48. Forgotten powers

Date: 20-11-2021

I dreamt I was on a huge space craft. The craft was filled with people and resembled to some extend my old high school, but also the school at which I now work. We were heading away from a planet we visited for some diplomatic or other political reason. On our way there our ship was hit with some kind of energy blast coming from the system we visited. The source was unknown, as was the intent. It had done minor damage, but did put us off course. We were able to correct and avert a serious deviation and a possible unknown collision. And now, we were going away from that planet.

I was there in the hallways fooling around like I was a child. I crawled on the floor a lot, laughed a lot, put my back on a blanket and propelled myself forward with my legs by making a walking motion. Other people played too together with me. People that were standing or sitting in the hallway seem to mildly be agitated by us. Now that I think of it, one side of the hallways looked like the inside of an airliner, with rows of seats. My boss sat in one of those seats and made a comment about our noise, which I playfully answered in my own way, making him laugh and dropping his guard.

We played around a bit until we reached the end of one of these hallways, and found ourselves in a big room. Really big. Easily the size of two sporting centres. This could maybe have been a central place inside the ship, where people came to congregate and socialize. There were chairs and tables, a big screen with large speakers. Apparently people watched movies here too. It was quite lovely, cause the rest of the ship was really boring.

I met an old long lost friend there – T – who which in real life I cut ties with because the friendship had changed and had developed into something that was no longer good for me. T in real life had changed for the worst so I cut ties when I moved somewhere else. But here he was, and he spoke to me as if the friendship was unchanged. I went along with it. We watched a movie on a device I brought. It was the movie Dune which he said he had never seen. First we watched the old one, from 1984, but he disliked the outdated graphics, so we switched to the latest iteration of the story.

After a while his wife S came to me and spoke with me. She was as loving and sweet in the dream as she is in real life. We talked and it annoyed my former friend. He claimed we were distracting him from being able to watch the movie, but I knew deep down he was just jealous me and his wife were having such a great time talking together, while he can often barely stand her and pushes her around.

My friend started a fight and claimed the device we were watching the movie on was his. He states he would go and watch the movie somewhere else but couldn’t because his wife had given that device back to me after I gave it to him. I told him, I had never given the device in the first place, nor did I ever receive one from them. This was my device. He insisted I was wrong and that’s when something snapped in me. I told him again it’s rubbish, and stood my ground. I was fed up with his idiotic and childish behaviour. So I unplugged my device from the installation and took it with me.

Now alone I wondered around the ship, a bit shaken up still from what had just happened. I looked around and found the place to be a soulless thing. It was like a prison to us. We could go nowhere, though yet it sustained us. We couldn’t exist without the ship, but that is also how it held us captive. While wondering around I suddenly knew another blast of energy had been fired at us. I didn’t know how I knew, I just knew and I knew it for certain – it wasn’t a strong suspicion. I knew.

This is where the dream became more surreal and ‘Alice in wonderland’ kind of dreamy. I could mentally float out of the ship and observe the incoming wave of energy. It had a bluish and reddish colour. I could see it rush towards our ship in the far distance. But not just that. I could also feel its intent. I could feel while outside of my body that the intent was to harm us. We had to ‘derail’ or go off course. I went back into my body, and instinctively put up a barrier behind the ship. It took me to focus intensely on the idea and from the front of my head a beam was emitted that attempted to deflect the energy wave.

I was unsuccessful in blocking the wave completely. It still hit the ship and caused damage, and great turmoil and distress amongst all inhabitants. But I am certain my blockade did safe us from more serious harm. The ship was in chaos but she was in one piece. We could survive this, it would just take time. People were running around in panic and there was smoke and damage, and loud sirens going off everywhere. But I felt like it didn’t impact me.

I walked around like I only saw it and filtered out the sounds. It was like everything happened muted and I could control what I wanted to hear and even controlled the volume at which I would hear it. I felt somewhat drunk and confused yet focused. I became aware of 4 people that were not on the ship. They were aware of me too. There was a different plane of existence in which I felt myself slipping into, where I were to meet them.

I slipped into it and felt so drunk. Everything I wanted to do went wrong. Everything I wanted to say came out all wrong. And I had an uncontrollable urge to play, like I was doing in the hallway at the start of the dream. But it was not a wish but an urge, or perhaps the only thing I knew how to do. And I saw me do all this from third person view in the presence of these four people. They sat at a square table, and I was behind them. They looked like lawyers or bankers, black suits and ties. They had no expression on their faces.

They each had a super power. Nothing fancy on the surface but thinking about it these powers were all but mundane. I don’t remember them all. I recall one had foresight and could predict the future, and another could manipulate outcomes on a quantum level. All four had one such power or something similar. They used these powers to influence the world in such a way it would benefit them.

They began talking to each other, apparently without moving their lips. It was as if they were telepathic, yet they weren’t, because I could hear them too. It felt like this was more a property of that plane of existence rather than a property of them. I remember what they said. I’m not sure if they said this word for word, but I think this captures the meaning accurately. They said: “The humans are far more evolved than we anticipated.” After hearing that and while playing with an imaginary aeroplane between my fingers I mustered up all the focus I could and while still playing with the aeroplane I uttered the words: “You have forgotten what it’s like to be human.” 

After I said those words they all got up and left the room. I was then propelled back into my own plane of existence inside the ship, where everything seemed to have quieted down. Then I woke up.



One thing that I find interesting is the fact I was playing like a child on what looked like an aeroplane (and in a way it actually was one) at the start, then later was annoyed my former friend who was behaving like a child, then later went to that other dimension where all I was able to do was play and I played with an imaginary aeroplane. Maybe the message is that I should look at myself before judging others. It could also be a warning not to accuse someone of something without considering intent. As a grown up I wanted to play for the fun of it, and I didn’t want to cause stress. My former friend did want to cause stress and emotional pain. In the other dimension I played a lot but that was what I was good at, and I was still me and I could still state truth. And the aeroplane was a toy, so perhaps it is a message to say we’re here to learn or perhaps even that I can influence the outcome of events to come in my own plane (haha!) of existence. A message I have gotten very often.

The ship might have been Earth. Or perhaps it’s symbolic for the world economy with money. It sustains us yet enslaves us.

Me standing up to my former friend was about boundaries.

The perceived super human abilities I seemed to have I think are about discovering my potential.

Being childlike in that other dimension I think symbolizes that I was inexperienced in that plane of existence and had to discover how to do things there like a child doesn’t know how to walk and talk in the real world. It was portrayed as me being a child that couldn’t speak well, move well, and that took every opportunity to play. But to play is to learn, so I was learning while in the presence of evil beings.

The four were demons, though perhaps demonic people. Probably people in the real world like Soros, Schwab, Bezos, and Gates. But the number 4 has Biblical significance too, so perhaps they were a modern symbolism of the four horsemen.

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Science Teacher and Aspiring Amateur Philosopher