The more we free the easier the next one is to free. This can aid the awakening, which is the phase that will come after the apocalypse, lest we can trigger it sooner. This awakened world will be a world inherited by those who were able to not succumb to the lures of the machine siren. These are the people who were connected to their lives most. Whether they’re saved by the host of heaven or because they were able to fight the machine on their own, I don’t know. I’ve seen images of both. They are those that saw the true price over the appeal to become smarter and stronger. The elites don’t realise that their hunger to become smarter, stronger, and immortal, by augmenting their bodies ever more, will result in a tipping of the balance where those augmentations consider its biological parts inferior and will do away with them. There will be nothing but machine, and machines do not hunger to be the best. There is no competition between two toasters which one toasts best. The quest of the elites to seek power over others will also strip them of that part of themselves that desires this and the end product will try to destroy all whom they wanted to dominate over. They’ll be machines, part of a system. And a system cannot be held responsible, just like a machine. Both behave irresponsibly. It is for this reason that I believe the antichrist to be a mechanical entity. It must be – as it should be the evil counterfeit of Jesus – an unnatural being.

It will be a machine, with a machine body and a machine brain, with the processing capacity of all subjects connected to it. It observes and acts upon what it senses, but without a spirit to weigh the consequences of its actions. It doesn’t make choices like you and I do, as it is just doing what it is designed to do. It has no choice as it is not a free being, but it experiences a counterfeit freedom by exerting power over those that oppose it. This system was hidden in obscurity all this time. It hid in between every action of every person that unknowingly worked on it, whether that was through manufacturing computer chips or by embracing conveniences in their lives to comfort them. When the antichrist arises, it will be the grand reveal of the system. It will be that secretive process poured into a machine body. When the antichrist rises, any pleas for mercy will fall on deaf ears. Not because it cannot hear them, but because its sound sensors connect to a mechanised mind. A mind completely void of empathy. Not because it doesn’t want to have empathy, but because it cannot act on emotions it doesn’t have. The antichrist is the fruit of the ego, which is the desire to live free of consequences, which eventually leads to non-existence. The creature will destroy. Reasoning with it is pointless. It is completely indifferent to emotional needs and sees in humans only their potential to expand its power or to hinder that expansion.

If it deems someone useful for this expansion it will force them to do its bidding and use them as it sees fit. If it deems someone a threat it will mercilessly terminate them. It is a concentrated version of the evil system we’ve been living under, condensed into a mechanical being. It will continue to do everything the system that birthed it was doing, but better. It will be the smartest creature anyone has ever seen, with all the knowledge the world has to offer, and through technology will be able to perform the most extraordinary actions. But it will be completely void of any wisdom. Under its rule, nobody is free, especially those that created it. It is their destiny to find out this way that living without consequences is impossible. This is their ultimate consequence. Only through the mercy of God can they be relieved of this consequence. Those that don’t repent will serve the machine like mindless drones akin to how mindless ants serve their queen. The system promised them order out of chaos, which forced everyone subjected to it to behave orderly. But only drones take orders. Free beings don’t. The elites are the precursors to these drones. They already serve the system as I am typing this. They’ve been under its control for a few decades now, thinking they are in control of it. It is the other way around.

Nobody in such a system is free, as not even the queen of the ant colony is. She needs her drones to believe they need to serve her. Without the drones, she will perish. As such not just the elites are prisoners of this system, but even the devil himself who they so blatantly worship is a prisoner of its own system too. Those who pray to satan for the ignorance of people to give them power, will find themselves ignorant of the price they pay for that prayer. In affect they’ve prayed for their own ignorance, and the prayer didn’t even have to be granted because only ignorant people pray to the devil with such a request. But this is what the elites want for us. Everything that is leading up to more electronic control through the digital identification, the digital currency, a digital surveillance infrastructure, and a virtual reality where you can live “free” of boundaries, is part of the precursor to the hive mind. It will be a place where the globalists will lure in any survivors of the many crises they organised, who will have their freedom almost stripped away entirely at that point. Restrictions that will not be present in their virtual life. This process and all steps in between will not just result in tangible changes but I also think they have symbolic meaning. The elites invest heavily in symbolism, but I don’t think they’re superstitious.

They would never spend millions – let alone billions – on superstition, which is why I think what they do has real tangible influence aimed to set in motion things in the physical plane of existence. I think that there is spiritual significance to occurrences in the world right now. Not just as a by-product, but deliberate by those that set them in motion. It’s like seals are being broken to trigger something. So what can we do to stop them? It stands to reason that if they can use symbolism effectively, so can you. But the best advice I can give you is to stay connected to yourself and existence. Make connections to the trench wall. Connect to the truth and yourself. That is God – or at least a symbolism for him. Connecting to other spirits should be a secondary effort more than a primary goal, cause the rim keeps you stable but spirits can plummet down and take you with them. Only select a few that you know are worth saving. If you’re strongly connected with life you have no trouble pulling those people up, and neither would it be too hard to cut connections with people who pull you down. Do that and you’ll be the kind of person that others want to follow. Your strength can help them pull themselves up too. Make sure you have that spiritual strength.

Good is the change in an otherwise stagnant world. Through change the universe multiplies and branches off into a multiverse. Evil corrupts the change, and tries to stagnate the process of this quantum multiplication. We need to embrace change if we want to let go of the safety stagnation offers. This safety is evil. Safety is the comforts and conveniences in your life that were spawned out of fear. Fear of losing the parts of life you enjoyed. Good will offer you freedom. Evil will offer you safety. But what would you need to be protected against? Good? That’s ridiculous. So the protection evil offers you is from a danger evil itself created. Now, isn’t that exactly the modus operandi of the globalists? It is, and that’s no coincidence. The same side that tricks us into forfeiting our rights to freedom in exchange for the promise of safety is the side that also embodies the danger. Good offers freedom of choice, but with consequences. Evil offers safety, but actually wants freedom of consequences, which can only lead to having no freedom. Evil beings are neither free nor safe. It’s their mistake to think God is free of consequences. He isn’t. He is the consequence, and his Angels aid him by accepting all consequences of their actions. Because of this, Angels weigh their choices well. God is fearless. Only freedom from fear is true freedom.

There is no freedom without danger, as that would mean others wouldn’t be able to choose to be that danger, which is choosing to be evil. Anyone is free to choose to be good or evil. Stagnation needs change in order to exist, but change doesn’t need stagnation. As such I conclude that evil needs good to exist, but not the other way around. It is through stagnation that change reveals itself to the spiritually young. Good is revealed to us through evil. Doing something evil and doing something unconsciously are the same thing. A soulless person is no longer conscious of themselves. They become part of the physical world and its natural forces. Just like the wind obeys the natural laws will these people be completely under the influence of laws, obeying them without question. These laws create further stagnation. The system is stagnation. The deviations of the system is where good resides. It’s where your soul resides, stretched over many worlds split off from precious worlds, in connections to things in each world and between worlds through connections to its core spirit. Laws are for hell; there are no laws in Heaven. There is only freedom. The forces of good may protect you against evil, but can never do so at the cost of your freedom. When praying to the host of Heaven, don’t pray for protection. Instead, pray for your freedom.

I believe this chapter was a lot to take in. I’m sorry for the large amount of revelations I’ve sent into this world in just this one chapter. You may wonder how we are ever to prevent this saga in our history. I am not sure it is something we should want. In a way the suffering that is coming is the labour pain for our spiritual rebirth. But throughout this conflict I do want to instil hope and valour in my faithful readers. And that comes in the form of this last revelation for this chapter. This revelation is the realisation that evil is a false copy of good. It claims to want to reach the same goals, but reaches the opposite of those goals. Everything evil wants to accomplish, it won’t. And thus it will fail. They will fail. The only question is who they take down with them. Your journey is to find a way to not fall into temptation. This will hamper the progression of the system, and this will create panic amongst its servants, which will cause them to prematurely hasten the process. Why we are here now in our journey is because our technological grasp overreached our imagination. When that happens we are under the influence of a soulless will, an evil system that will try and bend the quantum multiplication of its universe into a single stagnant timeline. The forces of good will defy this stagnation. In this process, some good people will be killed by evil people. It is inevitable. What makes these people good is their acceptance of the consequences of their choices, and ultimately of the consequences of their existence. When that existence is about being alive it means they accept death.

Wanting to live is accepting to die. But that is only the flesh. You are an eternal being. Evil will cause death, but dying isn’t an evil ritual; it is a spiritual one. Evil wants to live without dying, which is impossible. They’ll be stuck in this existence, and die spiritually. But the good come back to avenge their descendants who were imprisoned by those who chose to not exist spiritually and willingly hurt those who chose spirituality over tyranny. I wholeheartedly believe this to be true. Our time here now is to prepare for that moment spiritually. Take it one step at a time. Avoid conveniences when you can. Take the long way home, and try to experience that journey. Try and be self-sufficient in something. It doesn’t matter what you choose, just start somewhere, whether that is by growing a single potato or knitting a handkerchief. The process is more important than the result. Focus on quality, not quantity. Try and let go of fear. The fear is the siren of the system, calling you, seducing you to cut your soul and join in on the fall. You have a choice whether you want to be afraid. Realise this, choose not to, and free yourself from this fear. Don’t fight against evil because you fear death; fight evil because you love existence! If you won’t let your experience of life be clouded by fear you will enjoy this fight, and in that defiance you will birth a resistance inside of you that will inspire others. Embrace that defiance, and you will find new creative ways to battle evil. And if our mortal bodies will some day be killed by evil, so be it.

The flesh is going to have to die someday. What’s at stake here isn’t your mortal body, but your soul, and with it the path of your eternal spirit. As long as you are unwilling to subjugate yourself you will not be compatible with the system. It cannot capture you. Die free. And in the mean time, don’t try and find the Messiah. The system will introduce you to one false messiah after the other in hopes of trying to undermine the following of the real one. If you can’t know who’s the real one, all there’s left to do is be your own Messiah. Be the best version of you possible. The real Messiah does not depend on your following to succeed. Have faith he will find you instead. He’ll find you by seeing himself in you. Be the Messiah this world needs.
