65. The Monster Game

Date: 12-04-2023

I had a few prophetic dreams last night, but there were so many in such a small time I struggle to recapture them in active memory. I do recall something about a game of sorts. It was real, but it was like I was viewing it from someone else’s eyes. Much like a YouTube review or play through, where you watch someone else go through the motions, and you can only watch without being able to change the outcome.

The person through who’s eyes I saw everything unfold was in a world where every so often monsters would appear which he and his fellow players had to run from and try to kill. I think none of the actual players were aware it was all a game. My player had a sniper rifle, and he would occasionally have a shot and take it. The part I remember quite well is the part where a giant huntsman spider had appeared.

And I mean giant. Its body was the size of a car, the long legs spanned 5 to 10 meters each. And despite its size, it was lightning fast. It was so fast that when it moved, you could barely follow it with your eyes. Near impossible. But it would almost “teleport” but only short distances, like it would sit somewhere, then ‘POOF’ sit somewhere else. It was hunting the group. All members panicked.

But I was a spectator, and I knew it was a game, a play through. It had already happened. So I was calm, yet understood the panic. My character was running through broad corridors, together with other members of his group, and sometimes he looked behind him. What he saw was the spider zipping across the walls, still incredibly fast. He tried to get a few shots in with his sniper but the bullets bounced right off the spider’s hard exoskeleton. He was going to need to find a weak spot.

But then I noticed, every time my character would use the sniper scope, the spider would take a while before “teleporting” to its next location. It would give my character ample time to land a shot. I remember realising that this was part of the game mechanics. The developers must’ve programmed the spider in such a way that if it had a scope pointed on it, it would take longer between jumps so that the players could successfully land a shot.

My character certainly took its time aiming and determining where to shoot. It was obvious to me; aim for its black eyes (of which it had 3). But he took too long, much to my frustration. I recall shouting at him from what must’ve been inside his head: “Take the shot, take the freaking shot!” But he waited too long and ‘POOF’ the spider was gone again. I cried out in frustration: “NOHHHH! Come on!!” 

The spider zipped around a while, chasing the frightened members of the group. It took my guy a while before having a clear line of sight but eventually he saw his chance and the game mechanics kicked in again halting the hideous spider on the wall. Again he took way longer than needed, but eventually landed a shot in the middle black eye of the creature, which immediately fell off the side of the wall, tugged its legs together and crumbled into a ball, like a tin can being crushed in a compactor.

The dream makes me wonder; is all we see a game? Are the monsters we see programmed to fail if we have a clean shot, so we can defeat them more easily? Are we just spectators here and is the outcome already decided? If so, what really is at stake here?

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Science Teacher and Aspiring Amateur Philosopher