
Published: 20-10-2016
Updated: 10-01-2024

This work was written with an educational purpose in mind, but in the end it’s just a digital book of notes and stories. Nothing more, nothing less.

I do not wish to force or indulge anyone to do or not do anything. I do not wish to create a movement or a following. I don’t want any money. You are free to read and digest these ideas. If you disagree with me or you get any kind of negative reaction from reading this then these writings may not be for you. I consider all of this content my intellectual property, unless obvious and/or otherwise stated.

If you wish to use material from this work, you may do so under these conditions:

    1. You do not alter anything
    2. You will provide clear references and visible links to the website
    3. You will not misrepresent my views in any way or by any means

But rather than share it, I wish to ask you not to. I wish to ask you to read it yourself thoroughly first before you do anything else. These writings should not be shared based on misunderstandings or incorrect assumptions, so read it whole and take your time digesting it. If you do choose to share this work, I ask that you only share it with those few who you think this will resonate well with. I believe there are spiritual consequences for throwing this onto the masses. We should be careful not to share this content without careful consideration.

This work is meant to soak loose your held believes and views of our world. I will present the world to you from a whole different perspective, shining a different kind of light from an obscure angle. My aim is not for you to take it literally. You may, but you don’t have to for me to reach my goal, which is to shake up your vision of the world so you may be able to shake off and part with the parts of that view that have become orthodox and stagnant. I aspire to shed you from acquired views so you find room to fill them up with your own views. I aim to make an individual out of you again, as opposed to being a pawn on the board of our systematic society. Reading this work will take you out of your comfort zone. It’s meant to do that. 

In these texts I will often speak of God, but I don’t mean someone specific when I do. When I was a kid I used to picture God as an old man with a grey beard who lives in the clouds and who made everything we know. Now, I try not to picture anything any more. To me, right now, God is the great unknown, the source of existence, the eternity of the universe, or something along these lines. But all my ways to describe it fall short for what I mean, except for saying God. It seems to carry the right weight for what I mean. I will come back to this later on.
