52. The Culling

Date: 26-02-2022

In this dream we were invaded by a slightly more advanced alien civilisation. They used weird drone-like craft, as large as cars, very noisy, and they shot red laser pulses just like the weapons in Star Wars. I knew where they were going to be and how things would unfold in every detail, up to a point that I knew the exact order in which their foot-soldiers would search the toilet units. But even though I knew and used that to my advantage, it turned out that doing that changed the outcome into something that differed ever more from my mental imprint. It ended in my death regardless of how I proceeded, and when I died I came back to a situation a few hours earlier, much in a ground hog day kind of way. I couldn’t safe myself, and died multiple times. Because I had now changed the future so much that I could no longer accurately predict it, I accepted my fate. I decided to instead try and safe others from their deaths, which I had seen happening in earlier versions when I was trying to safe myself. I was successful there, saved many, and it lasted and lasted until I realised that I now had been alive longer than in any of my attempts to safe myself. It ended with me going into a bunker which differed much from how I remembered it. In my mental imprint the bunker was full of people and supplies. In reality not many people survived and there were no supplies.

This dream borrowed many elements from the movie Extinction, which I saw yesterday evening. Before this dream came another dream, which I know virtually nothing about safe a few impressions and images.


Date: 26-02-2022

I don’t remember much about this dream, other than it involved a semi large ship, a stormy sea, and a mosasaurus. I also remember the sky was clear of clouds and that the stars were moving across the sky much too fast. In the dream I pondered how the aliens had been able to speed up Earth’s rotation. That was literally the thought I had. I have no idea what it meant.

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Science Teacher and Aspiring Amateur Philosopher