66. Satanic Ritual

Date: 18-05-2023

This dream began somewhere in an urban environment, but it was also a forest. It was like those two scenes had merged together; lots of trees next to the streets and semi-high rise buildings. It was night, misty also. And there was a lot going on in the sky.

In the sky it was one busy skyline, much like the second level of Command and Conquer Renegade; random flyovers of various flying vehicles, most of which were quite exotic. There were military fighter planes, flying saucers, but also futuristic flying cars. Not modern futuristic, but more like how we pictured them to be in the 80s with tails and small wings fitted with rockets. All these zipped through the sky at great speeds but with little to no discernible sound. Nothing noisy at least. And nobody really paid attention to them.

Apparently some event was being organised in a more remote location, surrounded by woods. Lots of people were going on foot to that event. I was with my wife and a few other people, some of which I think were truthers. We followed the crowd and found ourselves in a check in line to purchase tickets for the event. My good friend A was playing at this event, performing with his guitar. The location was some kind of valley in the woods, with a stunning view over the forest on one side. The valley had a kind of square shape to it; perfect for a festival.

But in one of the four corners was an enclosure made of wooden poles. In that enclosure people put their babies, so they couldn’t crawl away. This way the people got to enjoy the event without constantly having to look after their child. When I saw that enclosure I knew instinctively that those babies were not going to survive the event. We were getting closer to the front of the line and I felt a growing consternation about the idea of participating in this event. I knew my friend was playing here but I did not want to go. D felt my growing unease. She looked at me worried. I told her I did not want to go. “Then let’s not go.” She replied. We walked out of the line and sat down somewhere where we could oversee the valley. Others joined us.

The event was on its way to start. A bald man was holding a microphone and talking to the crowd. It was supposed to be motivational and inspiring, hyping the crowd up to what was to come, but he sounded frustrated and even a little angry, though you needed a lot of people skills to detect that in his speech. But it was there, for sure. While he was talking, my friend, A, stood next to him, just casually jamming on his guitar to set the scene. And while speaking, I could tell this was annoying the bald guy with the microphone. His irritation grew as he was directing people to move to a certain place in the valley in order to spread everyone out. But instead of just asking my friend A to pipe it down a little, he allowed his frustration to build up, up to a point where he snapped.

And when he snapped, he didn’t even snap at A, but instead moved to a wooden pole behind them where some boxes were mounted which all had wires coming in and out of them. These were apparently part of the technical installation which included the microphone and guitar being hooked up to the speakers. And in all his anger he started awkwardly kicking one of the metal boxes on the pole. Everyone was looking at him in confusion, including A, who had now stopped playing the guitar. The bald man kept kicking the box with awkward straight forward kicks, until the box dented, and eventually broke off the screws with which it was fixed onto the pole. A short but loud squeaking sound came from all the speakers on the terrain, which everyone understood meant that A’s guitar was no longer hooked into the system. Everyone was confused.

Me and D were still sitting along side one of the valley rims and we had a clear sight of what had happened. I told D: “You see that? That’s how you can tell the controlled opposition apart from the real people. The CO are perpetually frustrated and cannot have normal interactions with others!” A woman behind me confirmed what I had said. She had overheard me saying what I said and apparently she was a truther who came a long way spiritually. She knew the depth of the evil in this world. I told her about the babies. “I just know these babies are going to be sacrificed in some kind of ritual, and all these people are completely oblivious to it.” I said. She concurred again. Finally, someone who understood.

Suddenly, in the distance on the horizon a giant bird appeared. It was huge, but it also looked fake to me. It was like the distant dark-twilight sky was actually a large screen, and behind it was a man wearing a Sesame Street bird suite. But in that moment it was real, though describing it to you now I can only describe it in a way that makes you think it looked really fake. The bird was real, but it looked like it was fake. It just spread its wings a few times, clearly showing human legs in its silhouette. The crowd went “Ohhhhh!” in amazement. Nobody knew what to think of it. Most didn’t think it was part of the event, which I knew was actually a satanic ritual. It was a bit of a scary moment, in that most people there didn’t know what this was and were completely unaware of any danger. Who wouldn’t be scared out of their minds if a giant bird appeared in the distance? They were so self-absorbed that they seemed to have lost the ability to think rationally.

As suddenly as the bird appeared, it vanished again. Meanwhile I wondered what the significance of this giant bird was. I thought maybe it was some kind of bad omen of sorts; perhaps a sign of a seal being broken for what was ahead. Then, another creature appeared on the horizon, in the same place and in the same fake fashion as the previous one. This time it was the silhouette of a wolf, but to me clearly a man in a wolf suit. Again, the crowd responded in awe but went along their business soon after. When the wolf appeared I was sure; these are related to this event and these are satanic in nature. It’s like the crowd was being desensitised or something, so they would allow something to happen which they would otherwise not allow to happen. Just like the bird, the wolf disappeared suddenly, and people went on with the event.

I had now made a decision. I could not stand idly by while a pen of babies were going to be sacrificed in some kind of evil ritual. I explained this to D. I had to take action, but we both knew I would probably not survive it. But I didn’t care about that. I just couldn’t do nothing. It wasn’t an option for me. She understood. I stood up and went looking for a weapon. I walked around a street with lots of trees and flats, looking for a stick. I found a broken pallet, where one of the planks had broken off. It had nails sticking out of one end. A perfect weapon. I proceeded to the baby enclosure with valour. No matter what I encountered, I was going to try and save as many children as I could, or die trying. I was going to hinder this ritual at all costs.

I’ll never know how far I got cause I woke up soon after.

Edit; Only after numbering the total inventory of published dreams did I see this dream about a satanic ritual is listed as number 66. This is either an incredible (and off-putting) coincidence, or the devil is playing tricks on me. Or perhaps God has a morbid sense of humour? But needless to say I find this curious, and not necessarily in a fun way. 

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Science Teacher and Aspiring Amateur Philosopher