Published: 19-09-2021
Updated: 11-11-2021
In this chapter I will explain how I think the elites are the lieutenants of evil, how it is their objective to counter enlightenment, and how they will try to ensure enlightenment is caged and cannot escape. But before I explain why they do that I need to clear a few things up, and state solid definitions for both good and evil.
I’ve put off writing a passage about clear definitions for good and evil ever since I started writing because it was just not that simple for me to define either one at the time. You’d think it’d be easy, but I found that it was not. What I knew for certain is that they each are the opposite of the other. I had to write all these chapters before I could truly grasp them both, and still I found it difficult to define them. Though many things are clear about them, some fundamentals can be murky, and that can be misleading. Instead of trying to think of a definition for either, I wrote a list of properties for each, and tried to find the opposite of the other in between the lines. That became the list below.
- Truth seeking
- Creative
- Empathic
- Drawn to the light
- Responsible (accepts responsibility)
- Honest
- Revels in existence
- Seeks the experience of life
- Reasons from the context of truth
- Courageous
- Transparent
- Truth seeking
- Truth obscuring
- Barren
- Apathetic
- Drawn to the darkness
- Irresponsible (rejects responsibility)
- Corrupt
- Despises existence
- Avoids the experience of life
- Reasons from the context of lies
- Cowardly
- Secretive
- Truth obscuring
The list looked good, but I wasn’t completely satisfied. Something was amiss. It felt like the answer was right in front of me, but I didn’t see it. And then suddenly it came to me after reading through my own work again. And it’s actually so simple.
Good: the will that compels to gain spiritual connections
Evil: the will that compels to forfeit spiritual connections
All forms of physical existence will result in the creation of new connections. Conscious forms of existence can cause the severance of old connections, by manner of choice. Your intent determines whether you are a good person or a bad one. Truly good intentions will always result in a net gain of connections where truly evil intentions will result in a net loss. To form these connections you need to accept the consequences of your choices. You can only do that if you understand the choice you made. You can only understand the choice you made if you see yourself. You can only see yourself if you can catch your reflection and know how to interpret it. Only if know how to catch your reflection and know how to interpret it can you learn to understand yourself. The good in you only thrives if you are able to look within and do so as much as you reasonably can. I hope this makes as much sense to you as it does to me.
The forces of good will compel you to connect to your life. The forces of evil will compel you to sever connections. You will notice I haven’t listed love and fear as properties of either, and with good (haha) reason. Often love is mistakenly seen as a force for good, and fear as a force for evil. It’s an understandable mistake, and I can even see how you may have gotten this idea from reading my work. Yes, evil entities will promote fear as good entities will promote love. But love and fear aren’t hallmarks of either side. Remember, making connections or severing them is all about the acceptance or rejection of consequences. We can all make choices out of either love or fear. Both good and evil are subject to these motivations. It’s whether we choose to accept or reject the consequences of our choices that defines whether we connect to existence and become forces of good, or detach ourselves from existence and become forces of evil. Beings that are good or aspire to be good can still feel fear, but they act differently upon it than evil beings do. As such, evil beings are capable of experiencing love just the same, but too act differently upon that.
The reason we do associate love with good is that the consequences of choices made out of love are easier to accept. It follows suit that beings that choose to accept the consequences of choices will much rather make choices that spawn consequences easily accepted. After that choice is made, the decision to accept or reject consequence is a choice that is subject to these same motivations too. This is what consciousness really is; the ability to choose between accepting or rejecting consequence after we’ve made a choice. The second step of accepting consequence is a thing that you do out of love for yourself. Do you love yourself still after your first choice and accept the consequences that come with it? Or do you fear those consequences and reject your self-love? Evil beings do not accept the consequences of their choices because they have taken a path spiralling downwards of making choices out of fear. Those are the choices that come with consequences that are hard to accept and they chose not to accept them because they feared what that would do to them. Breaking their habit happens rarely because that would confront them with the reality behind their existence. They‘d rather deny there is such a thing as love as to not confront themselves with the reality they actually long to be loved. The helpers of evil still need love and so they’ll seek power as a substitute for it. Much rather though they seek to undo existence altogether as vacant emotionless machines, constantly making choices out of fear. The fear they one day have to be confronted with the consequences of their actions. As such we mistakenly associate fear with evil because it perpetually acts on fear. But it isn’t the fear itself that makes them evil, but the rejection of the consequences of their actions.
You yourself can feel fear and act upon it too and not be on your way to becoming an evil entity in the spiritual realm. The fear in you doesn’t make you evil. Among the reasons I started this project is my fear that evil is gaining the upper hand on our planet. I love existence, and I do not wish for it to be undone. There should be no misunderstanding which side I wish to be a part of. I also started writing because I wanted the truth to be revealed. It is quite possible that many evil entities who dwell in the dark corners on the other side of the veil were once creatures full of love, but who lost the things they loved in the ever changing world. Unable to accept the loss and afraid they would lose again, they may have tried to keep safe the things they loved, making choices out of fear. They were unable to accept the consequences of their existence. This was a driver for stagnation. And as irony is deeply rooted in existence, I think that many good entities have a deep understanding of fear in much the same way. The Angels of heaven will undoubtedly be pure of heart, but I don’t think they have no experience with fear at all. On the contrary. The same God that created light created darkness.
We also often associate ‘creation’ with good, and ‘destruction’ with evil. The same applies as above. It’s about choices and consequences. Yes, evil will try to destroy as much as it can to try to bring about non-existence. Good will try to create as much as it can to try and progress the propagation of new universes. You’ve learned that new universes spawn for each possible outcome, and creative people create many such outcomes as their creations are rich in variation and possibilities. Evil will therefore always seek to hinder creativity and obscure the truth. Good will always try to promote creativity and reveal the truth. Good and evil are in this eternal dance together. For evil to bring about destruction it needs to create new machines to do its bidding. Evil isn’t creative, so it must corrupt the good to help create the technology of destruction. For good to propagate creation it needs to destroy the creations of evil and persuade others to follow the path of the light. The Yin-Yang symbol symbolises this dynamic. The devil loves the idea of a world without consequences, which is in essence non-existence. It longs for it as it sees it as the way to never have to confront itself and never have to face responsibility for anything. Good fears non-existence. It longs for a world where all accept the consequences of their choices. This is also why evil judges without context. Context is experience. Evil views the world out of context. Context reveals. It lays bare what is obscured. That’s why evil is context evading and will try to forbid context to create the illusion of a world without consequences.
The truth is that evil can never truly succeed in their quest for non-existence. They need the things in existence to bring about what they want to achieve. For non-existence to not exist, it needs existence to exist. All evil can hope to accomplish is to create a substitute for it. A world that spawns fewer and fewer new universes, until it’s just one universe. A universe where time speeds away into a meaningless existence because no being connects to anything in it. A vacant soulless universe. But that universe itself exists nonetheless. It is a forgery of the thing they want. Just like the ego values pretence, does evil inhibit that same trait. And so we come full circle, and we learn that the ego is the devil’s counterfeit of the soul. But a stagnant unchanging universe is impossible by the very nature of its design. The world was created imperfectly on purpose. There is no such thing as a perfect straight line. Everything is subject to deformities in the finest details. There are imperfections in our universe on the quantum scale. This was the strongest influence behind the world we see around us. There is symmetry but it isn’t perfect. These imperfections allowed for matter to exist, and life to form and evolve into us. Evil can win battles but it can never win the war. As for good, I can picture a world where all accept the consequences of their choices. Maybe that is heaven on Earth. It’s a long journey on a long road ahead, but it is achievable. At least, I choose to believe that, and I think we’re on our way. We just need to go through hell to get there.
And hell is on its way. The technology for evil to fully manifest is nearing. This same technology can be used for good, but those that have control over cutting edge development do not bear the hallmarks of the forces of good. Evil will compel them to use it for its own agenda. I am speaking here of trans-humanism; the merging of man with machine. If we were to use this technology to create artificial telepathy by allowing us to freely send and receive each other’s thoughts, it would free us from taboos, and secrets would become a thing of the past. It would be a possible route for us to find global enlightenment. There would be no miscommunication any more, and nothing could be taken out of context. We would no longer have to feel shame for thinking what we think, and no one would have to get offended any more. We would know each other’s true intent by default. This is exactly what evil wants to prevent at all costs. Their idea of trans-humanism has some tweaks to prevent exactly this, and make sure the opposite happens. Their idea of trans-humanism will dehumanise those subjected to it.
This is where the hive mind comes in. We are all being prepared to accept having our minds connected to a super computer. I dubbed this super computer; Cabal. This will create a hive mind, and it is compatible to be linked to a super computer of alien origins. This alien super computer houses the will of the prime evil, which wirelessly controls all beings connected to it by cybernetic implants. Because the thoughts that flow into this system have to go through this super computer first before reaching other individuals, this dreadful machine has control over which thoughts it allows others to know and which not. The thoughts it sees as undesirable will be filtered out. Freedom of thought is eliminated in this system. The only thoughts allowed within the system are the thoughts that serve the system. The only thoughts that serve the system are the thoughts that expand its control over its subjects and everything else in existence. In the future, this system is supposed to implement what’s left of our species into it after, ‘the execution’ and ‘the great delete’ have taken place. The elites have come dangerously close to having invented this technology, or may even have succeeded in creating it already. We are however getting very close to their endgame and this technology is one of the keys.
But there is another key, equally as important; our consent. They need us to consent to this procedure. All the things that have happened and all the horrible things they still have in store for us are all part of the plan to make us desperate, fearful, and longing for an escape out of this world. The reason these unenlightened aliens haven’t just given us their technology but rather have us invent it ourselves up till a point it becomes compatible with theirs is that this is the only way to make sure they can cast the shadow of manufactured consent over humanity. That is sufficient, even if that consent is gained unfairly. They need those connected to the hive to agree with the procedure. They cannot risk plugging in a mind that can become aware and starts bringing enlightenment into their matrix. A mind that has empathy and courage. The evil inside cannot cope with a mind that would confront it with its deeds and shows the system a mirror. It needs all those plugged into this hive mind to subject to it willingly, even if that willingness is based on a false sense of fear of things maliciously conjured up by the system that they subjected to. Now that I think of it; to wake up one needs empathy and courage, and those fast asleep right now indeed most often lack either or both. It’s mostly people who lack self-love. For a mind to reach a state compatibility with the system it must stop loving itself. In other words; they want those that do not connect to themselves to join the hive mind, because those are the minds that will hunger for its connection. A connection that is in fact again a forgery. A forgery of spiritual connection. They are dying to belong and the hive will falsely offer them such a place. But those that don’t love themselves any more have been stripped of their humanity. Without their humanity they are the perfect drones to serve this evil system. They’ll corrupt other beings and trick more and more to forsake their souls, sever their spirits, and join in this union of soulless beings.
They are turning us into drones. To prepare us for this state of being the elites will try and make us all the same. They’ll eventually force us to all to look the same, act the same, feel the same, and, in the end, think the same. This serves to rob us of our individuality. Making us look the same and act the same can be forced through the social credit system. I predict that eventually everyone will be forced to wear the same blend of grey and shave their heads. There will be no more art, no more music, and no more dancing. Everything that can lead to connection, enlightenment, and variation, will be forbidden. It will all make us deeply unhappy, which serves to make us all feel the same. In time we will all start to think the same too. The process of making us all the same allows them to masquerade as good. They’ll claim that equality is for the good of all. That’s what evil will always do. It will pretend to be the will of good. It may even have convinced itself it is the will of good. As such evil can be seen as a forgery of good. It is a pretend tool, again, and it seems to follow a progressing path rather than a stagnant path, just like good would do. But the end result is a stagnant uncreative controlled future. This is why God made the world with imperfections, so it can change and good can adapt to the ways of evil. Perfection is the utopia of evil. Perfection is impossible. Perfect straight lines only exist in virtual realities but are truly impossible in the real world. Virtual realities are forgeries of the real thing. They are not real, and only evil can see something that isn’t real as something to value, to worship, worthy of pursuit, and in its arrogance may believe to be possible to achieve. But the world isn’t finished, by design. Remember that.
All the evil forces that are part of this scheme are catching the attention of the light. They are attempting to offset the balance and they are now no longer doing it from hiding. It is their intent to connect our newborns to the hive before they can consent to it, to sever their soul connections, kill their spirits and harvest their wills to serve the system. They’re planning it brazenly as if to want to taunt the light. It is a diabolical plan to sever the connections of new spirits before they can consent, but if the elites understood how the world works they’d know this isn’t allowed. God made the universe that way. You cannot just ‘sell someone else’s soul’ and expect to enjoy the gain indefinitely. Sooner or later your spoils will be taken away from you. As they’re attempting to offset the balance, they will sit on a throne of lies. It’s only a matter of time before the universe ripples back into equilibrium, shattering what they’ve built to pieces. As the darkness grows in strength, so will the light. Whatever power they’ve gained, they’ll be confronted by a power at least equally as strong, but poised to reveal what cannot be destroyed. Light can illuminate the darkness, but darkness can never envelop light. I don’t know how it will happen, but a balancing blow will be dealt. Those that fought the system will be saved before this happens. They will be absolved of past sins, and allowed to heal their souls. When they are ready, they’ll return to Earth in rays of blazing all illuminating light, completely eradicating the evil system. Those individuals inside the system who wish to be saved because they’ve managed to hang on to a few connections of their humanity will have a chance to repent. I saw this in my dreams.
We’re not there yet. The thing that worries me the most is that I slowly feel myself becoming less empathic towards those that have been servile to this diabolical agenda. There’s so many people that gave their time and effort, and even submitted their bodies to this evil. Evil is full of darkness, fear, cowardice, and apathy. Good as its opposite is full of light, love, courage, and empathy. What I am saying is that this agenda is slowly making me more evil, and I struggle with myself to not succumb to the luring grip of evil. Being unhappy can be very addictive. I feel that siren calling sometimes. My point here is that it’s just so very important we understand to which extent we are fallible. We all are. Besides planning for the win, we should also plan for how we are to forgive those that helped this darkness perpetuate, for if we cannot forgive our fellow humans we will sow the seeds of darkness on the new lawn. When those seeds germinate, grow, and blossom they will bring us back to where we are now, with the technology of the future as its blade. If we want to make a better future, we need to learn any and all lessons the past has taught us.
I wonder how far down the pit the elites will have fallen when the light comes back with a vengeance. Right now these lieutenants of evil think they are destined for greatness and will be given immortality by the prime evil. They think that the alien host will give them the Earth to rule over and enjoy its riches without competition. The reality is these evil beings will eventually trick them the same way the elites themselves tricked part of humanity into joining the hive mind. Because I don’t believe the elites themselves have taken the real jabs, and therefore I think most did not plan to join this hive mind. I think they were promised immortality in return for supplying minds for the alien hive. But I don’t think these aliens plan to keep their end of the bargain. They will con the conmen. There is absolutely no reason to think these creatures experience any sense of honour. They will falsely lure the elites into this hive mind. This will strip them of everything they hold dear, too. Will they be able to repent? Or will they forever deny they did this to themselves and others, and have no other fate than to be locked away into the pit of darkness? If they can repent, they are ironically a sign of hope for the universe. In case you thought God does not have a sense of humour, I challenge that thought for revision.